Status: Active

Said & Done.

It wasn't that I hated him. Well actually, it was. I did hate him. I hated how he was lazy and stupid and care-free and reckless. I hated how he could get away with never turning in his homework and getting a C on almost every test. I hated that he was the guy everyone wanted to be friends with, but I hated it more that he didn't let it go to his head. I hated that he could care less about what people thought of him, including me.

But mostly I hated that he was everything I had always wished I could be, and I hated the feelings of jealousy that he instilled in me. I hated John O'Callaghan with every fiber of my being, but not really.


Rowan McKinley John O'Callaghan

Story previously known as If Only They Knew. It's kind of the same concept, but a lot of things are different too. Still good though!