
Chapter Twenty-Nine


I stood on our small porch in the cold night air, rubbing my hands over my shoulders in a failing attempt to keep warm. Even though the front door was closed I could still hear the heartbroken sobs and hiccups emitting from Josie inside. I looked down at my cell to check the time and sighed, tapping my foot impatiently on the welcome mat, hoping that Sid would get here soon.

And as if by divine will a car roared around the corner and floored it down the street, stopping just in time to swerve into the driveway. Before the engine was even off the passenger door flew open and out ran Sid like a crazy man. He bolted up the front stairs and grabbed my shoulders, his eyes popping in urgency.

“Where is she?” he demanded, I blinked and pointed to the door, he was through it before my hand even fell back to my side. I shook my head at his antics, but was relieved none the less that he was here and more than happy to help out. Turning back to the car I watched as Joey got out of the driver’s side with a sheepish grin attached to his face, I tilted my head in question, wondering why he was here. It wasn’t bad that he was here; it was good, in a scarily good kind of way if you understand what I mean.

Joey locked his car and made his way towards me, his sheepish grin turning into that of a nervous one. I smiled when he reached the bottom of the stairs and offered him a small wave which he returned.

“When I invited Sid I didn’t know he would bring his baggage,” I joked lightly; Joey chuckled and took a step closer to me.

“His baggage was the one with a working car, so thus had no choice,” he came back with. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

“You make it sound like if you had the choice you would have rather not come,” I pointed out with a raised eyebrow and grin. Joey cleared his throat awkwardly and looked away, shoving his hands into his pockets. I frowned, and wrinkled my brow at his strange response. “Um, well I guess you can come inside if you like,” I said in a rush as I turned and walked through the door without waiting for a response.

Just as I walked in I caught the backs of Sid and Josie retreating to her room probably for a little more privacy. I hoped that I was right in inviting him over and that he would be able to cheer her up and know all the right things to say, the right things that I could not for the life of my come up with. After letting out a small breath of exasperation I made my way over to the couch and plonked myself down, completely forgetting about Joey until he sat at the other end moments later.

From the second his tight black jeans touched the couch fabric time seemed to slow, so seconds turned into minutes and minutes into hours. My throat closed up and I could feel each and every one of my heart beats reverberating loudly around my cavities. My breathing became uneasy, I suddenly realised that we were alone in one of our awkward wordless moments again, and god knows how long Sid and Josie were going to be. Clearing my throat, I perched myself uneasily on the edge of the couch, praying that he would decide to leave, but hoping somewhere deep down that he would just start a conversation instead.

“You know, I’m glad I didn’t have the choice,” Joey said suddenly, his voice was full of thought. I frowned in confusion before realising that he was talking about his choice to come here or not. I shifted my body just slightly towards him, cocking my head.

“Why does that make you glad?” I asked lightly, part of me not daring to dream of an answer before it was said. He grinned, almost emitting a light chuckle before he looked down with his eyes closed.

“I thought that would’ve been a simple enough answer,” he replied, causing my heart to race like time was catching up on the slow moments before. Somewhere at the back of my mind I knew what the answer was, but I couldn’t bring myself of even began to contemplate let alone believe it. Swallowing, I looked down at my hands in my lap, twiddling my thumbs nervously.

I guess in my nervous panic I forgot completely that the concept of time existed, that was until I felt a shifting on the couch and looked across in fright to find Joey slid himself just a little closer to me, his eyes staring deeply at me with purpose.

I literally gulped.

“I owe you a lot you know,” he said sombrely, refusing to break eye contact. I frowned and shook my slowly – how could anyone of his stamina owe me? The idea was ludicrous, if anything I owed him for being allowed in his presence.

“What? Joey no you don’t-“ I started, but he cut me off with a raised index finger and shifted a little closer again, I knew my heart would not be able to go any faster if he moved anymore closer.

“Yes, yes I do V. Without you I would still be stuck in that bad place brooding over a relationship that was toxic from the start. I know none of the guys would have been able to help me like you did so I owe you for that,” he said, his eyes which still refused to break contact glinted in the overhead light. God they were so pretty, I almost felt like I could get lost in the blue abyss and be content for the rest of my life.

“Well I disagree, but I’m glad you’re recovering and if I played any part in that then I’m even more glad,” I managed to choke out before my throat completely closed off, my nails were now digging into my palms trying to keep the last trickles of sanity inside before nerves completely took over.

“You played the whole part,” he whispered, inching forward one last time so our legs were touching ever so slightly. That slightness sent my body into over drive, I could have fainted right there as hot tingling sensations ran up my thighs. It was almost like ecstasy in a funny way, blood pumping, heart racing, palms sweating – but all the while rapid shaking thrills coursed up and down the length of my body.

My lips fell apart a little in a gaping-like movement as I watched his hand slowly reach out; his thumb gently caressed my cheek. I couldn’t even blink as his hand went to the back of my head, pushing it ever so gently towards his face. Breathing was a forgotten second nature as his eyes fluttered closed, his head tilted to the side and he leaned in towards me.
♠ ♠ ♠ could I leave it hanging?!

...just cause I can =D Comments? xo

By the way, I don't know if anyone's heard of the inland tsnami and floods in Queensland Australia but I have friends and lots of family up there so I just thought I would mention that I hope they are all ok and their houses aren't too damaged! =[

OOOOHHHHH and this story is officially 101 pages, 47,436 words long. WOAHH.