Sequel: Let Your Heart Win
Status: Complete - check out the sequel...

The Only One Who Needs to Know

Chapter 19

“Look into my eyes and it’s easy to see one and one make two, two and one make three, its destiny!” Cali sang along loudly as music from her iPod blared through her apartment as she danced around, doing some cleaning as she went. She had the place to herself and wasn’t expecting to be disturbed for a good couple of hours. Rachel was out somewhere with Johnny and Andy was away for the weekend again with the school football team.

Cali always found it easier to do house work when she was alone in the house. Firstly because it allowed her to play her music as loud as she wanted and secondly it was always easier with out Rachel trying to help. Rachel’s idea of cleaning was to gather everything up and hide it in her closet.

She pottered around the house, dancing and singing as she gathered items of clothing to be washed, polished the furniture, hovered and mopped. She’d been busy for two hours, about to take a break before the washing machine finished and she’d have to hang the washing out when she heard the door buzzer over the sound of her music. Assuming it was Rachel forgetting her keys again she skipped over and unlocked the door, not hearing the voice on the other side. She put the front door on the latch, turned down the music and went into the kitchen to make herself a mug of coffee.

“I’m going to tie your keys to your wrist one of these day Miss Hunt.” Cali called from the kitchen when she heard the door close.

“Um, Cal, it’s me.” Cali didn’t need to turn around to know that it was Brian that had just walked into her apartment. She turned on her heels to see him walking through the archway that connected the living room to the kitchen.

“I thought it was strange that you cheerfully let me in when you answered the door.” he said with a chuckle.

“What are you doing here?” Cali demanded quietly.

“I tried to tell you through the intercom, I need to talk to you.” he replied with a small smile, taking a few steps further towards her.

“About?” Cali questioned. Brian was quiet for a short moment before he answered.


“There is no ‘Us’ Brian!” Cali retorted. Brian sighed as he took a step closer to her.

“I know, and I think that’s the problem.” He replied somewhat hesitantly. Cali stared at him for a moment.

“What problem Brian?” she replied, her eyebrows knotted together in confusion.

“My problem. You’re driving me crazy! You’re constantly in my head!” he replied taking yet another step closer to her.

“Brian, you’ve got a girlfriend and I’ve got a boyfriend.” Cali said.

“Don’t you think I know that!? It hasn’t stopped me thinking about you!” Brian replied.

“But what about Michelle? Aren’t you guys happy?” Cali offered.

“Not anymore.” He replied simply, shaking his head.

“I’m sorry Brian, but I am happy with Andy.” Cali replied sympathetically. Brian sighed again and took another step closer to her.

“He’s not right for you Cal.” He said in a low whisper. He was now stood in front of her, where she was stood still holding the jar of instant coffee.

“Don’t do this Brian, I’m happy with Andy.” She pleaded staring up into his dark brown eyes.

“But we were good together.” Brian whispered.

“It was a fling Brian! That’s it. A two time thing. I’m not going to cheat on Andy.” She said raising her voice.

“So you’re suddenly all for monogamy hey! You didn’t seem that bothered about being faithful when you were screaming my name in Berlin or London!” Brian retorted with almost a snarl.

“How dare you! I wasn’t in a relationship back then; you were the one cheating on Michelle on both those occasions. You were the one who made the move, you were the one-“ her rant was cut short when Brian’s lips crashed against hers, his hands roughly grabbing her head and hip as his tongue frantically roamed her mouth. After a moment she rested her hands on his chest and began to push him off her.

“Brian, no.” she whispered breathlessly.

“Yes.” He replied with a smirk, returning his lips to hers. His hands slipped down her sides and around to her ass, squeezing gently as she jumped to wrap her legs around his waist, her hands finding his short black hair as he stumbled slightly. She moaned loudly as his lips left hers and he began to trail his lips across her jaw line. She became aware of him walking them backwards so that she was against the counter and his lips made their way back to her lips as his hands slipped up the underside of her t-shirt to caress her lower back.

