Sequel: Let Your Heart Win
Status: Complete - check out the sequel...

The Only One Who Needs to Know

Chapter 12

“Rachel Bethan Hunt, step away from the breadsticks!” Cali warned as she walked into the kitchen to find Rachel stretching her hand over to grab one of the breadsticks.

“Oh, just one, I’m starving, there’s plenty more food for our guests.” She whined pouting her lips.

“Ok, one, but no dips.” She replied. “And no more while I’m in the shower.”

“Yeah, ok, I promise.” She replied through a mouthful of breadstick. Cali rolled her eyes before leaving the kitchen and heading towards the bathroom to get ready for their housewarming party.

Just over an hour later, the door buzzer sounded into their flat as Cali ran the straightening irons through her hair.

“Rach, can you get that?” she yelled.

“Yeah I’m on it. I wish people would arrive on time.” She mumbled. Cali could hear her talking on the intercom as she finished her hair but she couldn’t work out who she was talking to.

“You’re going to have to let them in, I’ve got to finish my make-up.” Rachel called on her way back to her bedroom.

“Yeah that’s fine, I’m ready now anyway.” Cali replied checking over her appearance in her full-length mirror. Just as she stepped into the living room there was a loud knock at the door followed by another ring of the buzzer.

“Hey Zacky come on in, just one second.” She said cheerfully as she opened up the door before pressing the intercom button to talk to whoever had just buzzed.

“Oh hey Jimmy, yeah come on up.” She replied on hearing Jimmy’s voice on the other side. “Sorry, hi.” She said turning back to Zack and who she assumed to be his girlfriend.

“Hey Cal, nice place you’ve got here.” Zack said as he took a few steps further into the flat. “Oh this is Jenni, Jenni this is Cali.”

“Nice to meet you.” the short red head said with a wide smile just as Jimmy came in through the open door followed by a tall tanned brunette, Matt and another woman Cali recognised to be Val.

“Cali!” Jimmy cheered opening his arms out to embrace her in a bone crushing hug.

“Hey Jim.” She replied once he’d let her loose.

“Hi, I’m Andrea, Jimmy’s better half.” The brunette by the side of Jimmy said with a warm smile.

“And I’m Val, nice to finally meet you, the guys have told us quite a bit about you.” Val said taking a step forward to introduce herself.

“Really?” Cali asked feeling herself blush.

“Yeah, is it true that you drunk Matt under the table when they met you in Berlin?” Val asked. Cali giggled, watching Matt blush.

“Yeah, that’s true.” Cali replied beckoning them all further into the flat as Rachel came out of her bedroom. “Oh and this is Rachel, Rach this is Jenni….” She began before being interrupted by the door buzzer.

“….Andrea and Val.” She continued as she walked over to answer the buzzer.

“Cali where’s your iPod so I can put some music on?” Rachel asked as she let in Andy, Vicki and Heather, another teacher she’d gotten to know during her first week.

“Um, it should be in my room.” she replied. While Rachel went to get the iPod Cali showed everyone into the kitchen so that they could sort out their drinks.

“Hello?” Andy’s voice called out as everyone talked in the kitchen as they got themselves drinks.

“Hey Andy, come on through to the kitchen guys.” Cali called from the doorway.

“Cal, seeing that there’s people here now, can I eat?” Rachel asked as she entered the kitchen once she’d sorted out the music.

“Yeah I guess.” Cali replied.

“You stopped her eating?” Matt asked as he watched Rachel grab a handful of chips.

“Matt have you seen this girl eat? I did want you guys to have something to eat.” Cali replied just as the buzzer sounded yet again.

“That’s Johnny.” Zack said through a mouthful of breadstick as the buzzer let out a continuous drone.

“Oh God answer it please!” Rachel called as Cali went to answer it.

“Johnny is that you?” Cali asked into the intercom.

“Christ were you being annoying again?” Brian’s voice caused Cali’s breath to catch in her throat. “Hey Cal, you going to let us up?”

“Yeah sure.” She said pressing the door release. As she waited for Brian, Michelle and Johnny to make their way up to the apartment, Cali’s heart began to race as she suddenly became nervous. Would she really be ok being around Brian and Michelle? Would Brian be ok? Could they really be just friends after what had happened between them?

“Calm down honey, it’ll be ok.” Jimmy made Cali jump as he came up and whispered in her ear, placing an arm around her shoulders. She turned and smile at him, as there was a rhythmic knock at the door, taking a deep breath as she stepped forward to open it.

“Hi.” She said quietly with a smile as Brian and Michelle walked in followed quickly by Johnny.

“Michelle, this is Cali.” Brian said with a small wink as Johnny closed the front door behind him and ran into the kitchen.

“Nice to meet you.” they both said at the same time causing them both to laugh.

“Come on through to the kitchen, everyone seems to be gathering in there.” Cali said turning to show the way.

