Troubled Seas


The blonde looked curiously at her caller. She looked him up and down thoroughly, before taking a tentative step toward Jack. “Excuse me, have I met you before?”

Jack felt pain shoot across his heart. “No, no. I rather think I’m mistaken.” He shook his head vigorously.

Katrina walked up Jack, peering up into his face. Jack self-consciously wiped dirt away from his cheek.

“Katrina, dear, do you know this man?” Benjamin asked rather nervously. It was clear that the Navy Captain did not fancy the idea of his younger sister being on friendly terms with such a ruffian.

“I-I don’t know. It’s like waking from a dream,” she murmured quietly. “What did you call me, sir?”

Jack had never been referred to as a sir in his entire life. It took him a moment to overcome the shock. “Katie, I called you Katie.”

“Katie? How strange, I don’t believe I have ever been referred to as Katie. And yet, when you said Katie, I responded as if you had called me by name.”

Jack remained still, awaiting Katie’s decision. His heart pounded loudly inside his chest.

“Katie,” she marveled. She reached up and tilted Jack’s hat up to better see his face. With this motion Jack was astonished to see that where once Katie had been branded another’s, there was only bare pure skin.

“I’m sorry; I think I made a mistake.” Jack backed away, his heart aching painfully. His Katie was gone forever, whoever this Katie was; she was not and would never be his.

Jack walked briskly away, back to the waiting and very confused Will Turner. Katrina remained on the spot, turning over many wild thoughts in her head. Benjamin was close at her side, his concern for her evident in the lines of his youthful face. “Is everything alright, Love?” Benjamin asked with worry.

“Love?” Katrina’s eyes widened.

“Shall we be off, Mate?” Jack woodenly asked Will.

“Mate?” Katrina’s mind was reeling. A strange tingle burned on her wrist.

“What just happened, Jack? How do you know that girl?” Will frowned at his old friend.


The question hung heavy in the air. Jack wavered, should he turn and suffer more pain, or should he walk away? But the tug of his heart was too much to ignore. When he turned around, Katrina was mere inches behind him with her hand outstretched as if to turn him toward her.

Everything the else was the same, except for the eyes. Katie’s eyes looked into his and they knew him. She lifted her hand to his face, gently brushing her fingertips over his battered cheek. “What ever have you gotten yourself into this time?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Unfortunately when I posted this last week, I managed not post the whole chapter. So, this is rather a re-post instead of a new chapter. I sincerely apologize for that!
