Troubled Seas


Jack knew Katie’s ship had at least a five hour start on him, so he pushed his vessel to go as fast as possible. Jack also knew that his crew thought he was acting insane, and he probably was. That’s what love does to you.

Jack nearly jumped off the ship. Better to drown than fall in love with a woman. He chose not to think about the implications of his feelings for Katie at the moment. It was far more pressing for him to find her first.

“Cap’n! Starboard!” one of his crew members shouted. Jack was thankful for his captain’s hat, the sun was shining down harshly and without it he would never have seen the silhouette of a ship.

“Aye!” He hollered. “Good work matey!”

Jack sized up the ship, it was smaller than the Black Pearl, the flag high above it belonged to the East India Trading Co.. Jack swore loudly.

“What is it Cap’n?” Gibbs asked.

“Look at that ship Gibbs!” Jack thrust his cutlass at it. “Damn it Katie.”

“Cap’n if I may,” Gibbs peered at the ship. “To hell with her Cap’n, ye don’t need her. Ye could have any wench, all yers for the takin. It ain’t worth it Cap’na, it just ain’t.”

Jack didn’t trust himself not to skewer Gibbs right through the rib cage. He breathed through his nose, trying to calm himself down so he could deal with the situation rationally. But he couldn’t no matter how hard he tried.

“Gibbs,” his voice was rough as sandpaper. “Don’t ever talk about Katie that way. Not ever.”

Gibbs stared at his captain before breaking out into a huge smile. “That’s what I thought. But I told myself, no Gibbs, Jack Sparrow ain’t ever loved anything but his ship and he won’t ever. I saws the way ye was eyeing her though and I wondered to me self but nahh.”

Gibbs slapped Jack on the back like he had just one a fight. “I’m sorry Cap’n but I had to know what we was risking our necks for. “

“Gibbs! What are you rambling about?” Jack asked frustrated.

“Katie, Cap’n, she’s your bonny Lass,” Gibbs kept smiling.

Jack had never felt so ridiculous in his life. He glowered at Gibbs and swung the Black Pearl towards the less grand vessel. “If she’s on there, we’re commandeering that vessel.”

“Aye Aye Cap’n,” Gibbs saluted him and returned to the lower deck.

Jack watched Gibbs as he gathered the men and began telling them a story that involved a lot of hand motions and horrifically the hand symbol for heart. Jack was mortified beyond belief, to be made out as a weak man to your men was inexcusable but Jack knew that Gibbs always had the right words to say to the crew to get them to fight their hardest. He was willing to surrender some of his pride if it meant he could regain Katie.

Gibbs raised up the pirate flag as the Black Pearl neared the East India Trading Company ship. Jack steered his ship so that it was parallel to the enemy ship at a distance wide enough to allow cannon fire but also, for the agile pirate, the ability to swing onto the ship.

The Captain of the smaller ship watched Jack’s ship nervously. Suddenly there was a commotion aboard the deck of the East India. Jack prepared his crew to take fire, in case the commotion was a sign of hostility.

His curiosity was peaked as a single member of the enemy crew appeared to be shoved viciously towards the plank. Jack couldn’t imagine why this ship would throw a member overboard when they should be getting ready for an attack. And that’s when he realized what was happening.

Jack was already stripping himself of his possessions when Katie was pushed off the end of the plank and the East India started to move again, gliding smoothly away from Jack’s hostile ship. “Katie!” he yelled, watching his fair haired lover submerge in the beautiful blue depths.

Jack ran to the lower deck and without hesitation dove in after her. The water hit him with an icy blast, but Jack kept swimming down, looking for Katie. To his surprise Katie was swimming up to him, her eyes not wide with fear, rather determination.

When she saw Jack several bubbles escaped her mouth. She swam harder toward the surface. As soon as she was close enough, Jack grabbed her around the waist and hauled her the rest of the way out of the silent depths.

A long rope slapped the surface the moment the two burst forth from the water. Katie didn’t have a chance to gasp for breath; Jack seized the rope in his left hand and proceeded to capture Katie’s lips with his.

His arms held her close as he plundered the warmness of her mouth. Katie closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensation of Jack having his way with the kiss. When they were finally pulled aboard Jack hoisted up the soaking wet Katie in a very archaic way. He carried her down the marvelous wooden steps and into the room he had left the door open to so many moons before.

Katie barely had time to register how nice the Captains quarters were before Jack’s lips were once more upon hers. Katie had been kissed like this before, he was punishing her. She smiled at the thought and pulled his face closer to hers.

Jack had dropped her on his lush bed, with his thick silky sheets and fluffy pillows. His mouth ravaged hers and then he moved his kisses to the nap of her neck, peeling off her wet clothing as he went. The kisses falling farther and farther down her chilled body. When he kissed the inside of her thigh Katie whimpered.

Jack lifted his head and looked at Katie with triumph. He caressed her smooth thighs with his calloused hand, the difference was so extreme that it had Katie panting. “Oh Jack,” she pleaded. She sat up and removed his clothing for him.

Her hands tangled in his hair and then raked down his back. He cupped her breasts, one in each hand, leaning down he gave them tender kisses. Katie pulled his face up to hers and began kissing him passionately.

“Take me Jack, take me,” She begged as his fingers busied themselves with her lower anatomy.

Jack was only too glad to comply with her moans.