Love or Life?

Christina Bane has always believed in Vampires and Werewolves and she always wanted to meet one.
But when two new students come to her school and one looks almost exactly like her, and the other seems to hate her guts, will meeting two of her favourite mythical creatures be what she expected.

In a story where your great x 400 grandaunt could be your best friend and her "brother"/lover wants to kill you is seeing a mythical creature really adventure and romance?

Alexa and Kane Talon, pretend to be siblings in their new high school. They have been traveling together for a thousand somewhat years after Alexa killed her master by accident. They have been friends for the longest time. And they are as close to family as they get. so when Alexandria meets her great x 400 grandniece will she leave her best friend to go live her life with her real family? Or will she continue traveling the world as invisibly as possible with the man that has been with her for over 4 centurys.

Decisions, decisions how difficult life is. But when life lasts forever are you willing to give it all up to live the life you wanted when you were a child?
  1. A Twin Stranger
    and Unknown Words
  2. Flirting Scum
    and Lunch room Bitches
  3. The Guessing Game
    and Bradly Cooper
  4. A Past Love
    And Burning Thoughts
  5. Blushing Pretty Boys
    and Early Dismissals
  6. Juliet Never Had to Deal with this Drama
    Then Again Romeo wasn't a 400 year old Immortal, was he?
  7. English Partners
    And Angry Discusions