Troubled Seas


“Hurry up Katie! We’re never going to get far with you always lagging behind like that,” Jack couldn’t help but smile wickedly. He enjoyed the feeling of having power over Katie, especially because he knew that he wouldn’t be able to control her for long.

“I’m not sure if it escaped your notice, Captain Sparrow, but not only are your legs far longer than mine, but your clothes are much less cumbersome as well,” Katie panted as she marched tirelessly behind Jack.

“Right Lass! I promised you new clothes and new clothes you shall have, first thing tomorrow morning. For now I want to bring you into The Faithful Bride and introduce you to a good friend of mine, Joshamee Gibbs,” Jack picked up the pace, eager to indulge in not only ale but woman to boot.

“Come now Katie! Faster Love,” Jack commanded with excitement.

“I’m coming,” Katie grumbled. Her eyes swept over the island, taking in all the filthy, fornication, chaos. She loved it. “This place is amazing Cap’n!”

Jack stopped in his tracks and spun around to look Kate in the face. “What?”

“I said I like Tortuga,” she reiterated mildly confused by his response.

Jack grinned widely and retraced several steps until he was able to wrap his arm around Katie’s shoulders. “I sure did pick the right Lass to be on my ship Katie.”

Katie blushed, not sure she ought to like his compliment. “Whose Joshamee Gibbs?”

“Ah, he’s an old mate, we go way back. Actually I’m rather interested in what he has to say about that nifty tattoo on your wrist.”

“You really think he’ll know what it means?” Katie felt curiosity burning deep inside her.

“Of course! There isn’t a single thing Gibbs doesn’t know, he’s a true old salt if I’ve ever met one,” Jack blustered proudly.

“Hurry Jack!” Katie tugged on his sleeve and tried to run as fast as her small feet could manage.