Troubled Seas

Push Off

“We shouldn’t make promises that can’t be kept,” she looked at him cautious.

“So you won’t stay with me?”

“Are you willing to do the same? You’re asking me to devote myself to you?”
“No. You don’t have to be my slave, you just have to… You can spend your nights with which ever rascals you want, as long as you always return to me.”

“Are you saying you like me Captain Sparrow?”

“I’m saying I want you,” he pulled her into the curve of his body. His breathe was coarse against her neck, his hands grimy as they held onto her.

“I am no one’s property,” Kate pushed herself from him defiantly.

“Your wrist would say differently.”

Kate’s jaw dropped, she didn’t know what Jack was talking about, but somehow…

“Better get going Love, before the weather changes,” Jack smirked.

“What did you mean by that?” she ran after him.

“Out on the open ocean, that dandy little painting is going to earn you more than a frown or two. It’s going to encourage other “sailors” such as myself, to have go atcha. And I can promise, none of them will make such a kind offer as mine.”

“I don’t believe you!” They were nearly at the dock now. The locals were peering out windows to stare at the odd looking pair. A jealous Lady in Red cast an unpleasant look in Kate’s direction.

“Ah yes, why believe a pirate whose been among the ruffians and other scum of the more proper society…” Jack rolled his eyes. There was a slight bounce in his step, he knew he had Kate in a bind. She could either doubt him and lose her chance at safer than most deal; or she could continue to pretend that she was better than all the other pirates and hope no one took advantage of her in her disabled position.

“We can discuss this on the Black Pearl,” Kate’s lips began to pout.

“Sorry Love, you have to choose now. Either you step on my ship as mine, or you don’t step on her at all.” Jack leaned casually against one of the wooden poles supporting the dock.

“I…I can’t believe you Jack Sparrow!” Kate shouted in outrage.

“Lower you voice!” Jack admonished, looking around anxiously in case any nosey local had heard the unfortunate proclamation of his name. Jack wasn’t exactly a clean man and he had had his fair share of trouble with the British law. He was still a wanted man in Port Royal and it was better all around if Jack could keep a low profile. That’s why he had to be careful at unknown pubs not to drink too much, for fear of spilling the wrong information to the wrong stranger.

“Fine! Leave me here. I don’t care; I’ll find another way to make it onto the ocean. You’re not the only rascal who washes up on these shores. I’m glad that I’m seeing the last of your slimy hind! Now get out of here before I tell her Majesty’s royal army that you’re dirtying up this loyal town!” Kate lifted the skirt of her dress and stomped back toward ‘The Drunken Sailor’.

“Wait, wait, wait!” Jack growled. Kate ignored his angry cries and continued on her righteous way.

“Scum of the earth! Dirty filthy whore! Sinner!!” the screeching voice hit Jack’s ears like a nail in the brain. He wasn’t quite recovered from his rambunctious night, but until now his throbbing headache had subsided.

“Get! Get! Don’t you dirty our precious island with your fornication! You’re unclean soul!” the woman shook and gnarled finger at Kate. The woman was old, her face dropped from the heavy wrinkles that imprinted it. Her eyes glowed fiercely, her crazy gray hair billowing in the salty window.

Kate shrank back from the woman, bumping into Jack on her way. There was a frantic quality to her motions; Kate was obviously very intimidated, maybe even afraid of this woman. She pushed past Jack, rushing towards the Black Pearl.