Troubled Seas


The first whispers of morning came, a warm honey color spilling between the dark trees. Katie ran faster, her heart leaping out of her chest when she caught sight of the ship. She still had a mile or two to go, but Katie was on her way.

Jack woke up feeling odd. Odd because the emotion deep inside him was happiness, pleasure, and something else he chose to ignore. But the moment his hand touched the empty space next to him, he was flying out the door, grabbing pants as he ran.

“Katie!” he yelled loud enough that several customers of the Faithful Bride came out of their rooms to glare at him. “Katie!”

Jack rushed to the third floor and pounded on Scarlet’s door. “Where is she?” his eyes were wild with concern.

“Who Jack?” Scarlet yawned.

“Katie damn it!”

“Jack it’s early. Go back to sleep,” Scarlet started to close the door. Jack kicked the door open he searched the frilly room but it was empty. Turning to Scarlet, he grabbed her shoulders and slammed her against the wooden wall.

“Tell me where she is Scarlet. I know not a thing happens around here that you aren’t aware of,” And Scarlet was scared.

“Jack, clam down love,” her voice trembled. She had only seen that crazy look in his eyes once before, when he lost the Black Pearl. Jack wasn’t someone she considered a violent man, but as he stood before her, pressing her against the wall…She cursed Katie to hell.
“I promise, I don’t know Jacky,” she patted his wrist, hoping he’d let go. His hands were digging into her and if he didn’t let up soon she’d have bruises.

“You’re lying!” Jack yelled. He gave her a rough shake and Scarlet let out a scared cry.

“She-she heard ye Jacky! She heard ye yesterday! When ye was talking to Gibbs. Heard the whole thing,” Scarlet cried.

Jack’s hold went slack and Scarlet was quick to push away from him. “Where is she then?”

“She left Jacky. Said sometin about checkin’ a ride to some island called Anew. Made me promise not to tell ye, said ye wouldn’t let her do it if ye knew. I’m so sorry Jack,” Scarlet was sobbing on her over sized bed. Orange hair shaking as she wept.

“Oh god.” Jack’s face went pale. He ran back to his room, snatching up everything he owned and speeding down to the dock. Gibbs and the rest of the men were already waiting.

“Gibbs! She’s gone,” Jack rushed to his friend, tying his sash around his waist.

Gibbs shook his head, “I told ye she could go at any time.”

“Not dead Gibbs!” Jack swore at his friend. “She’s heading to Anew, we have to stop her!”

“Why?” Gibbs asked.


“There’s nothing ye can do for her Jack, I’ve already told ye that,” Gibbs shrugged. “Let her go Jack. Hell, maybe she’s got a plan, something crazy like ye always done.”

“I don’t care!” Jack shouted gruffly. He ordered everyone on to the Black Pearl and prepared to depart. “Katie is mine! She can’t leave me.”

This made sense to Gibbs so he didn’t argue. Property he understood. The ways of the heart? That made no sense to him at all.

Jack was furious with himself as he steered his precious ship toward the horizon. He should have known Katie was too smart for her own good. He should never have taken her on. He should have made her scream his name until daylight broke over the room.

Jack spat on the deck, he would not think such things until Katie was safely beside him. Who knew what that girl had done to get on a ship sailing toward Anew! Jack would kill any man who touched her. Jack didn’t care that when he first made his arrangement with Katie he had promised to let her be with any man she wanted as long as she returned to him.

Katie was his now, and he wasn’t about to share her. Even if sharing her had nothing to do with property and all to do with his heart.