‹ Prequel: A Horrible Romance

A Unique and Torn Romance

Football Field

I don’t have anywhere to go after school. I know Bob would be able to find me by the lake – if he’d even go look for me – and Gerard and Frank are probably at home or in the woods. Gerard refuses to leave, both because of me and Frank. I think he just uses me as an excuse to stay.
At least, he hasn’t told mom.
No matter what, I don’t want to see any of them. Well, I wouldn’t mind seeing Bob. As long as he doesn’t beat me up or take pity on me, which I think he would if he saw me. So no; I actually don’t want to see him.

In gym, I heard that practice was canceled.
I go down to the field. It’s empty. Not a soul, not a zombie, not a mutant coach with an odd tail. There’s no one here.

I sit down on the bleachers and stare out onto the field. It must be hard to run so far – from one end to the other. They probably do that each practice. I couldn’t do it. I’d sweat just from running 10 yards.
I bet Bob doesn’t even break a sweat, even if he is just a human.
I wish I was just a human.

I reach up to the top of my head and run a finger over my hidden, flat horn. I can barely feel it when it’s this flat – just lying like a dead piece of cardboard on top of my head. I wish my fingers couldn’t feel it either. Everything would be so much easier if I didn’t have that horn. At least then, I’d look like a normal human being and not some freak.
And I know that most of the “people” here in this town are technically freaks, but I’m technically not! Everyone in this town live as if being a freak the most normal thing in the world, but I try to hide it! And why? You wanna know why?
I’ve always been gay! I always have and always will! I was never straight! I was never turned on by a woman or fell in love with a woman! I’ve been a homophobic, gay unicorn for fuck’s sake!
I’m the biggest stereotype in this fucking world!
I’m the gay, pansy, rainbow-running UNICORN! I float! I dance! I jack off to guys and I love bright colors!

I get up and kick the bench. I kick it again – and again and again. I want to destroy it, but I can’t – because of my nature, I can’t destroy things. I’m strong enough to do so, but I just can’t bring myself to kick hard enough to destroy something that isn’t mine.
That isn’t me…

I take my backpack and hurl it out onto the field. A few minor things gets flung out of it on the way, and the rest falls out when it hits the field.
I stand still and stare at the mess. I get an urging feeling in my gut to immediately clean it all up, but I fight hard to suppress it.

“That was a pretty good toss.” I look behind me and see Bob standing there – his hands in the pockets of his team jacket. I snarl at him.

“Get away from me.” Without even thinking about it, I instinctively run down the steps of the bleachers and start picking up my stuff. I give in to my urges.

“You should think about joining the team.” I turn around and throw my water bottle after him. Of course; I don’t hit him.
“You’d need some help with your aims, but-“

“Get away from me!” I scream. I never knew I could scream, but I just did, so I guess I can! I continue to clean up, and soon I’m jumping the fence to get onto the field. I trudge through the grass and over to my bag. Just as I reach down to grab it, the sprinklers turn on.
I stand up straight and sigh.
I give up.

“Get off the field!” I don’t even care what fuckhead is yelling at me. I keep standing there – getting soaked.

“Coach doesn’t allow people on the field outside of training,” Bob yells from behind me. He sounds dry. I don’t know how I can tell, but he does. His voice is blurry from the water it has to pass through in order to get to me, but it still sounds dry.
I tilt my head back and open my mouth. Water droplets fall into my mouth. They feel fresh – almost cleansing.
“Come on, Mikey. I’ll drive you home before you get sick.” I don’t wanna go home. I just wanna stand here – stay here – and drink all of the water from the sprinklers. I wanna drink it and drown in it and float away on water instead of air. I wanna swim instead of fly.
“Mikey!” His voice is wet. He sounds miserably wet.
He places a hand on my shoulder.
“Come on, Mikes.” I turn around and look at him. His face is wet. His clothes are already soaked. Even his blue eyes look wet – and innocent.

“Why do I like you?”
He frowns at me – his eyebrows dripping with water.

“What do you mean?” His eyes look confused – insecure.

“Why have I fallen for you?”
His frown disappears. He looks shocked and confused – still innocent.
Then it hits me.
I smirk.
“Did you know that unicorns are actually shy beings that can only be tamed by,” I hesitate. I look around the field to make sure that we’re alone, and even though we are, I still lean closer to him and whisper the last word in his ear.

He pulls back and looks at me – first shocked, but soon shy. He looks down at his feet and blushes. Even though his cheeks and nose are already red from the cold water, I can still spot his embarrassed blush.

Suddenly the water turns off. Bob’s head comes up and he looks behind him, then back at me.

“I guess the coach turned the water off again.” I giggle, but only for a short while:

“Get off of the field, you idiots!” We smile at each other, but try to keep a serious face as we pick up the last of my – now wet – things and walk off the field and past a very angry coach.
Once we’re in Bob’s car, we both break out laughing.

“I’m in so much trouble tomorrow,” Bob says between his bellows of laughter. My laughter slowly dies down to a giggle.

“I’m sorry,” I say – utterly failing at sounding serious and sincere.
We both sigh out loud when our laughter dies. We catch our breaths.

“Let’s get you home,” Bob says and turns the ignition. The car starts immediately. Show-off.

“Actually,” I say while Bob backs out of the parking space.
“Can we go to your house?” He glances at me quickly, before he shifts into drive and steps on the gas.

“Why?” I bite my lip and look down.
“Oh, wait. Stupid question. Sorry,” he says quickly. When I look up at him, he looks slightly amused. I smile.

“Is it okay? I just don’t wanna go home right now,” I say shyly. Bob’s eyes shift around the parking lot. I look down at my hands as I let Bob concentrate on driving.

“Sure.” I smile up at Bob, but he’s too busy looking in every direction for traffic before he pulls out of the school’s parking lot. When I look up, though, there’s no traffic at all – just two cars driving in the opposite direction.
“Uhm.” Bob looks nervous.
“There’s something I kinda have to tell you first.” I just wait. I don’t wanna interrupt, and I don’t wanna make him anymore nervous. So I wait – a blank look on my face, even though he doesn’t look at me once.
♠ ♠ ♠
Woopee! An update!
This chappy is kinda long with a lame cliffy, so I might or might not update soon... I've kinda got a writing-streak going for Skin and Bones, but I do have one more pre-written chappy for this one... So, so far, I'm safe... =D

I've also posted a oneshot! =D

This chappy is for Cactus! Huggles! =D