Everything Went Numb

How Far We've Come

Randy was already inside when I opened the door and let go of Amber's hand. Of course she flew immediately into Randy's arms.
"Hey Amber, why don't you go put on some clean clothes, and wash your hands before lunch?" I suggested.
"Humph fine." she said, walking up the stairs to her room.
"Hey," Randy said engulfing me into one of his famous bear hugs.
"Hey whats up? I haven't heard from you in a while." I asked.
"Um not much. we're going on tour again." Randy had taken over for the merch booth when I left on my request. I had given him one of the guys numbers, telling him to call saying he heard the merch booth had an open spot. He was also my main resource when it came to information. Being such a tiny baby, I was able to pass Amber off as younger than she actually is, so naturally Randy thought that Amber was my Daughter. He promised me he wouldn't tell Brendon - whom he thinks is her father. He also knows better then to mention any of the guys - unless i request - around me, or Amber.
"So we were setting up in the studio the other day, and this real jack ass roady, he's moving everything around for them, and he drops Ryan's guitar, and Ryan just goes off on him, calling him a doushbag an-"
"Mommy whats a doushbag?" Amber asks walking down the stairs toward us, "and who's Ryan?" she adds.
"Um nothing, and you are not allowed to repeat that word got it?" I told her.
"Got it,"
"and Ryan is... uncle Randy's... brother!" I answered trying to think on my feet.
"Oh... wait that means.... that ... uncle Randy is uncle Ryan?" she asked confused.
"No honey... you know what? go get that picture you drew for uncle Randy and show it too him!" I told her changing subjects.
"Okay!" she said running off towards the living room. I turned to Randy and smacked his arm.
"Watch what you say around my daughter!" I scolded him.
"Okay, I'm sorry, but there's something you should no..." He trailed off as Amber came charging back with her picture in hand.
"Look thats you, and me, and mommy and Becca, and Steph, she's a dog!" Amber said excitedly. I walked into the kitchen and started to make the grilled cheese sandwiches.
When everything was ready I brought them out to the dinning room were Randy and Amber were, drawing a new picture.
"Here you go pumpkin," I said placing a plate in front of Amber.
"Fank-cuu!" I got from both of them with their mouthes full of food.

"So what is it that you needed to tell me?" I asked Randy as we sat in the living room, after I had put Amber down for her nap.
"Um, oh yeah, uh, Ryan says hello..."
"Oh?" I asked my eyebrows raised.
"And he wants you to come on tour with us." Randy rushed out in a string of words.
"And how does Ryan know that you are talking to me?"
"Uh, um he was looking through my phone, and he confronted me.... when I was... uh drunk..." he said his face flushing.
"Randy! I hope you told him not to tell Brendon?" I asked almost panicking.
"Um well that's the thing... if you go with us, then you don't have to worry about Brendon..." he said.
"True, but Randy! I trusted you!"
"Yeah, and now you can hang out with your old friends, and your old boyfriend that you never said goodbye to!"
"Yeah but you know why!" I said, which he only half did.
"I guess I'll think about it, Amber doesn't start school for another year... and she might have fun... okay, only if you ask Ryan if I can bring another person?" I asked.
"Sure thing doll face, but listen I gotta go, so I'll see you soon!" he said.
"Okay! one thing, when do we leave?"
"Um two days? maybe three, I can see if we can pick you up here," he said swinging the door shut with a loud bang, which in return I received a coarse of "Mommy? Mommy? where are you?"'s