
Chapter Fifty-Six


I didn’t invite Brandon over that night; in fact I didn’t speak to anyone else at all after Josie’s phone call. Instead I numbly walked back to my car, drove home and crawled silently into bed; still doing my best to process the terrifyingly real conversation and work out whether an apology from Joey would change anything between us; because I knew, of course, I would forgive him if he asked for it - that wasn’t even a question.

I woke the next morning to my phone buzzing loudly, figuring it was the guy from the op shop I searched blindly for it on my bedside table and answered it without checking the caller id.

“Hello?” my voice croaked, adjusting to being used for the first time in hours.

“My little Vixen, how are you?” greeted Corey on the other end.

“Ah…half asleep?” I groaned. Pushing myself up into the sitting position, I rubbed my eyes.

“Sorry about that, actually sorry about everything I’m about to say,” Corey laughed nervously, which was very unlike him; he was always sure of himself even when he was wrong.

“Oh God,” I breathed out, not liking the sound of that.

“I’m sorry, if I had any other option I would never in a million years ask this of you,” he pleaded for forgiveness before even committing himself to needing it.

“Go on,” I sighed; knowing I had to hear whatever it was sooner or later.

“It’s just, today’s my court hearing with le’ douche bag and my lawyers are stuck in New York in some snow storm so they can’t make it and if someone doesn’t show for me I’ll be in contempt of the court and all the bullshit…” he trailed off.

“You want me to go for you?” I gulped, panic rising up in my gut. That really was a massive favour and I knew Corey knew how big it was, how breath takingly painful it would be for me to willingly put myself in a situation with the person I hated most in the world. The person who ripped any courage I held onto right out of me with one snide glance.

“I know it’s the worst favour anyone could ask,” Corey apologised. I rubbed my face in exhaustion, I didn’t want to do it but I owed it to Corey to help him through this.

“It’s my fault it happened and I don’t want you to go to jail,” I said.

“I’m really sorry,” he apologised again; I don’t think I’d ever heard Corey so empathetic in his entire life.

“It’s not your fault, I’m just going to hate on snow for the rest of my life now,” I joked, trying to lighten the mood a little and let Corey know it was ok and he didn’t need to feel so bad about it. Corey chuckled a little and sighed.

“I’ll email you the details, call me after it’s done?” he said.

“Ok will do,” I replied; hanging up the phone. Hauling myself off the bed, I rubbed my face once more and stared into the mirror, taking in my untamed morning glory. “Miss Law”, I said to myself, “you’re going to have to harden the fuck up”. And I knew I had to stick by that mentality if I was to survive the day.

The courthouse was on East Walnut Street and turned out to be a large sandstone building, with two iron cast lanterns a top some pillars by the entrance. There were hundreds of people bustling in and out and around the building. Some were everyday Joes, while others were obviously lawyers in long black cloaks and carrying heavy files. It was intimidating to walk up the steps with nothing but my handbag and a couple of emails from Corey printed out. I tugged nervously at the bottom of my shirt; feeling underdressed even while wearing a suit.

Inside I gathered my bearings from a large map by the doors and headed over to the lift where I travelled to the third floor and turned to the left. My heart was thumping heavily as I read the courtroom numbers above the doors, stopping only when I found the one I was looking for. I was filled with fear, like I was the one who had done something wrong and was about to face trial. I slipped into the court room and took a seat on the back bench.

The trial before Corey’s was still taking place, but from the sounds of it, it was drawing to a close. I tapped my feet nervously on the floor, looking around. That’s when I spotted the familiar sneer. I connected with his gaze only briefly, but I could tell he just wanted to jump up and laugh out loud; finding hilarity in Corey sending his weakest defence. My throat went dry as I looked down at my hands in my lap. I really wanted to be brave for Corey, but it was already getting to the point of breaking me and it hadn’t even started yet.

Suddenly the judge’s gavel hit against the wood and most of the people in the room stood up and left; the defendant looking very solemn as he passed by.

“Case 14645D, Mr Michael Bayer versus Mr Corey Taylor; please step forward,” the judges associate called from the front of the room. My legs wobbled and my hands shook and sweated as I stood up, making my way to the defendants desk.

