Whatever it Takes - Pushing The Limits

Chapter 3

Beep. . . . . Beep. . . . . . Beep. . . .

I heard the distant beeping keeping a steady beat. I tried to breathe in through my nose but I breathed in to hard and ended up coughing because of the tube in my nose. Wait what? There's a tube in my nose? The beeping increased as I panicked and ripped off the nose tube.

A shrill alarm went off and my eyes shot open. Ah! To bright! I blinked a few times and rubbed my eyes. I looked around my surroundings, and saw my parents asleep on the small couch by my bed. The walls where a hideous, bright white color that hurt my eyes if i stared at it. I had a tray of disgusting looking food to the right of my bed. A woman in a white scrubs uniform ran through the doorway with wide eyes. She hurried over to my bed and pressed a button beside my bed post. "Miss you can't take this off. It is needed. I'll go get the man in charge here." She said sweetly.

My mom shot up from her sleeping position and with wild eyes looked at me. A huge smile came across her face and she turned to my dad. "George! George! Wake up! She's up! GEORGE!!!!" "Huh, a wa-." My dad said blinking awake. With a grunt he sat up and looked at me. He smiled once turned to my mom and asked her what she was talking about. She just stared at him knowingly and waited until a look of shock crossed his face. He turned to me and ran to my bedside. My mom slowly followed behind him with a few tears streaming down her face and a small smile.

A HOSPITAL! I'm in a HOSPITAL!!! Oh CRAP! What happened?


It was another car filled with teenagers and they weren't swerving to get past us. Brandon didn't notice this as he stuck his head out the window. The distance in between us and the other car got shorter with every second. "BRANDON!" I screamed as we were just about to collide. "Wha- SHIT!" he yelled as he jerked the wheel to get back into our correct lane. But in this action the car when a little to far and started to roll. I was thrown from the car and felt a sharp crack before mind numbing pain took over. I looked up just in time to see the car topple over me.


Again the beeping monitor increased as I remembered the crash. But oddly, I felt fine. My parents' faces showed confusion. "Honey? Whats the matter?" my mom asked quietly. "I-I-I can't remember what happened." I lied sounding shaky. My parents' faces changed again this time with a sad, worried expression.

"Sweetheart, you where in a bad car crash. The police said the. . . . truck. . . . rolled over your body after you were thrown. You broke several bones, along with. . . . ." mom started to cry. I was confused. I looked at my arms and nothing was broken I lifted up the sheets and my legs looked. . . . . ok. Minus the big faded bruises and a couple scars. I looked back up at my parents. I felt pretty good for what sounded like what happened.

My dad continued explaining, choking every now and then. "Two deaths total. A kid named Mike Sullivan," My heart stopped when the words escaped his mouth. It was getting hard to breathe. "and another boy, Jerry Finskey. I'm sorry sweety. Jerry was dead at the scene, Mike died later on the operating table on account of excessive bleeding."

Tears were streaming down my face. How could this happen? Why Mike? But then Brandon jumped into my thoughts. "WHAT HAPPENED TO BRANDON?! " I yelled/asked my dad. My dad nodded at this. "He was just fine. Slight concussion, minor injuries. Bruises. The police think its from him wearing his seat belt."

Ok good. Brandon's ok. That seemed to be all that happened to me though. Why am I still in the hospital. How long was I out for? "Daddy, how long have I been out?" I asked. He hesitated before saying, "Three. . . . . th-three months. WAIT WHAT!!!! THREE MONTHS!

"What?!" I yelled at my dad. I tried sitting up higher but I couldn't. I tried to move my legs to push me up but they wouldn't respond. Just a dull numbness. What kinda drugs did they put me on. "And there was one more thing." mom said quietly, wiping the tears from her face. "You-you-you've been paralyzed from the waist down." My mom whispered. That was all I could take before I felt a buzzing numbness take over and I felt like I was suffocating.
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Ha two updates within the week! I really like this story. I have it all in a notebook. I know my story isn't the best, but I really appreciate comments and subscribers. Even if the comment is just to tell me how bad my writing is. I don't know exactly when I'm gonna add the new character but it will be in the next three chapters. Thanx! And remember, where your seat belt, and friends don't let friends drive drunk.
