Troubled Seas

Better than Vaudeville

Katie watched the other crew members, learning what she should do. It wasn’t much different from what the crew had done on her brother’s ship but back then she had never been a part of the operations. It was hard labor but Katie was thankful for something to keep her mind off of Jack.

At about noon Katie sat down with two crew members, Marty and Cotton, they each pulled out an apple to snack on. Cotton reached into his left pocket and pulled out an extra apple for Katie.

“Thanks,” she nodded appreciatively.

“Wind in your sails!” Cotton’s pirate squawked.

“He means no problem,” Marty interpreted.

Katie smiled at her odd assortment of friends. “So what’s it like to have Jack as a captain?”

“Decent. He’s an honest captain which is hard to come by. A little paranoid after the whole mutiny by the original Black Pearl crew; but he’s getting’ over that we think.” Marty shrugged.

The three lapsed into silence as they savored their apples. Cotton occasionally bit off a small portion of the juicy red apple and fed it to his parrot. Katie assumed this action should gross her out, but it seemed a little late to be worrying about manners with a bunch of pirates.

She had almost completely forgotten the unfortunate scene with Jack this morning until her attention caught on Anamaria. The dark skinned beauty who was storming up the wooden staircase to speak with Jack.

Anamaria. Katie hated her very name. Katie had never been exactly fond of other females, she preferred to be a one woman show, she didn’t like competing for her father’s, brother’s, or any other male’s attention. Especially Jack’s. And especially now when he was mad at her for some unknown reason.

Katie watched with narrow eyes as Anamaria flailed her arms about, making grand gestures and jabbing Jack repeatedly in the chest. Jack took the onslaught good naturedly, a grin coming to his lips. Anamaria raised a hand, sent it sailing for Jack’s cheek but he captured it with his stronger hand and pulled Anamaria uptight against his body.

Katie’s mouth went dry. Her heart rate sped up. She felt sick to her stomach. Katie grabbed the material of her pants in between her hands, clenching it tightly.

“Katie? Are you okay?” Marty asked, sounding concerned.

She couldn’t answer. She was still watching the feud above her.

Anamaria tried to pull away from Jack but he was too strong. Her body melted into his. Jack’s swarthy face bent down. He spoke to Anamaria. She shook her head violently. Jack smirked. He grabbed Anamaria’s ass in his left hand.

Katie choked on a piece of apple. Spitting it onto the wooden floor.

Jack covered Anamaria’s mouth with his. She resisted at first, trying to fight away from him. But then. She clung to him, her hands grabbing fistfuls of his hair, grabbing at any part of his body she could reach. Jack reciprocated the actions taking full advantage of her.

Katie felt a lump rising in her throat. It was painful. She didn’t want to watch this, but she couldn’t look away. Her eyes were glued to the scene that was breaking her heart into a million tiny pieces.

The pair didn’t break a part. Only held on tighter to one another. They were melding into one person instead of two separate beings.

She couldn’t stand it any longer! Katie jumped to her feet and ran down to the crew’s quarters. Tears brimming over, streaming down her face, making her trip over the stairs. She gasped for breath, trying to control herself but everything was out of control.

Katie had never felt so much pain in her entire life. Her heart literal ached, a pounding sickening ache. It made her want to throw up. She clutched her head in her hands and sobbed.
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To Sookie Stackhouse because she is awesome