Troubled Seas


Jack looked her over once; she was quite a small girl to be carrying such a heavy burden. “Maybe I can do you a favor?”

“Oh?” She looked up curiously.

“I’ve got a beautiful ship but even she could use a beautiful companion,” Jack smiled seductively.

“I’m not that type of a girl Captain Sparrow, no matter what others may say,” she glanced back at the Drunken Sailor.

“You’re not? I thought you were the kind of girl who was looking for adventure on the open seas. The kind of girl who was ready to get of this big rock and live where ever the wind takes you. The kind of girl who was more than a puffy pink dress. But, if I’m wrong..”

She stayed silent for a while, her eyes fixated on the Black Pearl, bobbing gently as the ripples of the water hit the hull.

“What’s your name lass?” Jack stood up stretching his legs.

“Katrina Angelica Bellamu,” she said, sounding like an actress reciting her lines. “But I prefer Kate.”

“Well Kate, if you decided to come with us,” he pointed towards his beloved ship, “I’ll be waiting for you reply at the Drunken Salior, enjoying the ale I never got to taste because of you.” He chuckled.

Jack strolled away leaving Miss Bellamu to her thoughts. For his part, Jack had been honest. He had never minded having a woman aboard his ship, others thought they were incapable of a man’s work, but Jack begged to differ. Never had he had a male hand who was not only willing to work hard, but felt that he had to.

Jack admired woman, he always had. He thought that they were beautiful, strong, and unbelievably complicated. He was willing to deal with their highs and lows as long as they were willing to give something to him in return. Jack’s lips pulled up into a mischievous grin, right now he was in the mood for some pay back for the heart to heart he had just been forced into.

That evening Jack was back at the Drunken Sailor, smiling smugly about his latest success. “So you’re coming?” he asked triumphantly.

“I don’t really have a choice,” Kate tried to hide her smile. “Once my neighbor saw us sitting next to each other he was only too excited to tell my family who then informed me they would no longer be calling me daughter. I have nowhere to go if I don’t take you up on your offer.”

“Good! We set sail in the morning,” he took a deep gulp from his overflowing mug. “Now its time for me to relax and take in the local color.”

“I’m going back to the manor to get my things, I’ll meet you on the dock at sunrise,” Kate rose from the table. “And don’t get too drunk Captain Sparrow, I don’t want to have to break you out of jail,” she warned.

“I know how to handle my liquor,” Jack waved her off.