‹ Prequel: A Horrible Romance

A Unique and Torn Romance

The House in a Town

Gerard carries me up the stairs and into my room. He settles me softly down on my bed. I probably still have a billion leaves and twigs stuck to my back – perhaps even a larva in my hair – but I, nor Gerard, care to check right now. He takes off my shoes before he pulls a comforter over me. It’s blue – just like the sky.
He kisses my forehead once, before he leaves quietly. The door closes, but I can still hear their hushed voices.

“How dare you do this to him,” Gerard snarls.

“Do what?”

“Start all of this!” Gerard interrupts Bob.

I started this?”

“Fuck yes, you did!” Again, Gerard obviously interrupts.
“You could’ve just stayed away from my boyfriend!”

“Well, I couldn’t use your brother anymore!”

“You used my brother?! My brother was your fucking victim?!”
Bob doesn’t answer.
“How dare you do that to him,” Gerard snarls. I can hear the venom in his voice, which means his fangs are probably lowering for the occasion.

“What? Leave him alone?”
There’s a slam.

“Don’t you play fucking smart!” Gerard probably got Bob up against the wall – maybe holding onto his throat again. I hope not. I can’t stop it this time.

“Gerard.” Frank’s voice is low, but there.

“You better stay the fuck away from both of them, got it?” There’s another slam.
“Now get out of here,” Gerard says – about midway Bob starts coughing.
Footsteps fade down the hall. Bob coughs one last time. I wish he’d come in here instead of leaving.

“I guess blaming me takes away your guilt, huh?” Bob’s breathing is heavy and quick, but his voice is mockingly confident as ever.
“You’re the one who outed him in front of the entire school. You’re the reason he jumped. You’re the fucking freak who scared the shit out of him!” I hear Bob exhale a shaking breath. He’s scared – just like I was.

“Oh, I’m the freak?” Gerard voice is menacing. I hear him take a few, slow footsteps closer.
“Don’t you see how wrong you are? Have you even looked at where you live?” Gerard laughs – a bellowing laughter that resonates down the hall. I shiver.
“Right now you’re scared by a vampire. You’ve already been beaten up by Frankenstein Jr. and you’re obviously crushing on a unicorn. And not only are you, right now, in the same house as Dracula, but you’re in a town filled with people just like us. Don’t you see? You’re the freak!”
I tear slides all the way down my cheek, before I roll over and bury my face in my pillow.
“Now, get out of my house,” Gerard snarls one last time. After that, three pair of feet slowly walk away – some quicker than others. A room and front door slam and then I’m once again alone – just like I’ll always be.
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