
Chapter Thirty-Seven


I woke up the next morning to a dull London sun shining through the window curtains. Stretching out my legs as my eyes adjusted to the light, I rolled over onto my other side and came face to face with a bleary eyed Joey.

“Oh hi,” I said in mild surprise, taking a moment to remember that I stayed with him last night and not get lost in the idea that this was just a very, very good dream.

“Morning,” he said back, a little smile cracking the corner of his lips. I bit my own lip and suddenly felt awkward being in the same bed as him, even though nothing had happened and I was permanently friend-zoned, it was still thrilling to be so close to him.

“What’s the time?” I asked sheepishly to distract both of us from falling into an awkward moment. Joey thought for a moment and shrugged.

“I dunno, probably time to get up I guess,” he answered. “How’s your cheek by the way?” he added. I had totally forgot about the elastic incident, last night’s memories more focused on the wrestling and aftermath. I touched my finger tips to my cheek and shrugged.

“No harm done,” I answered. Joey looked relieved and turned over onto his back, placing his hands behind the back of his head. A fleeting, wishful dream flickered across my mind, imagining that this situation was more than it actually was and that this morning was following a night of mind blowing love making. A warm flush went down my spine, if only that were true...then I could shuffle over, lean my head on his chest and wrap my arms tightly around him.

“Hey V?” Joey asked apprehensively, breaking me out of my trance.

“Yeah?” I replied, propping myself up with my elbow.

“Just...can we not tell Corey, you know...about last night?” he asked, turning his face towards me, eyes glinting with what seemed like a mild fear. My heart sank a little, feeling slightly dejected and wondering why he wanted to keep it a secret when nothing happened. Did he think Corey wouldn’t believe that nothing happened? Did he not want to be associated with me in ‘that’ way? I guess I could understand why, but hurt.

“Ok, I guess,” I replied slowly. Turning over I got out of bed and decided to get changed back into my own clothes and return to my designated room, Sid or no Sid.

“So I’m going to take a stupidly wild guess and assume that you had fun last night,” I said from the bathroom as I did my hair, to Josie who was on the edge of her bed trying to pull up her super tight jeans. She rolled her eyes and gave one last mega tug at her jeans, managing to get them high enough that she could do them up.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she responded, feigning ignorance. This time I rolled my eyes as I put my hair brush down and went over to lean on the bathroom door frame with my arms folded.

“So tell me who ate my breakfast then?” I asked, dipping my head in the direction of the room service tray that had two plates littered with food scraps on it. Josie smiled, shook her head and brushed past me into the bathroom to go fix her own hair.

“Where were you last night anyway?” she asked, pulling her hair tightly into a pony on the top of her head.

“Don’t change the subject,” I said, turning around to face her. “You still haven’t confirmed if my ‘wild guess’ was correct or not”. She grabbed her mascara that she had already put on and added more layers.

“If I say it was correct I still don’t have to give you any more details as to why it is correct, as that wasn’t part of your question,” she pointed out while staring in the mirror intently. “Which means,” she added, putting the mascara down and turning to face me, “that I have now answered your question and you now have to answer mine,” she said smugly with a twisted grin. I ‘pfft’d’ in her direction, waving my hand loosely in the air, turning and walking over to my hand bag.

“Hey fair’s fair!” she called, following me out into the room. I zipped my bag up and glared at her, but she merely folded her arms stubbornly and glared back.

“Well, I was FORCED by no choice of my own to abandon my own bed last night,” I said.

“...and?” she probed.

“And a member of Slipknot was kind enough to offer me a room to stay in while my roommate fornicated with his band mate,” I answered with a wink. Josie growled at my answer which gave her no ammunition to use against me. “I answered your question so I don’t have to give you any more details,” I mimicked her previous answer happily as I pushed past her and over to the door. Pulling it open I stepped out into the hallway and looked around, not seeing any familiar faces...or actually anyone except a cleaning lady with her trolley at the other end.

“I’m going to go ask Corey what the plan is for today,” I said over my shoulder to Josie. She grumbled something as I closed the door and headed down the hall to the next one. Knocking softly I waited a moment before I heard any movement come from inside. A minute later Corey opened the door, looking slightly rugged and worse for wear.

“Good morning princess,” I said chirpily, he groaned and rubbed his face in reply. “Big night then?” I suggested with a devious wink.

“It’s not like that,” he replied tiredly. Stepping aside he held the door open for me to come in. I ducked under his arm and headed over to his bed, collapsing on top of it. He closed the door and collapsed down next to me.

“So what’s it like then?” I asked in interest, I mean I saw him talking to that red head last night and they were getting pretty darn cosy on that couch at the restaurant. Corey sighed, but it wasn’t a tedious sigh…more like a little love struck puppy sort of sigh.

“Corey Taylor!” I gasped, flipping onto my side so I could look directly him. “Did I just hear you sigh the sigh of loooooovvveeee?” I cooed jokingly.

“No!” he exclaimed, a little too abruptly and loudly to be believable. I heaved myself on top of him and started pinching his cheeks wildly.

