Sequel: Let Your Heart Win
Status: Complete - check out the sequel...

The Only One Who Needs to Know

Chapter 3

“I have never had sex in the shower!” Johnny yelled before taking a shot of Jägermeister. Cali groaned as she was forced to take another shot along all of the other guys.

She was currently sat on the Avenged Sevenfold tour bus with the guys playing I have never. They were drinking shots of Jägermeister for forfeits and Cali was wobbly. They had started drinking straight after the show and the guys had invited her back to their bus to continue playing drinking games with them.

“Brian your go!” Jimmy yelled from across the table.

“Ok, um, I have never.” He paused to think, looking over at Johnny with a smirk.

“I have never fallen asleep on a girl.” He concluded his gaze falling on Johnny who was pouring another shot into his glass.

“I hate you” Johnny muttered with a glare at Brian who smirked back.

“Johnny you didn’t?” Cali yelled realising that Johnny was taking a shot. Everyone’s eyes turned to Johnny whose face was quickly turning a deep shade of red.

“You fell asleep on Lacey?” Matt yelled in disbelief. Johnny nodded almost motionless.

“How are your balls still attached?” Cali yelled trying hard not to laugh.

“Don’t worry, she got him back, she held out on him for almost three weeks.” Brian laughed, causing the entire group, apart from Johnny to burst out in laughter.

“How do you know anyway Gates?” Jimmy asked. Brian shrugged.

“Dumb fuck told me.” he chuckled as Johnny continued to glare at him.

“Idiot! Right, Cali your turn.” Zack shouted pointing his finger over at her.

“Um, I have never, skinny dipped in the ocean!” she said and shyly took a shot, watching as each of the guys looked at her with a smile before Jimmy and Jason Berry also took a shot.

They continued to play the game until people began to pass out and head to bed. Cali was left sat around the table with Brian and Jimmy. For the entire night she’d been sat closely to Brian. Every time they’d returned to their seats Brian had made sure they were as close as possible to each other. The more Brian drunk, the closer his hand had got to her thigh and the more drunk Cali got the closer she let him get. Now, his hand was grazing the inside of her thigh, running his long fingers up and down the material of her jeans.

“I have never eaten sushi.” Cali slurred and looked up at Jimmy and Brian. Brian took half a shot while Jimmy pulled a face. The questions were becoming less interesting now as they neared the end of the second bottle of Jägermeister.

“I need to pee.” Jimmy stated getting up from the sofa and staggered towards the door which led to the bunks and toilet. Cali sat back and slowly lowered her head onto Brian’s shoulder, his hat that she was wearing slipping slightly from her head. Brian gently lifted the hat off her head and placed it back on his own causing Cali to lift her head up to look at him.

“It looks better on me.” she said with a drunken smile.

“Yeah, but now I can see your beautiful face.” he whispered with a smile and a wink before softly placing his lips on her forehead.

“Don’t you have a girlfriend?” she asked staring up into his dark chocolate, hazy eyes.

“Michelle likes to believe in the ‘not in the same state it doesn’t count’ rule.” Jimmy said walking back into the room with a smirk. Cali looked up at him briefly before returning her gaze to Brian who nodded.

“It’s something I’ve learnt to deal with.” he stated simply.

“Do you play by the same rules?” Cali asked, lust and temptation in her voice.

“I will tonight.” Brian said simply before crashing his lips onto hers. Cali heard Jimmy give out a small chuckle as she kissed him back, their tongues fighting against each other. She felt the hand that had been running up and down her inner thigh move gracefully yet frantically around to her lower back, pulling her closer to him.

She moaned loudly and uncontrollably as his lips slowly left hers and grazed the soft spot of skin on her neck.

“Well, I’ll be leaving you two to it, just try to keep the noise down.” Jimmy said as he got up and made his way to his bunk as Cali moaned loudly again. She placed her hands in Brian’s hair, knocking his hat off his head, and gently forced his lips back to hers. Brian’s other hand quickly joined the one that was on her back and quickly pulled her into his lap as yet another moan got lost in his mouth as Cali was pulled closer to him, feeling his already hard member through their jeans.

