I'll See You in My Dreams

I Can't Hide The Fact You're All I Need.

“This will be your room.” Esme said pushing open the door to reveal a marvelous bedroom.

The walls were a soft beige, with an accent wall of dark brown pattern behind the king size bed at the center of the room. Soft white curtains fell over the floor to ceiling windows in the room, it was simply beautiful. I gazed around the room in wonder for a moment before looking to Esme.

“It’s absolutely fantastic Esme, thank you so much. I just want to tell you how immensely grateful I am for all your hospitality.” I said sincerely.

She smiled beautifully and said “It’s my absolute pleasure, I’ll leave you to get more situated. Alice room is just across the hall, if you need anything please don’t hesitate to ask.”

“Thank you again.” I said as she whirled gracefully out the door.

After the door clicked shut I stepped farther into the room, to my left past the bed was an archway that lead to a large bathroom with a large tub and vanity. I walked out of the bathroom and to the far side of the room where two large mirrors slid open to reveal a walk in closet. I sat myself on the edge of the bed to take it all in.

“Wow.” I sighed contently, and then closed my eyes to embrace the quiet stillness of the room.

“Oh my god!” Alice screeched abruptly bursting through the door.

“Stillness gone.” I whispered quietly to myself opening my eyes slowly to look at the overly excited girl in front of me.

“Aren’t these rooms amazing?!” She screamed falling backward onto the bed next to me.

“They really are.” I said falling back as well.

After a moment of silence Alice looked over at me, “So you can read minds now huh?” she asked nonchalantly.

I smiled over at her and said, “Seems that way.”

“What am I thinking right now?” She asked excitedly.

I closed my eyes to take in the plush Egyptian cotton of the comforter before I answered.

“You like my room better than yours.” I chuckled.

“That’s so cool” she squealed.
“I also received Bella and Renesmee’s gift.” I told her with a smile, “I can also share my thoughts with you, as well as shield you mentally.”

She looked at me with wide golden eyes for a moment before breaking out into an even larger grin.

“Secret conversations.” She stage whispered bouncing with happiness.

“Of course that’s your first thought.” I said laughing.

They’ll come in handy! she thought.

Oh of course. I thought after grabbing her hand.

“I can feel your sarcasm.” she said rolling her eyes.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I said with a small smile.

Anyway, Jasper seems quite fond of you already. she thought, staring at me with a grin.

I’m not sure about that.

Oh come on, you should have seen the way he was looking at you. Can’t you read his mind anyway? See what he thinks of you?

I don’t want to invade his privacy like that, im trying my hardest to stay out of all their thoughts.

How very noble, and very stupid -

She was cut off mid thought by a hesitant knock at the door. We both snapped into upright sitting positions and shared a quick look. I sniffed the air quickly and knew instantly who it was. I scrambled as fast as I could to the door tearing it open to see his face.

He was standing there looking like perfection with his hands in the front pockets of his jeans, which hung deliciously low on his hips. A few of his tousled blonde waves escaped to hang just above his gorgeous gold eyes. The words were knocked completely from my mind, my brain all consumed with his presence so close, so real, right in front of me.

I opened and closed my mouth twice before finally spitting out, “Hello Jasper.”

I reveled at his scent filling the air, and the way my tongue shaped to spill his name from his lips.

“Evangaline.” He said smiling with a tip of his head. It shook me to my knees, but I refused to let them buckle. “Esme would like to see you and Alice downstairs.”

“Of course, we’ll be right down.”

He nodded quickly and ran down the stairs.

I shut the door softly, and leaned against it glancing at Alice who had the biggest smile on her face.

“Don’t even.” I warned her

Her smile didn’t falter, I thought you were going to jump him.

“Shhhhh!” I hissed mentally throwing my shield at her, while crossing the room to grab her arm.

Edward can still hear you! I screamed.

Alice slapped a hand over her mouth, apologizing with her eyes. Sorry, sorry, sorry

I searched for Edwards mind and couldn’t find it; I felt relief wash over me instantly. He was gone so he couldn’t have heard anything.

He’s gone so it’s fine; just watch your thoughts, please Alice. I begged with my eyes.

She nodded quickly.

“Esme needs us downstairs, let’s head down now.” I said walking toward the door again.

She rose off the bed and followed me down the staircase to the living room. Esme was fluttering around the room tidying the already immaculate room and arranging some beautiful Lilies in a vase.

“You wanted to see us Esme?” I asked to get her attention.

She turned in a nearly invisible movement and said, “Ah, yes. Well I just realized that you two probably don’t have any spare clothes with you, and we just cant have that can we? The girls were heading out shopping in a few minutes; I figured that you two could tag along and pick up clothes to fill those closets.”

