Status: Finished.

Paper Cranes

Chapter Twenty-Three


That night, at exactly 9:43 PM, a searing pain ran through my body. I didn’t call for the nurse, and Cathy had gone home early.

Instead, I managed to move my body enough to reach over to the side of the bed, pulling up a small box which kept four paper cranes safe. With a shaky sigh, I made wishes.

First, I made a wish for Cathy. I wished that she would find that special someone, so that she could adopt a child of her own.

Then, I wished for Kimmy. I had wished that she could find happiness by breaking away from her mother’s restrictive chains.

After Kimmy, I wished for my siblings. I had wished that their lives went according to plan and that one day they’d all get together again, instead of being spread out in the country.

My final wish went to Ryan. That he’d find happiness, because misery was written in his eyes.

I’m not going to say that I felt bad for not wishing for Brendon, even though I did. Of course, there was always the reasoning of Brendon having my first wish.

“Get him to emergency!”

The loud outburst wasn’t what made the box slip from my hands and hit the floor. These were not unusual words in the hospital. What really happened was that my stomach churned and lurched, pain vibrating through my ribs and spine.

Oh, and not to mention that when I heard the gurney roll past my door, I reached for the nearest container (a gift bag - courtesy of my brother, Devin) and vomited everything I had consumed that day, and whatever didn’t digest from the day before.

Fortunately for me, after about ten minutes of puking up acid, I fainted.


“Ellie! Ellie, are you all right? Get up, Hun!”

I can honestly say I was surprised to see sunlight. Actually, I was surprised to see anything.

“Hm?” I groaned, rolling over to face the worried blonde nurse.

“Are you okay? I found your…barf bag.” The look on her face was a mixture of worry and disgust. It was priceless.

“No, I’m completely fine,” I lied. Of course, that makes me a hypocrite. Lovely.

“Did they…tell you?” Cathy asked cautiously.

“Tell me what?” I frowned. I hate when I’m kept in the dark about something I’m obviously supposed to know about.

“Oh, never mind then.” She quickly changed the subject, “I met the most amazing guy last night! We’re going to have lunch today!”

You’ll never understand how happy Cathy looked unless you were looking at her. Her green eyes were the brightest I’ve ever seen them and the sun reflected off of her already glowing skin. I couldn’t help but smile.

“What’s his name?”

She sighed like a high school girl, “Matthew.”

I shook my head, smiling all the while.

“Well, eat up! I’ve got to go check on Brend- I mean, other patients~!” With a nervous laugh she left the room.

She was going to say Brendon, wasn’t she? Brendon’s in the hospital?

Why didn’t anyone tell me?!
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry thiscrappy filler took so long. My internet's flucked up and I'm running on a spotty wireless connection.
I learned a song on bass! Mwaharharharharrrr~!
Emergency Broadcast: THE END IS NEAR!!
(first person to guess where I got that from gets a cookie xP)
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I adore you guys! Seriously, lots of lovicless!