Everything Went Numb


"Our first show is in California, so we have a bit of a drive before we get there," Ryan said as we settled back on the bus.
"Mommy! Mommy! can we watch A Bugs Life?" Amber said jumping up and down in front of me.
"Uh yeah ask Ryan if he'll put it in for you," I told her. As Ryan and Amber were messing around with the TV system, Brendon came over and sat down next to me.
"She's amazing," he said.
"Yeah," I replied.
"So I was thinking... Do you think that she would like a bike?" Brendon surprised me.
"What? Um well yeah, why?" I asked a little baffled.
"Because I was thinking that before the show, if we had time we could go over to a toy store or something?"
"Oh, Brendon, you don't have to do that,"
"But I want too, and I mean come on, she's a kid, on tour, there will be nothing for her to do,"
"But she only knows how to ride a tricycle,"
"Okay, well then we can get some training wheels, and I can teach her,"
"Brendon, like I said, you don't have to do this, but if you really want to, then there's nothing stopping you," I told him.
"Okay, what's her favorite color?"
"Um I don't know, she's five, it changes every 20 minutes, ask her, but after the movie, because you'll never get an answer from her now,"
"Oh, okay,"


I was lying in my bunk when I heard giggling, and in one swift movement my curtain was pulled back, and there were three body's, on top of mine.
"Ryan! Randy! Spencer! Get the hell off of me!" I yelled in someones ear.
"Ow ow ow" I heard Randy whimper which told me it was his ear.
"Where is Amber?" I asked as they worked on getting off of me situating themselves around my body on my bunk.
"With Brendon," Ryan answerd.
"Oh well that explains sooo much,"
"He took her out for ice cream,"
"Hmm without telling me?"
"Well I guess since she's his kid too he doesn't have to," Spencer interjected.
"Yes, but I would like to know we she is, so I don't have to file a missing persons report!" I snapped.
"Hello?" we heard from the front of the bus.
"Hi were back here!" I called up.
"Mommy! Daddy took me for ice cream!"
"Oh cool! what kind did you get?" I asked switching out of pissed off, and into parenting.
"Monkey chunks" She said.
"Chunky monkey?" I corrected her.
"oh yeah, yeah thats it!"
"Ew I don't like bananas!" I said sticking out my tongue.
"I do!" she yelled skipping off back to the front of the bus.
"Johnny! look daddy got my monkey chunks!" I heard her tell John, forgetting the name again.
"I got you something" Brendon said plopping a cardboard bowl into my hands. It was full of pink, yellow and orange swirls. Rainbow Sherbert. My favorite since I was a little kid.
"Oh thank you,"
"You still like that right?" he asked.
"Oh uh yeah, it just reminds me of the last time I was on tour with you guys..." We would get ice cream every time we got back on the bus for a long trip, and I guess old habits die hard.
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