If It Means a Lot to You

Yeah I want it,but no I don't need it.

Sierra's POV

Damn.Damn.Damn. "I can't find anything!" I said aloud to myself as I straightened up the house. the pervious night I had to unpack everything. I had overslept and now it's one in the afternoon and I'm running around the house trying to straighten everything up,find the good silverware,fix my hair,put on makeup,get all the food ready and the cake before my parents,Jeremy's parents,and numerous of our other relatives and friends came over to welcome us to the apartment. This was hard to do alone. I had a toothbrush hanging out of my mouth, a straightener in my hand and was dialing the phone for the bakery with my toes.
After accomplishing all that, I felt ready to take on the crowd that was about to enter my new home. Knock knock.
"Oh shit." I whispered and plastered a huge fake grin on my face.

Jeremy's POV

"Something importants going on today." I said. Neil through a burger wrapper paper at my head.
"We're traveling for hours and hours and hours,not having to play at all today or tonight and there's a House marathon on tonight. That's what's important." He said. We were on the tour bus,traveling for a really long time. I had no clue where we were going but we usually never do.
"No I mean," I sighed. I really had no idea what I was supposed to remember."Something back home."
"Well home's a long way away so," Tom began but I cut him off short.
"Home! Home! Home! Awww fuck it! We're having a house warming party today. Damnit!" I remembered. There is going to be an apartment warming party today. My parents and two of my cousins their spouses and kids, her parents, her sisters,her brother and their spouses and kids, and some of our friends. She's all alone. All alone and handling all of that.

