Everything Went Numb

Dear Time Traveler

Right as Ambers' sugar rush peeked, the bus stopped, pulling into the toy store I assumed.
"Don't let her go inside" I hissed to Brendon.
"Listen to her dude." Randy warned Brendon.
"Last time I went into a toy store with her, she was all over the place, begging for everything her eyes touched, and throwing a tempertamtrum when I told her no." I explained.
"All right"
10 minuets later Brendon climbed back into the bus.
"Amber come here, I have a surprise for you" He told her. Randy, Ryan and I fallowed them out side. There it was sitting waiting for her to climb on and get lost in it, a purple and pink bike with training wheels on it.
"Oh yay!" Amber squealed, "It's like santa came early this year!" she said reciving laughter from Ryan and Randy.
"Amber" I said sternly, "what do you say to your Daddy?"
"Thank you daddy" she said running into his arms that were open and waiting for her, and planting a wet kiss on his cheek. We watched her ride around the parking lot with Brendon chasing after her, both of them yelping with delight.
Around five thirty Ryan said that it was time to get on the bus again, and go to the first venu. When we got to the venu Amber unloaded her new bike, and rode around on the floor in front of the stage. Randy and I set up merch to the right of the stage, while the opening band got ready for there set.
"Okay so lately I've been putting the clothing up front and the C.D.s in the back with the stickers and keychains" Randy told me.
"Well what I used to do was put the smaller things up front and the bigger things in the back, believe it or not, the keychains and the stickers cost the most, and are the best sellers." I told him.
"Hmm good idea, we just need to watch carfully to make sure that no one trys to swipe anything"
"True. Hey Amber, come here a second,"
"Okyie dokyie" She yelled.
"When the show starts, i need you to stay next to me, do you hear me? If you don't listen to me, and stay here with me, or uncle Randy, I'll take away your new bike" I warned her.
"Yes ma'am" she said sullenly.
"why are you so tough on her?" Randy asked a minuet later, after Amber had gone back to her bike.
"You know what these shows are like, you've seen these kids I used to be one of these kids, I want my daughter to be less exposed to these kids then she has to be."
"Yeah okay, but come on, her bike?"
"It's the only way she'll listen, you know that!" I said defending myself.
The first kids started showing up around eight. I had forgotten how much fun it was to talk to them, and sell merch, and to Ambers' delight the kids talked to her, under my strick eye. As the show was starting i noticed Amber getting really queit and still, looking mezmorized.
"Are you ready for this?" Randy asked her excitedly.
"Yeah!" she nodded back to him, pumped like Brendons' real daughter would be. Amber walked over to where I was sitting and clambered into my lap.
"Hello sugar" I cooed in her ear, measageing her back.
"Hi mommy, whens the show gonna start?" she asked just as the lights went off, and all the teeny bopper fans screamed.
"Oh just about now"
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sorry it's short, i have a paper due on tuesday, and i wanted to get somthing up

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