Everything Went Numb

Vegas Skies

I took off without telling anyone, I figured that I would be back soon, so why does anyone have to know?
I walked up the nurses station, and told them my mothers name. They looked at their computer screens, and turned to me.
"If you could just have a seat over there, a doctor will come a speak with you shortly."
"Um, okay?" I asked more then agreed.
After about 5 minutes of sitting a doctor with a sullen face walked up to me.
"Ms. Parker, I'm sorry, but your mother," She started. "She had some troubles, and her heart just couldn't handle all of the stress, Ms. Parker, your mother is gone, I'm sorry, we did the best we could,"
"What? so your telling me that mother is dead? and all because of some little- wait, did the kid 'make it'?" I asked.
"Yes, would you like to see her?"
"What will happen if I say no? Will they stick her in an adoption program?" I asked, seeing as I am really it's only living relative, and reaching the age of 20, a suitable age for a parent, something I thought wouldn't come until I was at least thirty.
"Um yes." she said shifting uncomfortably. Shit. I'll have to say yes, or else be damned and haunted by my mother.
"Fine lead me to her,"
"Okay if you'll just come this way," she said leading me into a pair of swinging double doors, "Since your mother had passed by the time your sister was born, she had no name for her yet. Do you have a name? or did she have one picked out?" she asked.
"Uh yeah... Amber," I said picking one off the top of my head. Truth was, that i had no idea, I was on warped for most of my mother's pregnancy.
"Oh now that's lovely." she said.
"Uh yeah." The doctor lead me into a room full of babies, one wall of the room was glass, and there were, couples, old, young, some had children with them, but they were all pointing inside. I felt like they were pointing at me, laughing on the inside, about my horrible life, and how miserable I was and they weren't. Reality is, they were looking for their relative, friends baby, or sibling.
A nurse came over and picked up the baby, Amber I guess it was now, and handed her to me. She had blue eyes, the same ones that I shared with our mother, and a tuft of blond hair, a few shades lighter then mine, and a nose that resembled my step-father's nose. As much as I didn't like saying this, she was beautiful.
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Hope you likey!