‹ Prequel: A Horrible Romance

A Unique and Torn Romance


Bob is on top of me, punching at my gut like there’s no tomorrow. The entire football team is circles around us, and even the coach is cheering Bob on as he throws one punch after another.

Suddenly he stops.

When I open my eyes, I see him staring down at me while panting.

Suddenly he moves his hips, and his crotch grinds against mine.

I wake up with a gasp. I freeze for a second and look around, before I start panting. This last action makes my dream flash before my eyes.

Not again!
Fuck my dick! Why don’t I just cut it off and feed it to some random dog on the street?
For fuck’s sake! I’m not gay! Could someone please tell my dick that?

I hold back a yell and a scream – a very manly scream, thank you very much – and grab my pillow and throw it across the room.
My movements make me aware of my boner, as it’s again pressed up against my thick duvet.

That’s it! This duvet has to go! I can’t keep fucking it!

I push the perverted, gay thing off of my bed and it falls into a heap on the floor.
I throw myself down onto the mattress. Immediately I miss both my pillow and my duvet. My head and back hurts from the lack of support, and my body is cold.

Fuck this! Fuck me!
Well, don’t let Bob fuck me!
What the fuck is wrong with me?
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry. I never mean to offend anyone, please know that. My use of languange is purely for the credibility of the story.

On a happy note:
Someone updated! Yay!
So I updated! Yay!
I've only got one exam left! Yay!
It's in English! Yay!
It's on Wednesday! Ya- Uhm... Not, really... Fuck!

The philosophical question of the day:
Is Wed-nesday always wet? (get it? get it? get it?)