Sierra's POV

My parents, Jane and Richard. His parents Hellen and Edward. My sister Jamie,her husband Joe. My sister Kellie her husband Greg and their two year old daughter Catherine. My brother Jared, his wife Rebecca and their four year old son James. Jeremy's cousins Derek and Patricia. Patricia's husband Leo and their eight weeks old baby Nikki. Derek's new girlfriend and her eight year old son Harold. THen their were our highschool friends, Frank,Dustin,Drew,Daisy,Hailey and Beth. Hailey's new girlfriend(yes she's lesbian) Monica and Franks wife of two weeks Rose.
All these people made the huge apartment we had spent a butt load of money on seem awfully small. Harold being the trouble making eight year old that he is knocked over three peoples drinks(I'll have to buy a shampooer for the carpet) and kicked my dad in the leg. Catherine threw up on James. Jared and Rebecca keep arguing. Frank and Dustin are drunk as hell, and Nikki won't quit crying.
I tumbled onto the couch and sat beside Jamie.
"Hey sis." She took a drink of her pop. I turned to say something to her but Harold threw popcorn in my face.
"Is it okay to want to murder and eight year old?" I whispered.
"That's why I don't want kids." She laughed. "You ever think of having some?" Damn,that's a tough question. Kellie(other sister) came out of the bathroom from changing Catherine and sat on the other side of me.
"What we talking about?" SHe asked.
"If Sierra ever wants kids."
"Ohh do you?" Kellie asked.
"What the hell? Jeremy and I aren't even married nor are we engaged." A twidled my thumbs. "And Jeremy's gona all the time." I knew my voice when I said that made me seem scared and alone and child like, which makes my sisters go into automatic help-their-baby-sis-mode.
"Get knocked the fuck up babe!" Jamie suggested."Then he'll deffinetley quit touring for a while!"
"No!" I wasn't going to make Jeremy put a hold on his career just so he can stay home every so often. I'm also not getting major stretch marks just for a little attention.
"Atleast try to get him to propose!" Kellie was eagar to pursuade.
"Or get preggers!" Jamie fought back. "I know your not a virgin."
"No! But still we're very careful." THere were tons of people there and I was still yet having this conversation.
"Careful with what?" Mom walked by and asked.
"Cooking!" My voice was high pitched. "Jeremy always uses a mitten when we cook." Jamie and Kellie fought back chuckled after I said that.
"Doesn't he also pull the roast out of the oven before it's done?" Jamie asked to embarass me more.
"Isn't that dangerous? Under cooked meat is not healthy." Mom usually caught on to sexual marks,but not this. I burst out laughing.
"It's okay mom." Kellie always seemed reassuring. We laughed.
"We know you're alone a lot." Kellie grabbed my hand. "But if you ever need us just call." Jamie grabbed my other hand. Jared ran up to me.
"Hey baby sis." He gave me a kiss on the cheek. "We're going to have to go, James is getting quesy."
I stood up. "By bubby." I gave him a big hug. He always took care of me,and now, living in this big house all alone, I needed my bubby and my sisters more than ever but I didn't want to ask. I didn't want to bother them. They left. Derek his girlfriend and Horrible Harold left too. Nikki was crying super loud so Patricia and Leo decided that it'd be better if they took the baby back to it's "normal surroundings". Frank and Dustin wanted to leave but Drew wouldn't let them drive they were so drunk so Drew and Daisy(who are now together) drove them home. Hailey and Monica got me to sign up to walk in a gay rights march and then they left, there gift being a box on "pleasures" including handcuffs,whipped cream,breakfast flavored condoms(bacon,eggs,orange juice) leather outfits for me, whips,and some pornographical videos(the videos are going,along with the whips,but I'm keeping the outfits,condoms,whipped cream and handcuffs) They did however made me embarassed. Jeremy's hugged me.
"Now you tell Jeremy if he doesn't call us he'll be punished1" His mom said jokingly.
"Jeremy probably wants Sierra to punish him." Frank winked at me as him and Rose walked by.
"Nice meeting you." Rose shook my hand. Her other hand was laced into Franks. Newlyweds. They looked so happy. Now the only people left were my parents,my sisters and Joe.
"Sweetie." My dad said as he and mom tried to help me clean up. "I can bring you a shampooer over the day after next. If you want me to."
"M'kay dad." I was cleaning the coffee table. They all helped me get everything under control. Then mom and dad left, with promises of helping me out in any way possible and Kellie and Greg left taking sickly sleeping Catherine with them.
"Bye sis." She whispered. We hugged.
"Take care of that baby girl okay. And that husband." Greg smiled.
"Yo Joe!" Jamie yelled at her husband.
"Yo Jamie!" They laughed as he curled up on the couch with her. I sighed a bit. I missed curling up on the couch with Jeremy.
"You go on home and pick me up in the morning." It was already ten. "I need some sister time tonight."
"Okay babe." The shared a quick kiss and Joe left.
"Seriously sis." Jamie sighed. "You need to be held, go see Jeremy whenever you can." Things really fall into perspective when Jamie's serious. "You need to use those handcuffs." There's my sister. I can always depend on her to make me laugh (and be super kinky.)

Jeremy's POV

I called Sierra around eleven from the comfort of my bunk.
"Hey baby."
"Hey." She sounded exauhsted.
"How'd the party go?"
"I thought you had forgotten."
"Nope." I just forgot to call.
"It went good Daisy and Drew are now dating, Franks married to a woman named Rose, Hailey brought over her new girlfriend Monica who brought us sex toys and me some leather outfits."
"Thank you Hailye and Monica." I really wanted to get home now.
"Nikki is adorable. I've been meaning to send you pictures of her."
"I'd also like to see some pictures of you in that leather outfit." I laughed.
"Jamie's spending the night." She informed me.
"Uh-oh. That's gotta be wild." I needed Sierra. I had to see her soon. "So uh,you know you have back stage passes and tickets to everyone of my shows right?"
"Can you go to Georgia Thursday?"
"Yes.Want me to see one of your shows?"
"No." I replied.
"WHat?" SHe seemed hurt.
"I want you to spend a week with me." I explained.
"You asshole!" She giggled."I thought you didn't want to see me."
"I do." I had seen a man propose to his wife today on the side of the road, right then and there and she said yes. THat look of love,happiness,fufillment that was in their eyes. They looked as though the moment they decided to dedicate themselves to one another they seemed complete. I need to feel complete again. I had stopped by a jewelry store, and I got the balls to buy a ring. It's going to be me and Sierra, forever and ever.
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