Troubled Seas


Katie woke up alone. Cold and alone. She looked around the Captain’s room, at first confused by her surroundings and then terribly sadden by them. She hated the night she had spent with Jack. Filled with passion and lust and something else, something that felt a lot like hate.

Hate was a scary feeling. A raw heat that surged forth when Jack pushed his rough lips against Katie’s and then proceeded to have his way with her. Katie was a naturally loving girl, but Jack had gone from her savior to the man she loathed. And she knew. She knew that there was nothing she could do to stop Jack from having her any time he pleased.

Katie was furious, she wanted to scream, but she didn’t want to draw attention to herself for fear that she would be made to work on the deck without having a chance to eat something. Instead she sat up and began the desperate search for her clothing.

Her face flushed as she picked up each scattered article of apparel. “Damn you Jack Sparrow, damn you to hell!” she cursed.

“Miss me already darling?” the devil himself drawled from the doorway.

Katie gasped, hurriedly attempting to hide her naked body behind the clothes clutched in her hands.

He laughed with mirth, “Oh please, don’t be shy on my account.”

“What has gotten into you Jack!” Katie cried. She pulled her undergarments on to try and save face. Not that it did any good; she knew the fabric was thin and very revealing.

“That’s Captain Jack to you,” he glowered, taking a menacing step forward.

“You didn’t used to be Captain Jack! You used to be my friend Jack! My lover Jack! And now! Now you are a monster,” her voice was shrill.

“Monster? That seems a little cruel my dear,” he grinned, but the expression seemed pained.

“Where is your wench Anamaria? I’m sure she’d love to be used by you! Why not grant her the position you have condemned me to? Or do you truly hate me that much Captain Jack!” she spit the words at him.

“But Ana has none of your spark. None of your charm, charm that comes from your fear of me. No, no, Ana is too wise to hold my interest. But you Katie, you are young and fresh. I like that,” Jack’s words were a slap to her face.


“Tell me Love, tell me what you really think,” he cajoled her, his face twisting into a crazed look.

“I-it hurts!” she yelled out, falling to her knees. The clothing fell to the wooden planks below, both of Katie’s hands grasping at her dainty wrist, the one carrying the heinous symbol.

“What?” Jack asked, scowling at the sudden change in discussion.

Katie’s grip tightened around her wrist until her nails were biting into her skin. Tears welled in her eyes as the burning sensation in her wrist continued to swell until her whole body felt as if it were engulfed in flames. She screamed, an agonizing, howling sound, filled with anguish and pain.

“Katie?” Jack asked, bending beside the writhing girl. “Katie what’s wrong?” his tone was colored with worry.

She screamed again, convulsing on the floor. “Help!” she called out, gasping for air. “Please!”

For the first time in his life, Jack was terrified. He had never been as completely and utterly helpless as he was now. Jack watched Katie with wide eyes, scared to death he might lose the only person who had ever meant something to him.

“Gibbs!” he yelled, trying to make his voice heard above Katie’s cries. “Gibbs!”

“Cap’n!” Gibbs replied, dashing into the room, looking around wildly to see what was causing all the racket.

“Gibbs!” Jack repeated, turning from his trusted friend and back to Katie. “Do something!”

Gibbs backed against the wall. “No Cap’n, I’m sorry. There is nothing I can do for her.”

“Help her!” Jack shouted, wrapping his strong arms around Katie and pulling her into his chest, trying to quell her thrashing.

“Cap’n let her go! It’s too late to save her!” Gibbs crossed himself quickly, inching toward the doorway.

“Leave!” Jack waved Gibbs off, turning his full attention to Katie.

She cried out over and over, her body twitching, trembling, shivering, before finally going completely still. Her breathing evened out, slowed, then stopped.

“Katie! Katie wake up! Wake up!” Jack shook her body violently. But Katie didn’t respond, she lay limp in his arms, her face pale and her wrist glowing red.
♠ ♠ ♠
dedicated to Sookie Stackhouse because I think she is amazing =] And I totally owed her this chapter!