I'll See You in My Dreams

I'm Alive, When You Say My Name.

“So Seth,” I asked while we were running, “How do you know the Cullens?”

He quickly glanced down at me smiling.

“Well, it’s quite a long story.” He answered still smiling.

“I completely understand.” I laughed softy in response.

He seemed to study me for another second, “Maybe I could tell you some other time.” He asked, words stringed with hope.

“Sure.” I responded.

I felt Alice catch up to my right side, and quickly she pulled me back from Seth a couple dozen feet. He slowed slightly confused at my abrupt departure from his side, eventually he continued in front of us at a slower pace.

“Angie, I don’t trust that wolf.” Alice hissed at me before I had time to ask her why she felt the need to yank me back.

“Why not?” I whispered perplexed.

“He seems like trouble, I can’t see his future or yours when you two are together. I don’t like it.” She said.

“Alice I really think we can trust him; I have this gut feeling, it hasn’t done me wrong yet, just trust me okay?”

“Fine.” She grumbled. I grabbed her hand quickly and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

“We’re here.” Seth called from in front of us.

As we emerged from the dense forest we gazed at the massive white home looming in front of us. I recognized it immediately and it brought phantom tears to my eyes. I was actually here. I felt Alice grab my hand in a silent gesture of support.

“So this is where I leave you ladies.” Seth said with the grin that never seemed to leave his lips.

“Thank you so much Seth.” I answered gratefully.

He nodded my head in my direction and said, “See you around.” Before disappearing into the forest again.

Alice tugged my arm to gain my attention, and silently mouthed; “Are you going to tell them?” so the vampires inside wouldn’t hear.I closed my eyes briefly hearing shuffling and whispering inside the home, probably about us, I had to make my decision quickly.

“I’ll tell them.” I mouthed in response.

Alice nodded her head soberly, now focused on the task at hand. She pulled me to the porch where we walked up the small staircase to their front door. I took around three seconds to clear my head and still my erratic emotions before I allowed Alice to raise her hand to knock on the ornately carved front door. Her dainty fist only made it halfway before the door was pulled open, revealing a man whose face I recognized instantly. The sharp angles formed his handsome features were unmistakable. My grip on Alice’s hand tightened ever so slightly, and she squeezed back silently letting me know I had her support.

“Welcome to our home,” The man in the doorway greeted us kindly “My name is Carlisle Cullen.”

Slowly I built up my courage, forcing my lips to turn upwards at the corners, hoping it reached my eyes as well.

“Hello Carlisle, My name is Evangaline Vinyard, and is my friend Alice.” Alice lifted her small hand, waving politely at the mention of her name.

He smiled at us once again and said, “Pleasure to make your acquaintances.” He hesitated a moment before speaking again, “Now I hate to come off as impolite, but may I inquire why you two are here?”

“It’s not rude in the slightest.” Alice spoke up before I could even begin my explanation. “But you see, it’s a rather long story and I’m sure both Evangaline and myself would be much more comfortable speaking indoors, if you approve of course.” She inquired sweetly

I saw an emotion I couldn’t quickly decipher cross his face, it seemed as if he was hiding something. The child! He doesn’t want us to see her, she resembles the forbidden immortal children.

I smiled at Carlisle warmly, and assured him, “If this is about the child, you don’t have to worry. We know she’s not an immortal child, and we pose no threat to her or the rest of your family.” Shock flashed across his features and suspicion rose in his eyes.

“How do you know of our Renesmee?” He asked. Behind him I could hear hushed whispers.

“My power.” I forced out quickly before I had time to otherthink what I was saying.

Carlisle eyed alice and I for a moment, most likely assessing our possible threats to his lovely family. When suddenly a male voice rang out from inside the house.

“Carlisle, let them in.” He said. Carlisle’s head snapped to back to look at the speaker, after a few seconds he opened the door completely and invited us in with a sweeping gesture of his arm.

I smiled graciously, thanking him as Alice and I entered the foyer with hands still grasped tightly. The home filled me with the most pleasant sense of déjà vu, it is so open and full of light that I felt as if I were home for the first time in decades.

I breathed in the scent of the glorious home, picking up on four vampires in the kitchen, and standing in front of me was the enormous man, who looked bizarrely serious compared to the usual grin he wears, next to him was the beautiful woman with caramel colored hair. Carlisle darted to the woman’s side as the man with the bronze hair emerged from the kitchen, and stopped to stand in front of me. His eyebrows were knitted together in concentration, a look so familiar that it made me want to giggle, I smiled lightly but composed myself.

It occurred to me that I should probably introduce myself to the rest of the family. Just as that thought passed through my head the man with the bronze hair began introductions.

“I’m Edward Cullen, this is my brother Emmett, my mother Esme, and you’ve already met Carlisle.” He stated quickly

I smiled at each one and said, “It’s a pleasure to meet you all, I’m Evangaline Vinyard.”

