Troubled Seas

Lost to the Sea

The grey eyed man’s scream was that of a man condemned. The grip around Jack’s throat relaxed, and Jack staggered away from him. Swiftly as he could, Jack’s hand shot forward and ripped the amulet off of him. This was the opportune moment Katie had spoke of.

The dormant natives rose, slowly creeping toward the bluff, spears clutched in their bloodied hands. The grey eyed man drew a dagger with a ruby in the hilt from its sheath. “She will have died in vein!” He slashed madly at Jack, who only narrowly missed the attacks.

The sky darkened evermore. Jack scrambled from the edge, he needed to get back to the hut. The grey eyed man drew back and raised the dagger high above him, aiming for Jack’s heart. Jack rolled out of the way, as the dagger soared down at him, the amulet clutched so tightly in his hand it was drawing blood from the cut on his palm.

The natives drew nearer. Jack fled the bluff, the grey eyed man followed. Jack leapt onto the bluff where Katie hand stood. The amulet pulsed in his clenched hand. Maybe he didn’t need to make it back to the hut, maybe he could –

The grey eyed man grabbed onto Jack’s white shirt, his fingers ripping into the thin material. “You shall be mine!” The ruby glowed bright red as He drew it back.

“Sorry, Mate,” Jack grinned. The amulet slipped from his fingers, dropping straight down to the rocks below.

“No!” He shrieked, throwing Jack to the side and diving to the ground, his hand outstretched for the amulet, but it was already gone.

Jack dragged himself off the cliff, rolling out of the way of the many natives. Their eyes were no longer dead, but filled with vengeance, they had finally reached their victim. With their deadly spears they surrounded the grey eyed man, swarming around him like attacking bees. They stabbed Him in a rhythmic pattern.

The grey eyed man cried out in unbearable pain. Jack hastened to clap his hands over his ears, blocking out the terrifying scream. Slowly, Jack’s crew came to, and the sky began to lighten, the dark clouds dissipating.

Jack drew himself up, the stab wound in his thigh throbbing. He knew that it was now or never for his men to escape. “To the ship!”

Every step cause a great shock of pain to shoot up Jack’s leg. He grimaced, he had made it this far, he was not going to start showing pain presently. Above him, the skies were clear and blue, the sun setting steadily in the west. In front of him, his crew drew in ragged breaths as they charged through the woods and to the waiting Black Pearl.

Jack fought the urge to collapse as soon as he staggered on board. Anamaria rushed to his side, but Jack waved her off. “Steer us away from this wretched island, Anamaria.”

“Aye-Aye, Captain.” Anamaria turned to depart, then paused. “Captain, Katie is not to join us?”

At this, Jack’s world tilted dangerously and he sagged back against the side of the boat. Jack felt as if he were choking, his eyes stung, and it was his heart, rather than his leg that hurt him most at that moment. “No, Anamaria. She shall not be joining us again.”