Troubled Seas

Changing Winds

It took two days to reach Tortuga. During this passage of time Jack tried to remember any semblance of gentleman behavior that he had been taught during his youth. Jack complimented her often, tried to avoid using coarse language, and kept the door to his sleeping area open nightly.

Jack knew this last act was the very opposite of gentleman behavior but, he couldn’t stop his blackened soul from hoping Kate wasn’t quite the angel she seemed to be. All in all, Jack had to admit he was acting almost childishly, for the first time in his life he was wooing a lady.

These gestures were not lost on Kate, and she was glad for them. Jack’s kindness made the shift in her life from pampered maiden to sea wench much more endurable. Every night when she climbed down into the depths of the vessel, she would look into Jack’s open room. The light was always burning brightly, a cheerful glow. But what Jack wanted to happen in his room was not something Kate cared to try just yet.

“I do believe you are trying to capture my heart Captain Sparrow,” Kate commented one day as she peered into the rushing ocean below her.

“Is it working?” Jack’s dark eyes looked longingly at Kate’s billowing blonde tendrils.

“It wouldn’t be lady-like of me to tell,” she looked up at him and smiled.

Jack frowned, he wasn’t a naturally patient man, but he respected Kate and Jack did not respect many people. If a little wooing was all it would take for Kate to come willingly to him, he would bid his time and play the fool.

“Am I going to like Tortuga?” Kate asked curiously.

“No, I rather doubt it Love,” he laughed heartily. “Just remember, every new experience is a good one and you might survive our time spent there.”

“Oh,” Kate sighed.

“Don’t look so down Katie, it’ll be your first chance to meet scallywags and dastardly men.”

“Katie?” she wrinkled her nose.

“Yes. Katie, it fits you perfectly,” Jack turned the helm to the right. Kate stared at his strong brown hands, the tendons taunt as he kept turning the wheel. A blush rose to her cheeks as she pondered what it would feel like to have those hands hold her.

“When shall we arrive in Tortuga Captain Sparrow?”

“Soon, keep a steady eye out for land, we’ll see if you can spot it before I can,” he winked at her.

“Land Ho!” Kate cried out excitedly. The bright lights in the Tortuga’s port glowed in the heavy darkness of the night. She rushed to the bow of the ship leaning eagerly against the rails.

“Try not to fall in Katie,” Jack teased. “I do believe you won our little contest.”

“I doubt that.”

“Oh?” he asked innocently.

“I’m under the impression you let me win, my dear Cap’n,” Kate turned to face him inquisitively.

“Pirates never lie Katie! Least of all me,” Jack smirked, his dark eyes flashing. “Prepare to swing the lead Love and drop the anchor. Welcome home Katie Bellamu.”