I squeezed Alice’s hand lightly prompting her to introduce herself as well.

”And I’m Alice.” She spoke with a dazzling smile.

“Would you mind sitting down and telling us exactly how your gifts led you here with knowledge of my daughter?” Edward cut in abruptly, steering us back on topic.

“Of course.” I complied.

Edward motioned toward the sitting area with plush white couches gathered around an enormous plasma screen TV. As I started walking Edward placed a gently guiding hand on my upper arm, I felt a small shock where his had made contact. Suddenly I heard many voices around the room, looking around I realized that no one was speaking aloud. I turned toward Edward who stood there with shock covering his face.

“How…” He asked, too confused to formulate a full sentence.

Smiling gently I said, “I’ll explain everything, but first I would greatly appreciate if the rest of your family would join us, so I would only have to tell the story once.”
I saw reluctance flash across Edwards face, thinking to himself he asked; Can I trust her?

Edward I called to him mentally, I have no intentions of doing anything to harm your daughter or the rest of your family I assure you.

He nodded quickly, sensing the truth in my words.

“You can bring her out love.” He called to kitchen, “Yes, Rosalie I’m sure.” He answered and unspoken question with a hint of annoyance.

Then, emerging from the kitchen was the goddess like blonde. She was positioned defensively much like the dark towering man beside her, he immediately reminded me of Seth, the wet dog stench once again filled the air. I figured he was a werewolf as well. Edward eyed me speculatively as he emerged from the kitchen; he was shocked yet again at our indifferent reaction to the wolf. After him came the brunette who clutched the child to her chest protectively. As stunning as the pair were my eyes merely glanced at them, because standing beside them was him tangible and ten steps away.

He was even more breathtaking in person; his tousled blonde hair gleamed in the sunlight streaming from the windows. His skin glimmered softly giving him a radiant glow, and lighting up his light gold eyes. Looking at him filled me with a surge of intense joy, I glanced at Alice beside she beamed at the joy dancing in my eyes. Edward stood and I followed his lead.

He walked to the brunette and began introductions, “Evangaline, this is my wife Bella.”

I smiled at her warmly, she seemed reluctant in returning it, but I understood completely. She was scared for her daughter.

Edward moved on quickly, “And this is my daughter Renesmee.”

“Hello Renesmee.” I cooed smiling radiantly at the gorgeous child half hidden in her mother’s hair.

She leaned her torso out of her mother’s arms and placed a small dimpled hand upon my shoulder. A resounding Hello echoed through my head. As she pulled her small hand off my shoulder a small shock hit the skin she made contact with. I had absorbed her gift.

“She’s absolutely magnificent.” I beamed to Bella and Edward.

He smiled, and moved toward the statuesque blonde. As I moved with him my arm accidentally brushed Bella’s, causing a small shock. A shield and a mind reader, no wonder the child is so gifted.

“This is my sister Rosalie, as well as Emmett’s wife.” He said breaking me from my thoughts.

I put on my best smile for her, which she returned before going to join Emmett on the couch.

The large man with the dark shaggy hair shifted uneasily as we approached him, all the while his eyes on Renesmee. Once we arrived right in front of him his dark eyes flashed to me, assessing my threat level warily. Imprinting, how strange. I can see how Edward disapproves.

“This is Jacob Black, a…friend of the family.” Edward said quickly before moving on.

“And finally this is my brother, Jasper Hale.” He said gently clapping the man on the shoulder.

I met Jasper’s eyes, and tried not to read his thoughts, instead I gazed at him in his entirety, trying as hard as I could to drink in every ounce of his being. He stood inches taller than I had assumed in my dreams, towering over me at 6’2, and under the white t-shirt I could see the lean muscular build of his torso and arms. When my eyes traveled back to his face I felt my unnecessary breathing hitch, I’ve never seen something so beautiful in my life. I longed to reach out and trace the familiar scars exposed on his bare skin, they took nothing away from his intense beauty. When his gold eyes captured mine they sparkled with curiosity, and what looked like admiration.

Smiling at me he spoke, “Hello Evangaline, pleased to make your acquaintance.” His voice had a faint southern accent that caressed my name gently. It sounded like home, and I wanted nothing more than to hold him.

Restraining myself, I smiled softly and responded, “Hello Jasper, the pleasure is mine.” I loved the way his voice rolled so easily off my tongue, as if it were immensely familiar.

“Everyone, this is Alice.” Edward said motioning toward her, seated on the couch. She smiled softly and waved. Renesmee leaned eagerly out of Bella’s arms, wanting to greet Alice with her gift. Bella restrained her gently as Alice watched with a wary expression.

I flitted back to her quickly, sitting on the couch and placing my hand over hers. She’s not an immortal child I told her sending the powers I had acquired from Bella and Renesmee to communicate without any of their knowledge. Alice seemed tense even with my reassurance. She’s half human, look at her eyes. We don’t want to alarm them any more than we’re already going to. Please Alice. She glanced at me and nodded quickly. I was really proud of her; she didn’t even flinch when I used my new gift. She must expect all kinds of weird from me.