“Esme you don’t have to -” Alice started.

“Nonsense, I insist!” Esme said cutting her off with a wave of her hand, “I’ll feel personally insulted if you don’t accept my offer.” She finished smiling.

“Well we wouldn’t want to do that.” I said returning her grin.

“Of course not, now they’re waiting for you in the garage ladies, go go go.” She said shooing us gently toward the garage door.

“Thank you so much.” I said in the midst of her guiding us to the door.

“You’re very welcome.” She said before shutting the door gently.

Rosalie, Bella and Renesmee were gathered around a silver Volvo when Alice and I entered. Rosalie smiled welcoming, however Bella didn’t look as happy. At that moment I was grateful she was a shield, I had no desire to know what she was thinking.

“Are you ladies ready to shop?” Rosalie asked holding what seemed to be a gold credit card.

Alice chuckled beside me and I answered, “Of course.”


The car ride was pretty silent, beside the occasional chatter of Renesmee telling us about her parents and her Jacob with her gift. Bella glanced back at us several times through the rearview mirror, always with an unpleasant expression.

Even throughout our time shopping Bella remained rude and distant while Rosalie and Renesmee were vibrant and inviting. Rosalie convinced us get way more clothes than we could have possibly needed, not allowing us to talk her out of it. It was a fantastic day even with Bella’s hostility. Alice however was becoming more and more enraged with her attitude; it began to worry me as we pulled into their long driveway.

Alice I thought, placing my hand on hers I need you to calm down now, Edward will hear.

I know, I know. she nodded, but annoyance still flamed in her eyes.

I placed my shield on her mind for the time being, better safe than sorry. When we finally began pulling into the garage I began to feel a bit of the mental stress extending a gift causes, and it only worsened. I felt Edward’s thoughts from inside the house; I couldn’t pull the shield from her yet. We all exited the car and started to retrieve our bags.

Darting from the car I caught Alice’s arm as she pulled our bags from the trunk. Hurry out of Edward’s hearing range, please I begged, mentally sounding exhausted.

Wide-eyed Alice nodded and ran from the garage quickly. I felt the strain of my gift extending with her distance and as soon as she was far enough away my gift couldn’t reach her and snapped back to me, making me gasp audibly. Rosalie glanced at me with concern.

“Are you alright?” She asked perplexed

I plastered on a smile, “Of course, thank you.”

Bella rolled her eyes at our exchange and walked into the house with Renesmee; I felt relieved that Alice wasn’t here to see that. A large temper for such a small girl.

Recovering, I grabbed our bags and ran quickly to my room. I was slightly embarassed, I didn’t want anyone to see the insane amount of bags I had. After laying them all on my bed I flitted back down the stairs into the living room. Alerting Carlisle with my sudden appearance.

“Have fun shopping?” He asked looking up from his book with a knowing smirk.

“Yes, thank you so much for all the clothes. It was all too much really.” I said with a smile.

“It was nothing, money is of no consequence. I’m just glad that you had a good time and got what you needed.” He said, eyes filled with kindness.

“Well I truly appreciate it, thank you again.” I said

He nodded with a smile and returned to his book. At that moment I heard Alice running back toward the house, I scanned her thoughts grateful that she had calmed down. She smiled at me as she danced through the sliding glass back door, and up the stairs to her room.

I turned to the sitting area and saw Jasper sitting by himself on the sofa, my spirits still soared when I saw him, although my body tensed preparing to wake up and be torn from him. Then filling with joy when it didn’t happen.

He caught my gaze and grinned at me. Smiling right back I went and joined him on the couch.

“Welcome back.” He said shifting closer to me, making me light up with joy.

“Glad to be back.” I said sincerely.

“Did Nessie and Rosalie run you ragged?” He asked with a chuckle. It made one of the most glorious sounds; I yearned to hear it again.

“Of course not, they were fantastically helpful.” I said smiling at Renesmee in the kitchen.

She returned my smile with her own. That girl had me wrapped around her finger already, and I didn’t mind one bit.

“Well I’m glad you had a good time.” Jasper said looking at me. I met his gaze, and his eyes went straight through me, warming me to my very core.

I closed my eyes and let the slow burning heat engulf me. I sighed contently and when I opened my eyes, I was home.
♠ ♠ ♠
Again, I waited way too long to update.
and again I'm sorry haha.
Hope you enjoyed it, comment or subscribe if you did (:

Title credit: Party In Your Bedroom by Cash Cash
I met them at a show, the sweetest guys ever.
Check them out (:
