Sequel: Let Your Heart Win
Status: Complete - check out the sequel...

The Only One Who Needs to Know

Chapter 24

Removing her glasses and gently throwing them onto the table on top of the books she’d just finished marking Cali gently rubbed her eyes, thankful that she was now free to go home and relax. With a content sigh she stood up from her seat and began to tidy her desk.

“You done for the day?” Andy’s voice drifted into the room, causing her to look up with a smile. He was stood in the doorway, leaning against the frame, his arms crossed over his broad chest.

“How long have you been stood there?” Cali asked in reply.

“Less than a minute I promise.” He replied as he walked towards her.

“Yeah I’m done, now I’m going to head home, have a nice relaxing bath, open a bottle of wine and watch some trashy TV.” She replied as he came to stand in front of her, his arms snaking around her waist.

“Mmm, sounds like heaven, if only I hadn’t been roped into this lads night out.” he replied with a pout.

“Oh baby, you’ll enjoy it once you’re there, you said yourself it’s been ages since you went out with the guys, and we can always have a night in tomorrow night.” She replied suggestively with a smile.

“You’ve got yourself a date Ms Hetfield.” He replied with a widening smile before he lowered his lips to hers for a brief kiss. “Do you want help out to your car with any of this stuff?”

“Well actually most of this stuff is staying right here until Monday, but you can still walk me to my car if you want?” she replied.

“Nah, I was only asking to be gentlemanly.” He replied pulling away from her.

“Shut up you douche.” She giggled as she playfully shoved his shoulder.

“Come on baby, let’s get out of this place.” Andy said kissing her temple while placing his arm around her shoulder as walked out of the room.

Rachel had already left for work by the time Cali arrived home so she went straight to the bathroom and began to run herself a bath, adding plenty of bath salts. She sank into the hot water, closing her eyes as it immediately began to relax every muscle in her body.

It was the sound of her cell phone ringing that disturbed her from where she’d dozed off. Deciding that she could ring back whoever was disturbing her, she pushed herself up slightly shivering slightly as the cooling water sloshed around her. With a sigh she leaned down and pulled out the plug before pushing herself up and stepping out of the bath and wrapping a large towel around her body and a smaller one around her wet hair.

She gathered her things off the floor, including her cell and as she made her way to her bedroom she checked to see who it was that had called. She smiled to herself on seeing Brian’s name on the screen and threw the phone down onto her bed as she began to blow-dry her hair. With that done, she pulled her hair into a scrunchie before putting on a camisole and girl boxers, grabbing her purple robe and phone. As she tied the robe she noticed another missed call on her screen, again from Brian.

Since Johnny’s birthday and Jimmy finding out about them, they had decided to calm things down between them. Three weeks later and they had only been with each other once, although they had been texting each other and shared phone calls.

Cali made her way to the kitchen and took a bottle of her favourite white wine out of the refrigerator and a glass from the cupboard. She opened the bottle before grabbing a box of chocolates and heading back into the living room and curling up on the sofa, grabbing the TV remote.

It was as she was pouring her second glass of wine that her cell phone began to ring again. She leaned across to pick it up off the coffee table and saw Brian’s name on the screen. With a smile of her face, she pressed the answer button and held it to her ear.

“I was beginning to think you were ignoring me.” his voice floated through the phone.

“And why would I be ignoring you?” she answered with a smirk.

“You tell me, but this is the third time I’ve called.” He replied the sound of traffic in the background.

“I’m not ignoring you, you just happened to call at inconvenient times.” She replied still smirking. “So why were you calling?”

“Well, I was thinking, we haven’t seen each other in a while, and I know you’re home alone…” he began suggestion ripe in his voice.

“How do you know that?” she asked before he could continue.

“Well, firstly you’ve answered my calls and not tried to make out that you’re talking to your mom. Secondly I know Rachel’s working and thirdly I’ve just seen Andy out with the guys.” He replied smugness ringing in his voice.

“Check out the detective.” She mocked.

“Funny, so anyway, what do you say about me coming over?” he replied.

“I guess you could, if you have nothing better to do.” She teased.

“Good, I’m about a block away, I’ll see you in five.” He replied Cali could hear the smirk in his voice as he hung up.

Just over five minutes later, Brian was ringing the buzzer for Cali to let him in. “Door’s on the latch.” She muttered into the speaker before turning to walk into the kitchen and taking a bottle of beer out of the refrigerator and returning to the living room just as Brian stepped through the door. As she turned to offer him the beer she got caught up in a passionate kiss.

“Hey.” He greeted as they parted both breathlessly.

“Hey.” She replied with a smirk. “Beer?”

“Mmm, you are almost perfect aren’t you?” he said taking the bottle from her and following her back to the sofa.

“Only almost?” she queried picking up her glass of wine.

“No, I think you are it’s just the situation that’s not.” Brian replied as his eye roamed over her body.


“I know…now, what are we doing wasting what little time we do have together talking?” he replied placing his bottle on the coffee table before removing the glass of wine from her hands and leaning across to kiss her. She automatically turned her body, allowing herself to fall backwards into the sofa as Brian moved on top of her. His hands moved over her body, pulling at the tie of her robe as her hands found the edge of his t-shirt and began to pull it up his torso.

Brian quickly sat up and pulled his t-shirt over his head, knocking the glass of wine over as he threw it.

“Ooops.” He muttered.

“At least it’s not red.” Cali replied stretching her arms up around his neck to pull him back down to her.

“See, perfect, Michelle would have made me clean it up.” he replied quietly into her ear before his hands returned to her robe, slipping it off her shoulders. A smirk graced her lips as her hands began to undo the buttons of his jeans while he ran his tongue over her exposed skin.

Moaning as Cali began to push his jeans and boxers down Brian wrapped his arms around Cali’s shoulders before sitting up, bringing her into his lap. His hands slipped under her top inching it up until his hands were cupping her breasts. Moans escaped both of them as Brian gently massaged her breasts and Cali ground her hips to his as she took hold of her top and pulled it over hear head.

Moving one of his large hands to her back to keep her steady, the other continued to manipulate her breast while he took the nipple of the other into his mouth sucking on the hardened nub. With another moan, Cali slipped her hand between them, taking hold of his hardened shaft. Slowly she began to slip her hand up and down his length as she closed her eyes at the feeling of is tongue swirling around her nipple.

She felt his other hand move from her breast down her flat stomach to the waist band of her girlie boxers, slipping under it to rub his long fingers over her opening. Tightening her grip slightly, Cali opened her eyes and found Brian’s brown ones.

“Fuck me.” she muttered sternly. With a growl Brian removed his hand and moved her so the she was led on the sofa again, quickly pulling her boxers off and completely removing his own.

A loud moan escaped both of them as he plunged his length into her with a hard thrust, Cali’s finger nails digging into Brian’s back as he hit her spot.

“Oh God Brian, keep going” she moaned as she felt herself nearing her peak. With another growl, Brian pulled them both back into a seating position, Cali straddling him as he gripped her hips, moving her up and down over him.

♠ ♠ ♠
CLIFF HANGER!!!! But I'm sure you can all guess what's just happened.... ;)

This chapter took me forever to write for some reason...but I finally got it done.... Oh and I think I worked out that there's only about six chapters left of this story....

Anyway, thanks as always for reading, subscribing and commenting on this story, more are always appreciated.... :)

Cali Work
Cali evening