Princess Lupato

The un-allied kingdom of Karamune is at the centre of a magical war.
There are 4 High sorcerers who defend the Kingdom from various attacks of the non-human kingdoms surounding Karamune. Princess Lupato of Faith, Prince Yokatu of Hope, Master Nero of Hate, and Mistress Shaana of Loathing.
With each of the 4 high sorcerers defending the kingdom, there is no way anyone can get in, but it all changes when Yokatu is killed by an attack from a rogue Rock Beast.
Now Keitaro, a low power magician who uses Faith spells, must learn to face his fears and forget his dreams, so that he may defend the kingdom along with the 3 High Sorcerers.
But can Keitaro really ignore the dreams he fought so hard to keep alive?
Can he uncover the secret that is destoying Karamune from the inside?
Can he survive, and keep Karamune alive?
  1. Chapter 1 - The Rogue Beast
    "Is that your final wish, Prince?"