A low growl emitted from Brian’s throat as she pulled away from the kiss with him stretching to reach her lips again.

“Which bunk is yours?” she whispered breathlessly. A smirk spread across his face as he picked her up off his lap to stand up. Without saying another word he led her up to the bunks and to the one at the far end of the bus.

“We’ve gotta be quiet though.” He whispered as he tugged at her belt, his lips grazing hers. She smirked back at him, keeping eye contact as they both kicked off their shoes before Brian wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her up into his bunk. Before Cali’s head could find his pillow Brian was also in the bunk, pulling her back to his lap, their lips back together.

His hands ran quickly up the underside of her vest top, inching its way up her body as he went. Cali’s hands concentrated on removing his belt as their lips parted briefly for her top to be pulled over her head. With the belt loose and Brian’s hands working on removing her bra, Cali began to work Brian’s top up his well sculptured torso. Again their lips only parted when she raised his shirt over his head. Once her bra had quickly joined the pile of clothes that were beside the edge of the curtain that was pulled across the bunk, Brian led her back down onto the bed, slowly crawling on top of her and moving his lips down, slowly to her collar bone as his hands ran up her side, sending a shiver down her spine.

As her hands scrambled to tug his jeans from around his hips Brian kissed his way down to the top of her jeans. He then sat up and slowly pealed them off her, watching her as she stared back at him, biting her lip as she lifted her hips to help him. A sexy smirk played on his lips as he lowered himself back to her lips. Cali’s hand returned to his hips, eager to finish taking his pants off, but they weren’t there. She pulled away from Brian to glance down. His pants and boxers were gone but there was no missing his large, hard penis that was now on show. Her eyes widened at the sight as a small moan escaped her mouth as she became aware of Brian nipping at her neck again while his fingers softly grazed her panty line.

Cali shut her eyes as she was taken out of her thoughts by his velvet touch. As he continued to kiss and nip at that sweet spot on her neck she was also partially aware of his fingers working off her panties, skimming over her moist opening and her clit.
With her eyes still closed she felt Brian settle in between her legs and his lips return to hers, causing the gasp that escaped her mouth as she felt him enter her get lost in his mouth.

Trying to stay quiet proved near on impossible for Cali as Brian thrust deeply into her. He was slow at first, taking his time to reach deep inside of her. She wrapped her legs firmly around his waist, pulling him further into her. Her fingers weaved their way into his thick black hair as his thrusts became quicker.

Cali subconsciously began to moan as each thrust hit her spot and the red hot tension in the pit of her stomach began to build.

“Fuck Brian.” she moaned breathlessly, trying to keep her voice to a whisper, tugging at Brian’s hair as she flung her head back into the pillow. She gasped as she felt Brian’s hot breath beside her ear.

“Shh, we don’t want to wake the guys.” He whispered seductively into her ear before nipping at the soft skin beside her earlobe, causing another moan of sincere pleasure escape past her lips. She heard Brian chuckle on her neck and immediately tugged at his hair so that he was facing her. With her heart racing and beads of sweat forming on her forehead, Cali pulled Brian’s lips to hers, allowing the moans to be stifled by his tongue.

She felt herself tighten around Brian as she squirmed underneath him. She desperately wanted to scream his name as she came over his throbbing penis, but settled for biting down on his shoulder, causing him to growl loudly as she felt him shudder inside her.

Brian collapsed next to her, nuzzling his nose in her neck as he pulled the covers over the two of them. As their breathing returned to normal, Brian pulled Cali closer to him, wrapping his arm around her waist and kissing her lips as her eyes struggled to stay open.
♠ ♠ ♠
Firstly I want to thank Andrea, Deathbat Prophet for allowing me to use an idea from her story in this chapter. The bit in the drinking games with Johnny falling asleep on Lacey is borrowed from her awesome story Second Chances. If you don't already, I seriously urge you to go check it out as well as her second story Torn , which again is an awesome story. She is one of my favourite people on this site and I think she deserves more recognition - so go.... check them out! But wait.... Comments first please :)