Why Can't She Believe Me

A War Unravles

What she saw was worse than she ever expected.

In front of her was a wardrobe filled with pictures of half naked girls. Not women, but little girls. Possibly between the ages of 5-9. The few photos in the center of the collage were a few photos of his very own daughter. She was cute, with curly strawberry-blonde hair circling a pale face. She had rosy cheeks and a toothless smile. The biggest photo of her was the exact center of it all, which portrayed her in a blue frilly bikini. It didn’t fit her properly which revealed part of her innocent body on the photograph. She was floating on an air tube in a pool. Her top revealing her chest in what would be a purely normal thing for children of such a young age, but seeing a photo in a grown man’s wardrobe puts a whole new meaning to innocence of a child. The other photos which surrounded the picture of his kid were of other children in far more revealing positions.

One picture was even of a girl flattening out her towel and thrusting her little pink bathing suit covered bottom high up.

To make matters worse, there was also sight of underwear poking out of a drawer. Katelyn put on a glove and opened the drawer to investigate the contents inside. Only then did she become completely dismayed for what she saw nearly brought all her walls down. There were definitely many pairs of childrens’ underwear, but underneath it all was a photo of a young girl of whom Katelyn recognized without a doubt.

The photo was of a girl in only panties. She wore her hair in little braids on each side of her small head. There were bows at the ends of her braids. In her hand was a pink teddy bear with a different colored patch on each limb of his body. A blue and a yellow hand, with a green and red foot. Her eyes were filled with sadness.

Sadness came over her due to her big sister leaving her. Leaving to go to her first day of school. She felt so alone, didn’t want to be anywhere if not with her big loving sister. She begged her mum all she could, asking if she could also go. But her mummy wouldn’t give in. She ran up to her sister and hugged her. Told her how much she’d miss her. And hope that she would come home and soon. Her big sister spoke softly stating that she’d never wish to ever leave her little sister for a long time. That she loves her so much, and not to worry.

Katelyn turned away quickly, and clashed into Carlos. He grabbed her and held her tightly. He felt her muscles tense up and then suddenly release. She then began to sob. That’s when he knew something was up.

“What’s wrong señorita? Tell me what’s going on, I’ll give you some Spanish lovin’.” That lead her to cry all the more, tear after tear kept letting loose. She just couldn’t stop. Her knee’s even gave way so she was leaning on her little Spanish friend, Carlos.

“Katelyn, mirame- look, talk to me. Tell me what is going on. I need to know what triggered this.” She looked up and met his eyes. They were filled with true concern and love. He wasn’t the type of guy who avoided emotions like sadness, but he let them go, and he vowed he’d fix every tear which would fall from ones sad eyes.

that photo is of Alice. My first day of pre-school. She w-w-was so sad to see me l-leave.” Her emotions took over again.

Carlos took a sharp breath then swore to God, now he knew that this case wasn’t going to let off easily. This bastard would cause pain for everyone on the team until he was behind bars for a long time. No ifs, ands, or buts,- he was going down.

“Okay, grab the door, I need to take a photo of all this.” He lead her to the door frame and pulled out his Samsung Epic 4G and went straight to the camera. He took a shot of the whole collage of children, then of the drawer filled with knickers, and finally the picture disposed underneath the child-worn panties. He sent the pictures back to the base and placed his phone back in his pocket. He then closed the entire wardrobe up as it was before. He walked up to his partner and took her by the waist and made way back down to the main floor. They walked through to the back door and walked around the house for security reasons.

Carlos then placed Katelyn in the passengers spot and took the wheel.
Before heading back to the office he drove to a Colombian food shack. Where he made Katelyn indulge in food meant to heal the soul. She did so without a second thought.