Troubled Seas

Spoiling Spoils

“Katie? Katie stop,” Marty begged nervously. “You’re face is getting all puffy!”

“Go away,” Katie swatted at her short friend.

“You’re needed on deck,” Marty pulled at her hand, tugging her.

“I’m not going anywhere. Tell them I’m sick,” she rolled over on her hammock and pounded on her lumpy pillow.

“You’re part of the crew! It doesn’t matter if you’re sick! You have duties to perform,” Marty pleaded.

“I don’t care! I wish Jack would have left me to drown in peace!” she sobbed harder.

“Shh! Don’t say such things! Tis bad luck,” Gibbs hushed his female friend. “Go Marty, I’ll take care of Katie.”

“Leave me be Gibbs! Please!” Katie pleaded.

“Jack sent me down to fetch ye,” he avoided eye contact with the distraught Katie.

“No Gibbs. I’m not going to Jack. Send that wench Ana to him, she won’t mind,” Katie said vehemently.

“He sent me for ye Katie, not Ana.”

“I don’t care who he sent you for! I’m not going up there. I hate him!”

“Hate doesn’t matter Katie. I won’t make ye go to him. But ye have to understand that if he wants ye lying next to him, he will have his way.” Gibbs gave her small shoulder a pat. “I’m sorry Katie.”

Katie glowered. Her heart beating wildly in her rib cage, making her feel sick. She couldn’t go to Jack, she just couldn’t. It would kill all that was lady-like in her. No matter what became of her, Katie would leave this world with at least a shred of dignity.

“Good luck sweet Katie,” Gibbs rose from her side and walked away, leaving her to her misery.

“This was all a mistake,” she muttered to herself. “I should have stayed on that rotten island. I wouldn’t have survived long anyway, who knows when the curse will strike and I’ll fall dead before it. I hate you Jack! With all that is in me, I hate you!”

But hate wasn’t going to change what Katie had to do. She could either wait and hope that Jack didn’t march down to the crew quarters and drag her up to his by the hairs on her head. Or she could go to him. Go to him and lay down her rules.

Katie was a woman of action. She would not hide down here and cower from Jack. She would rise up and meet him.

Wiping the tears from her eyes, Katie inhaled a deep breath and stood. “You will not break me down Jack Sparrow.”

Jack saw the fire in Katie’s eyes the moment she stormed into his luxurious quarters. He wanted to feel satisfied that he had won. That Katie had come to him, but he didn’t. Instead, Jack knew that the only way he would feel satisfied would be if Katie came to him because she wanted him the way he wanted her.

Her boots clacked on the hard wood floor with every step she took toward him. “Jack Sparrow,” her body trembling as she spoke, “I think that you are the most vile person I have ever laid eyes upon. And I shall hate you until the day I die!” she slapped him hard across the face.

The blood rushed to point of impact immediately. His face stung and his blood boiled. “Don’t hold back Love, tell me what you really think!” he taunted venomously.

“I think I would have been better off dropping dead from this curse than ever having slept with you! You have degraded me for the last time Jack Sparrow, I will not be your wench! Take that whore Anamaria but never think of laying a finger on me. I will not allow it!” her voice rose shrilly.

“Degraded you love? You threw yourself at my feet, practically begged me to violate that body you claim to be so pure. No Katie. I gave you what you wanted and from now on, you’ll be returning the favor.” He stepped forward, dangerously invading her space.

“I hate you Jack Sparrow! I hate you!” she screamed.

Her words stung deep in his heart but he ignored it, or at least he tried. Jack grabbed Katie’s waist and pulled her to him roughly. His grimy hand digging into her chaste flesh. “And I hate you!” his mouth descended on hers, covering, punishing, capturing, and overpowering.

“But you will be mine,” he growled before lifting her up, slamming the door closed with his foot, throwing her across the bed, and ravishing her until the break of dawn.