A Midsummer's Night Dream


I could help but stare at the unboiling pot of water before me. It seemed like a bloody hour had gone by when the water began to bubble. Sofia would be home soon from her rehersal, probably complaining about how hungry she was. I swear, she can eat like a five-hundred pound man and still look amazingly thin. As I put the pasta into the water, I heard my phone going off. I could see a text from Sofia, saying she was having two extra people joining us for dinner. I smiled, knowing that there wasn't going to be a whole pile of leftovers sitting in the refridgerator. I love cooking big meals like this, despite my long hours at the hospital. I thought that after medical school, things would be easier, not harder. My boss was a pain in the arse and gave me the cases he didn't want.

At least Sofia was understanding about it. When she moved to England, she was my next door neighbor, that quickly became my best friend. We were polar opposites, but I think that's why we worked so well. As I started to set the table, I heard her come in.

"LILY! I am famished." She walked in steering straight for the stove.

"Oh no you don't! We have guests coming and I don't think they would appreciate you eating all the food." She mocked me and left to go change. I stirred the pasta and started on making the alfredo sause. Sofia came back in a sat on the counter.

"How was work?"

"Amazing! My love interest is bloody brilliant! I couldn't imagine a better actor for it."

"Who is he?"

"You'll meet him tonight," she said as she stuffed a piece of brocolii into her mouth. I rolled my eyes. One thing Sofia was good at besides acting, was picking up guys. She used them like tissues, but she was good. I, on the other hand, stink horribly at picking up guys. Ask me to flirt and I'll fall on my face- literally. The doorbell rang and Sofia ran to answer the door.


"Sofia, no need to yell. We don't live in a mansion." I walked out, wiping my hands off, not noticing the figures before me.

"Lily, meet Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint." My head shot up faster than a speeding bullet. I could see the smirks on both of their faces and Sofia grinning.

"Um, hi. I'm Lily. It's really nice to meet you both. Please, come in." Dan was the first to shake my hand, and I thought I was going to faint. Now, I normally don't believe in electrical shocks or love at first sight, but I was willing to believe now. Rupert didn't really shake my hand, he pulled me into a bear hug instead. Sofia and Dan were trying not to laugh, but I beat them to it. It's amazing the affect a person can have on your mood. Rupert set me down as I tried to catch my breath.

"Dinner is ready." Sofia and Rupert ran off as I went to shut the front door. I turned around to see Dan still standing there.

"I didn't want to leave you standing here alone. Do you need help?"

"Thank you and no, I'm all set. Besides, you're the guest. It would be impolite." I showed him where the dining room was and left to go grab dinner. I could hear the three of them laughing and smiled to myself as I brought the food in. Dan pulled out my chair, which I wasn't expecting. I sat down and gave him a small smile as Sofia passed me the plate.

"Lily, Sofia tells me you are a doctor."

"Yep. I work in the pediactric's unit. I'm guessing you are playing her love interest." Dan nodded and I began to eat. All throughout dinner, Sofia and Rupert mainly dominated the conversation. I didn't speak and Dan only spoke when Rupert needed the support. I just felt a bit awkward, like I didn't fit in. It was almost a relief to leave the table to take care of the dishes as the others went to the living room. I felt like someone was behind me as I began to wash. Dan then appeared by my side.

"I brought dessert. I figured since you took the time to cook this huge meal for us, it would be a thank you gift." I don't know what I was thinking, but I kissed his cheek and took the dessert from him.

"Thank you Dan." I could see a blush creeping across his cheeks as he left the room. I let out a breath of air, mainly out of shock. Sofia walked in and as soon as I saw her face, I knew what she was going to ask.

"Why's Dan blushing?"



"Shh! Don't make a big deal out of it. It was a gesture of thanks. That's all."

"Sure. All I can say is that he's into you." I threw a towel at her as she left the room and smiled. As I cut the cake to hand out, the more I realized that maybe what I felt wasn't a fangirl crush, and it sort of scared me. Sofia purposely made it so that I had to sit next to Dan, but at this point, I didn't care.

The hours came and gone faster than waiting for that pot to boil. As Dan stood to leave, I noticed a note on the table:


Please, give me a call when you are availble.


Under it was his mobile number. I did a little dance and realized that Sofia could be right.