Troubled Seas


Jack checked his compass and slightly corrected his course. Gibbs shook his head not once but twice, pausing to cough directly behind Jack. “Well what is it Gibbs?”

“I think it’s an awful idea Jack. Nothing but trouble will come of it! Nothing but trouble I tell ye!” Gibbs was riled up.

Jack gave him an easy smile, “Gibbs when have you ever been in opposition to a little danger?”

“Every bloody time!” Gibbs declared. “I want to loot and pillage, not invite bloody natives to attack, kill, and eat me and the crew!!”

Jack rolled his eyes. “That’s not going to happen. We’re a very capable lot, and I doubt that some simple natives are going to be able to run us off the island.”

“What about the natives of Pelegosto? Confused ye for a human god and then tried to roast ye alive! That won’t be happening to us again I tell ye!”

Jack winced. “I might remember something of that sort. But nonetheless Gibbs. It’s to Anew we’re headed and it’s to Anew we’ll sail.”

“Blast it Jack! We’re sailing headfirst into danger!” Gibbs shouted.

“Then don’t come with us,” a new voice joined in the disagreement.

“Katie. This is my ship and I’ll be the one giving out orders.” Jack’s voice was gruff and he refused to meet Katie’s glowing blue eyes.

“And it’s my life at risk, so I’ll be partaking in any discussion I feel might affect me.” Katie stood her ground.

“We’re sailing to Anew. That’s all you’re concerned about. Nothing else said on this ship shall affect you in the least,” and with a turn of his head, he dismissed Katie from his side.

“Jack!” Katie cried in outrage. She was not used to Jack treating her like a common member of the crew. She was close with Jack, she was used to getting her way whenever she was around him. Jack had taken to treating Katie like his own personal princess.

“Get to work Katie. Gibbs please show our newest crew member where she will be of most value.” Jack kept his eyes on the horizon.

“Jack, what-“ Katie was cut off. Gibbs took hold of her forearm and hushed her, casting a weary look over her shoulder to Jack.

“Come Katie,” Gibbs tone was infinitely more gentle than Jack’s had been.

Jack listened to the footfalls as they started down the wooden stairs. “Oh. And Katie? I’ll be expecting you in the Captain’s quarters this evening.”

Jack’s tone was smug, filled with lust and the knowledge of the control he held over Katie. It made the hairs on her arms stand up. Katie was filled with rage. Rage that came from Jack’s idea that he had power over her and the fact that he was quite right in thinking so.

“And if I don’t come?” she stopped on the stairs.

“Then I’ll come to you. In the crews sleeping quarters. And we’ll have ourselves an audience.” He replied snidely.

The wave of rage broke over her once more. But there was nothing she could do. She owed Jack, her life if things worked out as she planned at Anew. She had to do anything Jack wanted of her, or lose her chance at saving her own life.