Troubled Seas

All Wrong

Jack watched Katie run down into the bowels of the ship. He savagely pushed Anamaria from him and moved to run after his Katie. But Ana grabbed onto his wrist and wouldn’t release. She was clawing at him, vainly trying to bring him back into the moment they had been sharing.

“Get off!” Jack shook her off his arm. She stumbled back, her face crumbling.

“You! You kissed me just to get back at that wench Katie! Didn’t you? Didn’t you!” she screamed, reeling back to attack him.

“Get over it Anamaria. You enjoyed the kiss as much as I did so there’s no need to get all up in arms about it,” his voice was commanding. It quelled the storm raging inside her.

“You’re a bastard Jack,” she frowned, nursing a bruised ego.

“I know,” he mumbled, his eyes staring sorrowfully at the lower deck, willing Katie to come out from the crew’s quarters.

“She’s going to hate you Jack,” Ana leaned against the railing, watching the waves crest.

“Good,” his voice was bitter.

“What are you trying to do Jack?” she asked.

“Keep her safe.”

“She’s a tough girl Jack, she can take care of herself.”

“You’re wrong. She already has enough to fight through without adding my enemies to her list,” Jack replied miserably, thinking about that blasted island Anew.

“What’s going on Captain?” Ana asked warily.

“Nothing. Get out of my sight before I decide to throw you overboard,” he threatened half heartedly. She watched her captain for a moment, decided it was best to let him brood, and returned to the lower deck.

Jack groaned. He hated himself. And Jack was a very confident guy, hating himself didn’t come easy. But how else could he feel after causing Katie so much pain. So much necessary pain to keep her far from him. To keep her safe.

And that’s all he wanted. He wanted to protect Katie. He wanted to save her. He wanted to love her.

“Dammit Jack!” he cursed to himself. Once they got this business done at Anew, Jack decided he would find himself a woman to make his on ship wench, otherwise there would be no way to keep himself from begging for Katie’s forgiveness and love.

He loathed that word. Love. Disgusting. Ridiculous. Painful. The worst thing that ever happened to him.

He glowered at the ocean. “Mr. Gibbs!” he bellowed. Gibbs grumbled before complying to the command. He stomped up the stairs, muttering under his breath, most words sounding like swearing.

“What is it Jack?”

“Tonight. If Katie doesn’t come to my room, force her, drag her yourself.”

“No Jack. I won’t do that to Miss Katie, she’s a sweet lass,” Gibbs frowned.

“You will do it because I’m telling you to,” Jack growled.

“I’m sorry Jack. Ye ask a great many things of me and I have always tried my best to be a god friend to ye. But this Jack, I must refuse.” Gibbs shook his head and left.

Jack spent the remaining hours of sunlight cursing whatever fate brought him to Katie. He knew it must have been some punishment for the many evil he had done in his life. And that made him even more furious. How dastardly a man was he to fall in love with so sweet a girl?