Whatever it Takes - Pushing The Limits

Chapter 2

The beat of the music pulsed through the room. People on the dance floor weaved in and out through each other. Couples grinding with one another. The football team was betting on beer keg shots. A few drunks hear and there. The make-out couch. It was an awesome party.

I stumbled into my bedroom with a cup of beer in my hand and collapsed on my bed laughing hysterically. I took the last gulp I'm my cup and dropped it to the floor. "Hey babe. I thought i would find you in here." Brandon said from my doorway. He, like me, was totally wasted. "Me and a couple of the guys are going out around the neighborhood to TP some houses and hit the mailboxes. You in?" I rolled off my bed, hit the floor with a thud and started giggling. I lifted myself up using the bed and nodded yes. "Lets get it on!" I yelled grabbing his fedora and putting it on my head.

I ran down the steps and slipped on the bottom few landing on my ass. The hat slipped down over my eyes and started laughing again. I'm a very giggly person when drunk. "Lydie! are you ok?" Brandon slurred, jumping down the steps to get next to me. He gently lifted it up to look me in the eyes. I stared at him for a second and then licked his face. You heard me, LICKED his face!

"Ah, gross!" He said wiping his hand across his face. I meowed and seductively whispered, "You're SO smexy when you do that." I then proceeded to go into complete make-out with him right there at the bottom of the steps.

I finally came up for air and slurred, "Les a GO!" like some sorta Luigi from that Mario game. I grabbed Brandon's hand and raced to the truck that was waiting outside.

I stood up in the back of the truck as we drove away from the party. We hit a couple of houses and I got to try to hit some mail boxes. I said try. I was so hammered that I would swing and miss every time. I even fell out once, but was safely returned to the back of the truck.

We had probably been out in the truck for two or three hours and we started swerving back. Brandon was driving at this point because Mike had passed out when we stopped for gas. We decided it would be funny if we played chicken cars in the opposite lane with all the cars that passed. I started to get this uneasy feeling in my stomach as we neared the next car.

It was another car filled with teenagers and they weren't swerving to get past us. Brandon didn't notice this as he stuck his head out the window. The distance in between us and the other car got shorter with every second. "BRANDON!" I screamed as we were just about to collide. "Wha- SHIT!" he yelled as he jerked the wheel to get back into our correct lane. But in this action the car when a little to far and started to roll. I was thrown from the car and felt a sharp crack before mind numbing pain took over. I looked up bust in time to see the car topple over me. I felt the worst pain possible before the darkness took over me.
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Sorry it took so long, and it was short, and it sucked. but I promise that it gets better. this was just the setup pretty much for the real story to start. I'll update soon. Comments appreciated!