I'll See You in My Dreams

You're Beautiful.

“How about this?” Alice asked holding up a light blue jacket.

“That’s cute.” I offered still staring into space.

“Evangaline I swear if you’re totally spaced out during this entire victory shopping spree I will harm you.” Alice hissed menacingly.

Alice decided that a shopping spree was the best way to celebrate my relationship with Jasper, and once she had an idea there was no arguing with the girl. So she dragged me and Rosalie to the nearest mall, which wasn’t really near at all, and the shopping began.

“It’s just - ” I began to protest.

Alice raised a hand to silence me. “It’s just you miss him, and I get it, but you’ll see him soon. So stop being so whiny and just have some fun” She scolded me before shoving the jacket into my face and walking to the next rack of clothes.

Rosalie’s eyes danced with amusement. “Remind me not to piss her off.”

“I may not be the most qualified for that position.” I warned her.

“Probably not.” She agreed with a laugh. We looked through some dresses before Rosalie sighed, shoving a dress back onto the rack. “Now I remember why I order my dresses from Milan, these are last season.”

I rolled my eyes at her with a smile, grabbing a cute dress and checking the price tag. “Jesus, these aren’t priced as if they’re last season.”

Rosalie giggled as I placed the dress back onto the rack. “You don’t need to worry about that, Jasper’s card doesn’t have a limit, neither do any of his many many bank accounts. That dress is reasonably priced for you now my dear.” She told me with a mischievous glint in her eye.

“I get the feeling you’ve emptied out Emmett’s accounts a few times.” I smiled.

“Of course, I’m high maintenance.” She stated with a wave of her hand, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. “Honestly though, get whatever you want. If it made you happy Jasper would light himself on fire, I highly doubt he’ll care if you spend some money on clothes.” I shot her a disbelieving look. “Okay a lot of money on clothes.” She amended quickly.

I laughed and put the dress back on my arm.


We made our way back to Rosalie’s car after six more hours of shopping, a man who had followed Rosalie around like a puppy held over half of our bags, even though we were more than capable of handling them ourselves. I think she enjoyed toying with men. She thanked him with a breathtaking smile as he dumped our bags into the trunk, he called out asking for her number as we got into the car, she threw it into reverse sending him a small wave as we pulled out onto the highway, and leaving him in the dust. “Well that was fun.” She exclaimed, obviously pleased with herself.

I like her. Alice thought with a smile.

The ride home was pleasant, filled with idle chatter about anything and everything. Then the topic of men came up, and I felt Alice’s mood shift, flickering with loneliness. I turned in my seat to face her, she smiled sadly and shrugged. I placed my hand on hers You’ll find someone, you’re too fantastic not to. Her smile grew and her mood shifted back to normal.

We arrived home, and again I tried to hurry upstairs so no one saw the insane amount of bags I had. Bella caught me and sneered as Renesmee waved from her arms; I ignored her and waved to Nessie before continuing up to my room. Bella is a lost cause as far as I’m concerned, I refuse to kiss her ass in the hopes she’ll decide not to hate me.

I arrived at my room and walked in. I had just shut my door when I heard, “Oh my god.”

I snapped my head toward the voice I knew anywhere, Jasper was lounging on my bed staring at the bags I held. “Do I have any money left?” He asked sitting up.

“Maybe.” I admitted sheepishly. He laughed as I rushed to throw all my bags in the closet. When I returned he was perched on the edge of my bed.

“I take it Rosalie had a hand in my bankruptcy.” Jasper teased.

“It was seventy-five percent her fault.” I said with a laugh as moved to stand before him.

He placed his hands on my hips and looked up at me, “Well you’ll have to make up that twenty-five percent to me somehow.” He said with an impish grin.

“Oh really?” I asked with raised eyebrows.

“Yes. Immediately.” He smiled pulling me closer before lying down and taking me with him.

I landed beside him softly and he snaked an arm around my waist getting rid of any space there was between us. He smiled and played with my dark hair, I closed my eyes to the blissful sensation. “You’re so incredibly beautiful.” He whispered before placing kisses along my jaw, working up to my mouth at an agonizingly slow pace. He felt my impatience and chuckled lowly.

“Why?” I whimpered as he broke his trail along my jaw and went to my neck; I craved the feel of his lips on mine.

“Twenty-five percent.” He said with another chuckle.

“Damn you.” I growled playfully.

He worked back up to my jaw and I couldn’t handle it anymore. I grabbed his face and crashed my lips onto his. I felt as if a piece of me that I hadn’t felt was missing returned, and I knew I could never feel as whole without it, without him. He moaned softly as I flipped us so that I straddled his waist, his hands gripped the back of my thighs firmly. I began to pull away, his torso lifted and his lips stayed attached to mine until he was in a sitting position. I smiled into the kiss and pulled back far enough so that he couldn’t follow. He let out a noise of discontent and he stared at me with large pleading eyes made dark with lust. “What was that you said about twenty-five percent?” I asked innocently. He imitated my growl and pulled my lips to his again as I smiled triumphantly.

“Angie!” Alice called bursting through the door. “Oh my god.” She squealed seeing us in our current position. I climbed off Jasper as fast as I could, seating myself beside him. I was infinitely grateful I couldn’t blush, and I knew Jasper felt the same way.

“What’s up Alice?” I asked flustered.

“I’m sorry; I didn’t realize I’d be interrupting.” She said with a sly smile.

“What is it Alice?” I asked annoyed.

She glanced at Jasper who wouldn’t meet her gaze and instead focused on his hands in his lap. She smirked at his embarrassment before turning to me again. “You’ll never believe the vision I just had.” She squealed, excitement and happiness rolling off of her in unrestrained amounts.

“What did you see?” I asked, curious.

“I saw myself, with a man, he was gorgeous Angie. We were holding hands and he was smiling at me. He said he loved me.” She said almost getting choked up at the end.

“Oh my god Alice!” I exclaimed jumping up to hug her.

“I can’t believe it.” She whispered.

“I can, you deserve this Alice.” I told her.

“Thank you.” She said pulling back.

“Congratulations.” Jasper spoke up.

She thanked him with a smile.

“So do you know when you’re going to meet him?” I asked, sitting on the bed and grabbing Jasper’s hand.

“No, but it’s soon. We were in the backyard of this house.” She recalled.

“Are you going to look for him?” Jasper asked sending me a smile; gratitude flowed from him as he looked at me, I knew it was because I’d made the choice to find him. I smiled and pecked his cheek lightly.

“I don’t know.” She answered. “I’m going to keep searching the future and see what I find, I was just so excited, I had to tell you.”

“I’m glad you did.” I told her honestly.

“Well I’ll let you two…resume what you were doing.” She said with a smirk as she danced to the door. “Have fun.” She called closing it.

Jasper shook his head, turning to me he muttered, “God help that man.”

I’m inclined to agree.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm a bad person for not updating sooner, so so sorry. Life's been crazy, and I didnt really know how I wanted to continue this story. I have a much better idea now, so expect weekly updates.

A massive thank you is in order for JustThinking, Art_Flavor, and p.young2014. You are AMAZING and your comments mean so much to me.

Please comment, subscribe and recommend this story, it would make me so very happy. (:

Title credit: You're Beautiful (Clean Version) by Chester See. He's an amazing singer/youtuber and he's hilarious, check out his song here.

I listened to the song Nothern Lights by Cider Sky while I wrote this chapter, everyone should check it out here. It's wonderful and just so happens to be on the Breaking Dawn soundtrack (:

Evangaline's Outfit.

I hope you have the most fantastic Sunday ever (:
All My Love,