Everything Went Numb

America's Sweethearts

Five Years Later

"Mommy! mommy!" 'my' five year old yelled coming up to me, sitting on the park bench, where I had been watching her. Ever since I brought her home, I told people she was mine, just so they wouldn't ask questions, and technically, she was, and she thought she was too. One day I would tell her the truth, or not. The point it that I was just bull shitting myself when I said I didn't want anything to do with her. I fell in love immediately.
"What is it Amber?" I asked.
"Look what i found!" she exclaimed, thrusting a lighter into my hands.
"Ew! Amber! Don't touch these! These are ick!" I told her, tossing it in the garbage.
"I'm sorry mommy" she said a sad look on her face.
"Hey what d'you say we go home, and I make you a grilled cheese sandwich?" I asked, scooping her up and slinging her onto my hip.
"Sounds okyie dokie!" she said planting a sloppy wet kiss on my cheek.
"Wait! can uncle Randy come over?" she squealed.
"If he wants" I said strapping her into her car seat.
I got into the driver's seat, and popped in a C.D. for Amber, before getting my cell phone out, and scrolling through the list of contacts to find Randy's number.
"Jello???" I heard Randy's voice ask through the phone.
"Asparagus?" I joked, this is how it's been since we started hanging out four and a half short years ago.
"What chu want girl?" He asked.
"Well your best friend," I pulled the phone from my ear so Amber could shriek her 'HELLO!' into the phone, and Randy could do the same.
"Has invited you to a gourmet lunch of grilled cheese," I told him.
"See you soon then!" He said to me.
"Sounds dandy Randy," I clicked the phone off and started to sing along with Amber to the current C.D, Fall Out Boy's Take This to Your Grave. After a few minutes a fever you can't sweat out, came on. My hand immediately shot out to change the C.D.
"Hmm how'd that get in there?" I asked to myself.
"Uncle Randy put it in last week, he told me not to tell," Amber said, I looked in the rear view mirror to see her smiling devilishly.
"Whats wrong with that one?" she asked.
"It's complicated kiddo," I said parking the car in the drive way behind Randy's car.
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Hope you like! haha yeah that's all i ever say