I glanced around the room quickly; everyone was seated but Jasper who stood behind one of the couches. I realized the only available spot was beside me, and his reluctance to impose by sitting next to me was palpable. I gestured to the spot next to me, he smiled slightly and floated to my side. His scent engulfed me; it was lilac and citrus but in the strangest way reminded me of the sun. It was perfect. I seemed to move toward him without realizing when I made the conscious thought to do so, I saw him smile out of the corner of my eye. I shifted my waist length ebony hair over my left shoulder, hiding my own silly grin.

Across the room Edward sputtered a strange sound that was half cough, half choke. Startled I snapped my head toward the sound and lifted my eyebrow in question.

It’s nothing he answered mentally, attempting to regain his composure. I eyed him skeptically for a moment then glanced at Jasper who looked slightly…embarrassed.

“Evangaline, Alice, would you mind sharing your story now?” Carlisle inquired, curiosity dancing in his eyes.

“Of course.” I said, taking a long unnecessary breath to prepare myself.

Alice patted my leg sympathetically and I sent her a small grateful smile.

I launched into my story before I had time to talk myself out of it, “I’ve been a nomadic vampire since as far back as I can remember, which isn’t much. I don’t know who created me, and I don’t know why. I simply woke up like this, with flashes of memory of what I now know as the Volturi, their cruel milky eyes, and hungry glances. I knew that I had to be as far as them as possible.

One day I met another of my kind, a nomad named Alex. He helped me as a fledgling, teaching me to be secretive with my hunting, only stalking animals and living in the wilderness away from humans until I could control my thirst. He had the gift of levitation, which I gained from him through contact; he ran from me, begging that I didn’t follow when I told him about my strange visions and how peculiar my ability, well abilities were- ”

“Abilities?” Emmett boomed suddenly, prompting Esme’s chastising gaze. He mumbled an apology at his outburst, which I accepted with a small laugh.

“I have to admit, I’m just as curious as Emmett about this, just at a lower volume.” Carlisle said chuckling.

“Of course, well like I said, I gained his gift through physical contact which is one of my gifts. I also have the ability to project these gifts onto others as well as create new ones. Although I seem to do that subconsciously, one day I just wake up with a new gift. Much like the one that led me to your home. You see I began to sleep-”

“Sleep!” boomed Emmett yet again, which prompted Rosalie to smack him in the back of the head.

“What is wrong with you?” She hissed at her husband.

“I’m sorry!” He conceded raising his hands in defeat, “This is just crazy.”

“I understand.” I said softly, realizing with a laugh that I needed to tell the edited version to keep Emmett’s attention.

Taking another breath and picked up where I left off, “I didn’t believe it either when it started happening. I would just lost consciousness randomly; it was so frightening especially when I started to dream. I dreamed of this house, and your family. I brushed them off at first, but realized that I needed to find you, and along the way I met Alice who had used her gift to find me.” I said ending the statement with a chuckle and softly bumping my shoulder into Alice.

She laughed delicately and said, “It’s true, I scared the hell out of her.”

“What is your gift Alice?” Edward inquired.

“I have visions of the future.” She said beaming

“A psychic, impressive. Are there any limitations to your premonitions?” Carlisle asked.

“I can see the future after a decision has been made, indecisiveness clouds my vision.” She said reluctantly

“Still, you are an extremely talented pair.” Carlisle said warmly.

“If you don’t mind Evangaline I have a question.” Edward said sitting up a little straighter.

“Of course, ask away.”

“Is sleeping now a conscious choice for you?” he asked.

“Now it is, I had to learn to control it. Much like my other gifts.”

“Amazing.” He muttered to himself.

”I hope this answered all of your questions, I just really felt I had to meet you.” I said softly, glancing at quickly at Jasper before returning my gaze to his family.

“Of course sweetheart.” Esme murmured rising gracefully from the couch to delicately perch herself on the edge of the coffee table right in front of me.

She took both Alice and my hand.

“I cant bare to think of you two lovely girls wandering without a place to stay” She said quietly. “I would adore it if you stayed with us.”

“Yes, ladies we would be honored if you stayed.” Carlisle said with a smile.

I scanned the room my eyes darting from the welcoming faces of the family, except for Bella, whose mouth was set in a grim line of dissatisfaction. I saved his face for last, as I looked up into his eyes I knew I really didn’t have a choice. I couldn’t leave him.
Alice was beaming at everyone, and grabbed my hand eagerly.

“Esme, we would be honored to stay.”
♠ ♠ ♠
It's been way too long since I've worked on this story. I'm so very sorry.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter (: I know I enjoyed working on this story again.
I'll update very soon. I promise!

Title Credit: When You Say My Name by Mario Spinetti
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