Everything Went Numb

Any Way You Want It

"So Amber, what do you want for breakfast?" Brendon said from beside her on the floor. Everyone had taken the news fairly well, Ryan was overly happy, as was Amber, and everyone else teased us by making "oh no there's another Brendon on the lose!" jokes, or "could'nt keep it in your pants could ya?".
"McDonald's!!!" she yelled in his ear, making him wince and grin at the same time.
"That's my favorite! how'd you know?" He asked her.
"Uh I dunno"
"Okay... well what do you want?"
"Pancakes!" she squealed again causing another wince.
"Those are me favorite too!" he said, he looked like he was having fun with this.
"We'll have hash browns!" Ryan said from sitting next to me, watching them like I was, "Unless you don't like them anymore?" Ryan asked me.
"Are you kidding me? when you have a five year old you eat McDonald's more then you do on the road!"
"Oh I don't believe that!" John yelled out from the back.
"Okay Walker! I bet you 20 bucks you put on twice as much weight as you did last tour!"
"Your on!" he yelled back.
"Okay Jerry, can you stop at the next McDonald's please?" Brendon called up to the bus driver.
"Sure thing boss,"
"Don't call me that!" Brendon sing-songed back.
"Why not daddy? can I call you that?" Amber asked looking up from her Barbie and Ken doll that she has given Brendon to play with earlier, but had it taken away, 'because your voice is too high to play Ken!' Amber had announced, sending Ryan and me into a fit of uncontrollable laughter, and being glared at by Brendon.
"Okay boss were here!" Jerry called back.
"Okay well I'm going down, who wants to come?" Brendon asked.
"I will, oh I will!" Ryan and Amber said in the same tone, at the same time.
"And I guess I have too," I said, "You can never trust Ryan around 50 million kids," I said.
"You know it!" he responded. So we all clambered down the stairs and set off for McDonald's.
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you know, ryan might turn into the next micheal jackson, there needs to be a replacement :P

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