Whatever it Takes - Pushing The Limits

Chapter 1

"Hurry it up lady! Some of us actually want cup of COFFEE." I yelled from the back of the line. I was waiting in line for a Star bucks coffee and some fat old lady keeps asking how every frickin smoothie tastes. She's already asked about strawberry banana, mango, orange peach, plain orange, berry blast, plain strawberry, and pear mango. I didn't even know Star bucks had that many different kinds of smoothies! "And what about the berry banana blitz?" she questioned for the millionth time, ignoring my comment.

After about 30 minuets of questioning she decided to get a vanilla cooler. YOU HEARD ME A VANILLA COOLER! I swear she was put in line just to aggravate me. The line slowly continued until I got my turn. I then walked out of the small coffee shop and into the blazing sun. The winter in Minnesota may be freezing, but the summers can be scorching.

I pulled my sunglasses down over my eyes, flipped my copper brown hair, and strutted to my red convertible. School was about to start. 3 weeks to be exact. And tonight was my seventeenth birthday party. Brandon was getting everything ready. I smiled as I thought of my perfect Brandon. His soft, blonde hair. Electric green eyes that can make me melt. His gorgeous smirk he always wears. How he waves to me from the football field after he scores a touchdown. Yesterday we took a romantic walk on his dad's private beach and he told me that he loved me. And I'm head over heels in love with him. We're just so perfect.

My thoughts of Brandon continued as I pulled into my driveway. Just as I got to my door a strong pair of arms wrapped around my waist making me jump and smile. "Hey babe" he said as I turned to face him. "Hey. How are things going?" I asked. "You'll just have to wait and see." he said smirking my favorite smirk. Wow. Takes my breath away every time.

“You go finish up in the back with Sarah, I’ll go check things inside.” I said to him. He winked at me, released his hold on me, and dashed to the backyard. I keep a smile plastered on my face as I enter my living room. Mom is sitting on the couch with a throw blanket over her legs, glasses on, reading some Jane Austen novel. “Hey mom.” I say to her, sitting on the recliner across from her. “There’s my birthday girl! Are you excited?” She asked looking up from her book. “Yes! I want everything to be as perfect as possible! But with who I’ve got helping, that won’t be hard. Now you know your staying in the guest house right? No intrusions on the party.” I say eagerly.

Mom and daddy agreed that I could host this thing by myself. They say I can learn great people skills from this. But what she doesn’t know that Mike is bringing the booze, and we’re going to trash this house until you can’t see the floor. That’s why I can’t have them near the main house. Everyone in the junior class is going to be here and I want this to be perfect. “Yes hun, I know I’m not invited. You have fun ok?” she says to me returning to her book.

I get up from the couch and walk over to the party room where the caterers were setting up the dance floor and snack table. Everything seemed to be going well with that, so I decided to go check up on Sarah and Brandon.

I walked outside and rounded the corner, where I saw Sarah in Brandon’s arms. He whispered something into her ear and she tilted her head and laughed. This hit me hard, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing! I fought the urge to vomit as I walked towards them, keeping a cool façade. That bitch! She-she-she, she’s all over my boyfriend! How dare she! And Brandon! How could he go with her like that and cheat on me behind my back! There’s going to be hell to pay for this!

Angry thoughts played over and over through my head as I slowly walked to the where they were standing. As I got closer though, I saw that Sarah had tear stains on her face, like she had been crying a little. All my anger and disgust vanished at that. Nothing was going on between them. Brandon being the nice guy was comforting her. Look at me being the selfish, jealous girlfriend. I suddenly felt this enormous guilt settle into my stomach. All these cruel thoughts just seconds ago were playing through my head and now I realize they weren’t true about Sarah.

Her and I have been friends for practically our entire lives. When we were three, we met at a small private daycare center for gifted children. We talked and played dolls the entire time everyday. She’s like the sister never had.

I finally get close enough to here them but they don’t seem to notice. They’re just quietly talking to each other. “Hey guys!” I say taking the final steps towards them. They both jump away from each other and Sarah wipes away the last tear going down her cheek.

She looks at me with this really sad expression in her eyes, but they tell me not to push the subject of her tears. “So how’s it going back here?” I ask. Brandon clears his throat and gives me a report on how much they’ve done and what’s left to do.

“Alright then, we have two hours to finish up, so lets get going.” I say, turning around to go help with the inside caterers. I can’t wait for the party!
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Hooray! Finally the first chapter is out! This chapter really has no point to it besides introducing Lydia and her personality, but here is some foreshadowing. i will be posting soon, and I mean it this time. No more monthly updates. So anyway. . .
Comments much appreciated! Thanx!