“Bedroom?” Brian muttered against Cali’s lips in the tone of a question. Cali pulled herself away from him for a moment, looking at him as if she was confused about something. Slowly she slipped off the counter, pushing Brian further back as she did so. Keeping eye contact with him, she took hold of his hand and led him out of the kitchen, through the living room and into her bedroom. Once they were through the door, Cali’s arm tugged her to a halt as Brian stopped. With a smirk creeping onto his lips Brian pulled her back into his arms. He dipped his head and pressed his lips to hers once again, his hands once again finding her hips to pull her closer to him. Her hands entwined in his hair as he ushered her backwards towards the bed, his hands pushing up her t-shirt as they went.

As Cali felt the back of her legs collide with the end of the bed she fell backwards, taking Brian with her, landing on her back with Brian on top of her. She subconsciously raised her arms to allow him to lift her shirt over her head. As he lay kisses over here chest, Cali frantically loosened his belt and began to push down his jeans, grabbing hold of his boxers to make sure they were removed. Using her feet to push them further down his legs, Cali became aware that Brian had begun to remove her bra. Finally, as Brian sat up to remove his shirt, Cali removed the small pair of shorts she was wearing.

Once they were both fully naked, they were quick to find each others lips again, the feel of Brian hard against her stomach causing Cali to moan loudly. She felt the smirk of Brian’s lips against hers as she moaned loudly again as his fingers brushed against her opening. She closed her eyes and raised her hips as his fingers slid into her, curling rapidly against the bunch of nerves inside her.

“Oh God!” she whispered hoarsely as he brought her close to her peak, her body beginning to shake. He eyes suddenly snapped open as he quickly drew his fingers away from her. Brian chuckled lightly as he looked into her glaring eyes, gently teasing her as he briefly rubbed his tip over her moist opening before guiding himself into her with a sharp thrust that caused Cali to scream with delight. Cali’s eyes were soon shut again as Brian’s thrusts quickly took her to the edge of ecstasy.

“Fuck Brian! Oh! God!” she cried breathlessly as she tightened around Brian as an orgasm wracked her body. An animalistic growl emitted from Brian’s throat as he came with her.

“Fuck Cali, you’re amazing.” He whispered huskily into her ear as he collapsed next to her. “See, didn’t I tell you we were great together?” he said as he pulled her body closer to his, wrapping his arms around her waist.

“Hmm, I guess I can’t argue with that.” Cali replied with a smirk.

“There’s something about you Cali Hetfield that I can’t ignore.” Brian said propping himself up on his elbow, his other hand drawing circles over her stomach. “You can’t deny that there’s something between us.”

Cali looked up at him, her face as serious as his as he stared back at her. “I don’t want to hurt Andy.” She whispered.

“And I don’t want to hurt Michelle, but I just can’t walk away from you. Not anymore.” He replied. Cali nodded as his lips met hers again in a brief kiss.

“You better get out of her, Rachel will be back soon.” She whispered running her hand over his chest.

“But I can come over again?” he queried.

“Yeah, just not when Rachel’s around.” She replied watching a smirk appear on his thin lips. He quickly pecked her lips and began to get dressed. Cali did the same and ran a brush through her hair before placing it into a messy bun.

“I’ll text you.” he said with a wink as he leaned down to peck her lips again as they made their way towards the front door. She nodded with a smile as he winked before shutting the door behind him.

A small twinge of guilt hit Cali as she walked into the kitchen. She knew that she should never have allowed that to happen and furthermore she should not have agreed for it to happen again. However the guilt didn’t stop the small smile that was tugging at her lips. Brian was right, they were good together, he made her feel things no other man, including Andy, had ever done. Still debating with herself, Cali noticed that the washing machine had finished its cycle. With a sigh she made her way over and loaded the basket with laundry. As she grabbed her keys off the counter, so that she could go downstairs into the small garden area to hang her washing out to dry, she heard a key click in the front door.

“Cali? Are you home?” Rachel called out as she stepped into the apartment.

“No!” Cali replied with a smile.

“Oh ok…oh hey!” Rachel replied with realisation. “Very funny!”

“Hey Rachie, I’m just popping downstairs with this, I’ll be back in a minute.” Cali said lifting the basket in her hands.

“Oh ok, cool.” Rachel replied as she collapse on the sofa and turned on the TV.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the wait guys, I had planned on getting this up at the start of the week but I got distracted with...lets call them side projects....

Thanks as always to anyone who reads, subscribes and comments on this story, you guys are awesome!!! Let's see if you're good enough to get me up to 200 comments hey :) That's only 13 people who need to comment :)