“Cali! Do you have any shot glasses? I did ask Rachel but she said she’s never allowed in the kitchen.” Johnny asked waving a bottle of Jack Daniels around as he spoke.

“Um, yeah there should be some in the cupboard behind Jimmy’s head.” She replied.

“Is she really not allowed in the kitchen?” Michelle asked from where she was stood in front of Brian, with his arms wrapped loosely around her waist.

“She’s allowed in here to eat something I’ve made, to make coffee and to do dishes. Trust me, she’s better off staying well clear of the kitchen.” She explained as Rachel nodded with agreement and Jimmy passed Johnny the shot glasses.

“Right, has everyone got one?” Johnny asked moments later as he passed a shot of Jack to Vicki and everyone nodded their head. “Ok, so welcome to Huntington Cali and Rachel I guess.” Johnny yelled raising his shot glass before quickly drinking the liquid in one fluid motion.

“Cheers dudes!” Rachel yelled before knocking back her shot with a wince.

After that first shot the alcohol flowed freely. People began to filter between the kitchen and the living room talking happily with one and other. Cali tried to mingle with everyone but tried her best to avoid Brian and Michelle when they were on their own.

“You ok chick? You seem quiet.” Rachel asked Cali as she stood against the kitchen counter nibbling at a breadstick.

“It’s harder than what you thought isn’t it?” she asked when Cali didn’t answer.
Cali sighed heavily and produced a small smile. “I don’t know what it is, but I’ve just been struck with this notion that if I start talking to Brian Michelle is going to see straight through me and know that something happened between us.” She said quietly as she watched Johnny make himself another drink on the other side of the kitchen.

“Cal, its fine, just starting having some fun.” Rachel began. “Hey Johnny, pour us both a shot will you.” she called over. Johnny nodded and quickly produced a shot of Vodka each for them.

“Cheers Johnny baby!” Rachel yelled as they each took their shots.

“Hey Johnny, where’s Lacey anyway?” Cali asked as she suddenly realised he’d turned up alone.

“Didn’t you know? Me and Lacey split up a few months ago.” He replied.

“Shit, sorry Johnny I didn’t know.” She replied sympathetically.

“Don’t worry about it, it’s been on the cards for a while.” He replied.

“Yeah and he’s been a man whore since they split as well.” Jimmy said joining them in the kitchen.

“Shut up Jimmy, you know that’s bull shit, I’ve kissed one girl since me and Lacey split up.” He retorted.

“Oh yeah, how could I forget, you’ve got your eye on some mystery woman haven’t you.” Jimmy teased causing Johnny to turn a deep shade of red.

“Oh a mystery woman! Tell me about her!” Rachel said excitedly.

“No, it’s no one really.” Johnny mumbled.

“Is she pretty?” Rachel pressed knowing that he was trying to fob her off.
Cali didn’t get to here the answer as she was beckoned into the living room by Matt’s booming voice.

“Cali, Val doesn’t believe me that you’ve got a Deathbat tattoo and that you came to see us play in Chain Reaction.” Matt said as she walked into the room.

"I didn't say that." Val muttered, lowering her eyes.

“Yeah it’s true.” Cali said with a smile moving the bracelets on her right arm to show the Deathbat. “And I think the ticket for Chain Reaction and Showcase Theatre are still in my bedroom at mom and dads.”

“Oh it must be so cool having James Hetfield as a father!” Jenni said, her eyes widening.

“Yeah I’ve gotta admit, once I was old enough, it was pretty cool, I’ve travelled the world with him and partied with some of the best bands.” She replied.

“Yeah like us!” Jimmy yelled as he jumped onto her back, his arms tight around her neck.

“Of course Jimmy.” Cali giggled as she tried to get him off.

“More like Bullet for My Valentine, Jimmy said you hooked up with Matt Tuck.” Andrea said with a smirk.

“Oh, no, that was Rach, but you better not mention that in front of her.” Cali said quietly.

“Why not!” Jimmy replied finally letting go of Cali.

“Because he threw up and passed out before we could do anything.” Rachel announced as she walked back into the room, followed by Johnny.

“Oh God!” Michelle said scrunching her nose is disgust.

“Yeah, I think that’s worse than what Johnny did to Lacey.” Zack said causing Johnny to glare at him.

“What did you do?” Vicki asked, her eyes widening with interest as Johnny began to shake his head, giving warning glares to each of his friends.

“Is it something bad?” Rachel whispered curiously.

“That depends on how you look at it.” He replied.

“No Christ, whichever way you look at it, it’s bad.” Brian replied with a smirk. Everyone who knew what had happened laughed at Johnny’s expression as everyone else looked confused.

“God this is supposed to be a party!” Cali yelled. “Rach turn the music up, I’ll get the shot glasses.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Cali's outfit

Rachel's outfitI really don't like this chapter....There's just something about it I'm not totally happy with!
Anyway, Comments would be great... :)
Oh and once you've done that you could check out my one shot When Duty Calls, for Clemsongirl26's contest :)