“You are?” the associate asked as I took my place.

“M-M-Miss Vixen Jessica Law,” I stuttered out, swearing I could hear Michael snicker from the side.

“Where is Mr Taylor?” he asked, looking down at me over the top of his glasses.

“He can’t be here today…but I have a letter from him,” I mumbled. Diving into my bag I drew out one of the emails Corey had sent and handed it over. The associate passed it up to the judge who skimmed over it, nodded and told him to proceed.

“You may be seated,” the associate said as he took his place beside the judge. I sat down on the chair, shaking more than I had my entire life.

“Mr Bayer could you please tell the court why you’re here,” the judge said to Michael. Michael stood up, grinned menacingly at me and begun.

“Your honour, I have come here today to seek justice for an unprovoked, anger-fuelled attack which was carried out in front of children in a family environment. This attack left me not only requiring medical attention, but also in fear for my life given the anger-prone history of the defendant,” Michael explained with an air of narcissism. My fists bunched up angrily, he was lying outright! He knew that the attack was completely deserved and provoked and the only child watching was Griffin, so Corey hardly defiled his nature in front of a catholic kindergarten or something. Plus it was one punch; I would be surprised if he needed a single stitch.

“Miss Law, how does Mr Taylor wish to plead to these charges?” the judge turned to ask me. I stood up slowly, taking the other email Corey had sent in my hands.

“Your honour,” I started, my voice wavering. “Mr Taylor wishes to plead not guilty on the basis that the attack was in defence as Mr Bayer threated one of his family members,” I read out loud; not daring to look up once from the printed words in case I missed something or caught the eye of the giant douche in the room.

“And who was that family member?” the judge asked. I froze, blinking at the paper, I was hoping I could read all the answers off the email; I wasn’t prepared to have to speak on a whim.

“Ah…that was me,” I stammered, blushing a deep red. I started to twist the paper in my hands.

“And did you feel threatened by Mr Bayer?” the judge continued. I looked up at him, he had a kind but stern face; he seemed like he would hear the facts before he passed judgement. That made me feel a little better, a little less controlled…but now I had to think back to a memory which I had done my best to forget.

“Um…there have been times in the past where he has threatened me,” I said, it was definitely not a lie, but it was avoiding the question as I honestly couldn’t remember the conversation that took place before Corey hit him – well I was preoccupied with Joey’s presence!

“Was this one of those times?” the judge asked, picking up on my dodging attempt. I looked at the desk, downcast because I knew how this was going to sound.

“I can’t remember your honour,” I replied softly and honestly. I’m sure if Michael had a stereo he’d start blasting “We are the Champions” right at that moment.

“Very well, we will continue with the evidence,” the judge said, turning back to Michael. I sighed, going to sit back down when an idea hit me. After all my years of silent abuse at the hands of Michael, I was in a position better than anyone else to know how his mind worked and what would work against it. I knew if I remained standing here, trying to defend Corey, I would lose the case and feel terrible. But I also knew that if I grew a pair, I could get Corey off the hook and get Michael out of my life once and for all.

“Your honour could I please have a moment with Mr Bayer?” I interrupted as Michael went to expel his abhorrent lies again. The judge eyed me wearily, then nodded.

“Only a short one, we are on a tight schedule Miss Law,” he said. I turned, and held my breath daringly as I glared across at Michael (who was trying to hold back laughter) and strode out of the room. Michael followed me and we stood out in the hallway facing each other.

“What’s wrong snookums, trying to plead for your brother’s freedom?” he cooed condescendingly. “He’s going down you know, I’ve got this in the bag,” he said a-matter-of-factly; folding his arms he leant against the wall casually, an air of absolute arrogance exuding from him. But I wasn’t taking it this time, I was not going to be his guinea pig any more – I’d been free of that for long enough now.

“I’m not so sure about that,” I disagreed, folding my arms as well I stood up straight and stared him down. “You know our past together; you always had the upper hand and did whatever you had to to stay in control of me…well not anymore. I’m telling you right now, if you dare continue this case I will go straight home, get the photo’s Josie took of the night after your 21st where you got a little too drunk and physical, and take them straight to the police station. If someone’s going to go down, it’s going to be you…I will press charges for every little thing you ever put me through, and both you and I know that there’re a hell of a lot of things that could go on that list. You’d be lucky not to rot in jail,” I informed him. He looked like I’d punched him square in the gut; surprise and shock took his features. The last thing he expected was to be put down by me.

