A Letter to Someone so Close, but so Far Away

Don't Believe That The Weather Is Perfect The Day That You Die

Things I don't understand.

How can you be cool with someone one day and then totally an asshole the next? I mean, I understand that I've given you way too much kindness, and I think you're starting to take that for granted. I don't know what your problem is with me now, and I would love to hear it, however, I do believe that you are too afraid to actually tell me. I told you I was done with the drama, and yet, here you are, starting it again. I'm sick of even getting the feeling of wanting to cry, especially over you. I'm done with it, to be completely honest, and I wish you could see how much you effect me. it shouldn't though. I have no feelings for you to speak of, besides being a friend, so It's nothing like that, so don't let it even cross your mind for a second. I wish that I could understand where you're coming from, however apparently, I can't get my head that far up my ass. I also don't get how you can sit on the phone, speak like you are a complete idiot, when I was trying to talk it out besides punching you in the face. You deserve being punched, however, I hold back. Why? I don't know. I just do. Maybe I'm just so used to it.

Well, here's what I do understand.

I understand that you are a twelve year old little boy, who is just stuck in an older body. I understand that I'm done with holding myself back. I understand that you cannot just have one day without some drama or another. I'm tired of being the one who is bending over backwards to please you. I'm done. I won't do it. I didn't when we were dating, why should I make the effort now?

Let's just get one thing straight. I do not need you in my life, I simply wanted you in it. Which I must say is the most I've wanted in a long time. If you don't want to be in it, that's fine. I'll survive.
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Eh, screw the one shot thing.

I decided to update this. Why, I felt it needed to be done.

I'm done now. I think.