Troubled Seas


Jack turned to stare at his once precious Katie, disgust in his eyes. You can never trust a woman. He knew that. He broke that rule. And now he stood before a demon awaiting his own damned fate.

“Now my darlings,” the evil grey eyes smiled at the displeasure written all over Jack’s face. “As much as I would love to kill you both right now and have this whole ordeal over with, I need to prepare the natives for the ritual.”

The soulless man tipped his tattered captain’s hate to Jack. With a quick flick of his wrist, the man exited the hut.

Jack waited in disbelief not comprehending why the man would leave. This provided Jack with the perfect opportunity to escape, or at least –

Jack attempted to step forward, but he couldn’t. Something much stronger that gravity held him in place. The grey eyed man had a great amount of power and this was only a taste. Jack knew the man was playing with him. He could do much more damage than this.

“Jack,” Katie whispered next to him. He could hear the remorse in her voice.

“Save it Love. It’s a bit late for apologizes now,” Jack scoffed refusing to look at the woman he had once loved.

Katie fell silent, her heart heavy a sick. There was no way of escaping, she knew that. And now she had trapped Jack here as well.

Jack looked around the tent. He needed to find the source of the man’s power. It had to be something destructible, that’s how all supernatural events happened that Jack had the chance to encounter during his life. His dark eyes roamed the hut, scanning every object for an underlying significant meaning.
Katie watched Jack intently. She wasn’t sure what he was trying to do. It was almost as if he was trying to see through the bamboo hut. She focused on the bamboo wall across from her, allowing her mind to go blank, searching for an answer.

A very strange wind picked up in the hut. A swirling that had the bloodied dirt beneath their feet rising into the air and circling about. Just as the air had been charged with electricity when the man stood in the room, now again it was frantic with unused energy.


Katie looked up, confused by the whisper. It hadn’t been Jack who spoke…but the voice was strangely familiar. She went back to staring at the opposite wall, desiring to hear the voice again.

Focus Kat! the voice was frantic, desperate to be understood.

Katie ignored the throbbing pain in her shoulder, the queasy feeling in her stomach, the horror of what was to come. She put all of this from her mind and thought only of the voice.

He needs your help Kat. Please remember… the voice was in pain.

“Remember what?” she whispered.

Jack frowned. He hadn’t said anything… who was Katie talking to? Maybe she was losing whatever sanity she had left. He shook his head and decided to pay no mind to the girl beside him. She wasn’t his problem anymore… Or at least that’s what he was trying to convince his heart.

You know… You’ve always known…

The voice! It was so familiar! It was so close but so far out of reach. If she could just figure out who it belonged to, she might know what it wanted her to do.

The ship.
An abrupt image of burning sails and screaming men filled Katie’s mind. The stench of burning flesh and ocean salt combined, forcing her already unsettled stomach to heave.

The rocks.

The ship throwing itself against the rocky shore. The few men who had survived the storm moaning as their bodies slammed mercilessly into the cruel forces of nature. Katie, dragging herself over the sharp edges, hands bleeding from every effort to live.


And suddenly Katie knew. She knew exactly what it would take for Jack to survive. For only Jack to survive.
♠ ♠ ♠
It has been an extremely LONG time since an update and I am very sorry for that. I have been very very busy with school but I plan to try and finish this story during my winter break! So keep your fingers crossed! Thanks for sticking with me through this long break!