“You don’t have pictures,” he tried to sneer, but I could tell he wasn’t sure; he knew Josie always detested him and would’ve done anything to split us up and make him pay for being such an ass.

“Are you willing to take that risk?” I asked smugly. He growled lowly at me.

“You’re going to rot in hell alone you know,” he said.

“Oh I won’t be alone; I’ll be rotting on top of your vile corpse,” I countered with a false grin. Snarling, Michael turned and stormed back into the court room. I followed him back in with a smile on my face…a smile which only increased when he informed the judge that he wished to drop all the charges.

I could’ve danced on the spot; it was my turn to blast Queen from some speakers. Not only had I got Corey off, but I had also defeated my demons – I had conquered the one person whose life mission was to stand on top of me. I felt exuberant as I bounced out of the court house and towards my car. I had to call Corey.

“Guess what?!” I squealed excitedly after he picked up.

“What?!” he squealed in imitation back.

“He dropped the charges!” I yelled; much to the disgruntlement of the people around me, but I was too happy to care about their upturned noses.

“Holy fuck are you serious?!” Corey shouted happily.

“Yes! And only because I’m amazing,” I informed him.

“You must be! Thank you so much, I was fucking worried that shit would go down with you two in the same room,” Corey sounded relived; I can imagine how nerve racking it would’ve been for him to rely on me of all people to get him through this.

“It was fine – great even! Let’s just say I’ve finally got the better of him,” I said, unable to wipe the smile from my face as I crossed the road towards the car park.

“I’m so happy for you Vix…oh and in other news, I have something to tell you,” he said, like he had only just remembered something he had been holding onto for a while.

“Yeah what is it?” I asked; stepping about up onto the foot path.

“It’s just something I want you to know ok?” he was drawing this out, being careful with his wording.

“Ok, go on spit it out!” I laughed.

“Hold your horse’s woman!” he chuckled. “Seriously but…do you remember when we were at the airport leaving for the tour and Uncle Frank pulled me to the side?” he asked. I thought back to the time, but again my memories were mostly consumed by Joey and the fear of having to sit next to him on the plane. But I did kind of remember Corey hanging back with Uncle Frank.

“Yeah vaguely…” I pondered.

“Well he told me that you ‘liked’ one of the guys and made me promise to watch out for you,” Corey said; making me choke a little as I took a breath.

“Are you serious?!” I exclaimed, more than a little embarrassed by Uncle Frank sharing that information. Even though I knew Corey knew how I felt about Joey (or at least had a very good inclining), it was still blush-worthy to admit to your brother that you have a crush on his friend.

“Yeah, but that’s not the thing. I just wanted to say that I did my best to look out for you and I still do, but something’s going to happen soon and it’s not my job to look after you…you’re going to be on your own for this one, but just know that I’ve got your back after it’s all over no matter what decision you make,” Corey said. I paused, putting his words together in my mind…but they really didn’t much any sense to me.

“Corey…you’re confusing the shit out of me,” I told him bluntly; he laughed.

“I know, you’ll get what I mean soon enough,” he said.

“Can’t you just tell me now?” I whined as I fumbled around in my hand bag for my car keys.

“That would ruin it, trust me,” he refused, which I expected, but I still rolled my eyes.

“Fine…I’ve got to go,” I said as I reached the car and unlocked it.

“Ok, thanks again for everything,” he farewelled.

“Not a problem,” I replied, disconnecting the call. I jumped into the driver’s seat, throwing my bag and phone into the back. So all in all; plus one for getting Corey off the hook, plus ten million for putting Michael in his place, minus one for Corey’s confusing information…and plus another one just because I felt good. Today hadn’t been so bad, but I really wondered what the hell Corey was on about with the whole “you have to make this decision alone” thing.

I guess time would tell.
♠ ♠ ♠
nanananananananana-next chapter ;-)

This one was kind of long, hope you didn't get too bored!

Thanks for the comments and everything xo