“Corey’s in love! Corey’s getting married! Corey’s going to have baaaaabbbieeesss!” I sung at him. He protested indignantly at me, slapping my hands away.

“You’re so annoying!” he whined just as there was another knock at the door.

“Come in!” I called happily, jumping off Corey and standing by his feet on the floor.

“You can’t yell ‘come in’ at a hotel!” Corey gasped. “You don’t know who could be on the other side!” I rolled my eyes at him and smiled, skipping over to the door I pulled it open to find Paul standing there.

“Guess what Corey’s in love!” I gushed quickly to Paul.

“Fucking…Vixen!” Corey whined loudly. Paul and I laughed before giving each other a quick hug and heading back over to Corey. I sat on the bed next to Corey who slapped me across the back of the head lightly as Paul leaned against the opposing wall.

“So we’re leaving in about 20 minutes for the signing,” Paul informed Corey, who sat up and exhaled tiredly.

“Urgh…is there a cap on this one?” Corey asked, rubbing his eyes.

“No idea dude,” Paul replied with an apologetic shrug. I was assuming that meant that if there wasn’t a ‘cap’ they would have to keep on signing until the last fan was gone…I may not have kept up with the ‘scene’ for a while, but even I had gathered just how popular Slipknot was, that could mean a lot of people and a long day for an already grumpy Corey. Corey groaned, pulled himself off the bed and over to his suitcase, grabbing out some clothes.

“Guess I better get on the face then,” Corey mumbled before heading over to the bathroom and closing the door. I stood up and stretched, indicating to Paul with my finger that we should leave him to it.

We stepped out into the hallway and let the door slam behind us, I turned to face Paul.

“Don’t you have make up to do?” I questioned, I mean I know they wear masks but I’ve seen on the album sleeves that they sometimes paint their necks and eyes.

“Yeah I better go do it – doesn’t take long though,” Paul said. “Oh, did you eat your English breakfast?” he added with a smirk. My heart skipped a beat as I shrugged back at him.

“Er…actually, I think Sid might’ve,” I replied, Paul looked confused and went to question me but I held up my hand to stop him. “Don’t ask,” I said, “anyways go get ready.” He shrugged after a suspicious glance, nodded and turned around to go back to his room.

About half an hour later I was standing in the hotel lobby with Josie, Shawn, Mick and Paul as we waited for the others. It was a little off-putting standing with 3 large guys wearing twisted masks; needless to say we were getting a few fearful glances from other patrons.

“Is this weird-ing you out just a little?” Josie whispered in my ear, shuffling closer to my side she grabbed my hand. I giggled, nodding.

“Ever so slightly,” I replied. “At least we won’t attract any serial killers, they’d all assume we’re already marked for death by this lot,” I joked. Josie stifled her laughter as the lifts dinged open and out came the rest of the hoard.

“Delayed enough fuckers?” Shawn called over to them.

“Fuck you clown boy,” Corey called back playfully, sticking up his finger. At that moment John came through the entrance doors with a clipboard in hand and wearing a headset; I guess it was business time then.

“About time,” he said to the late arrivals as he scribbled something down on his pad. “There’s a bus outside waiting and apparently a shit load of kids already lining up – so let’s move!” he commanded. Shawn and Paul were the first to move, followed slowly by the others. Josie let go of my hand as Sid brushed past us, pulling up his mask quickly he gave her a sly wink before continuing on. She blushed and purposely avoided eye contact with me as she turned and followed him. I snorted and went to follow as well, just as Joey popped up next to me.

“Hey,” he greeted casually with a little wave. My insides tensed as I forced a smile back at him. I was still a little crushed and confused over the ‘keep it a secret’ thing.

“Hi,” I replied quietly as we started to walk together. When we got to the bus he stepped aside with a little bow and allowed me to get on before him, I curtseyed playfully at the gesture and went up the steps, sitting down on the first empty seat I saw. Joey came and sat down next to me which made me stiffen up; but he said nothing the whole trip, just sat there quietly listening to the other’s joke around. By the time we reached the back dock of the store where they were signing, my right side felt like a porcupine had been rolling up and down it for hours.

“Hey V?” Joey said quietly, placing his hand on my thigh he turned to face me. I felt my face burn as I looked at him.

“Yeah?” I whispered back cautiously, afraid that my voice would give out.

“We’re still friends right?” he asked. I blinked a few times taking the question in. I didn’t realise we weren’t friends? Why does he always have to confirm it? Maybe he’d picked up on my slightly cold shoulder?

“Of course,” I replied. He seemed relieved by the answer, though I couldn’t see his face to actually tell. He stood up and offered me his hand.

“Ready to go meet some maggots?” he asked.

“As long as we’re on the same page as to which ones you’re referring to!” I chimed back with a grin, taking his offered hand.
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It's really hot here. But I updated again holy crap (yeah I know it's not an interesting chapter, sorry).

I'm not sure if anyone still reads this? Holla if you're reading so I know to keep going =) x