What's Going on in That Pretty Little Head of Yours?

One and Only

I took a deep breath and cleared my mind, which wasn't an easy task, before closing my eyes and focusing on the gorgeous woman sitting across from me. All was silent, just like the other times I tried this. There were only two explanations for why this was happening. The first was that she wasn't thinking at all, which I discovered was rare, even with the dumbest of people. The second explanation was that, somehow, I couldn't get into her mind, which was even rarer. I could get into anyone's mind and read their thoughts. No one was immune to my power.

"Um, Craigey, are you okay?" Mina's voice shot through my head, breaking my concentration.

I opened my eyes and saw a worried look on Mina's face. Her eyebrows were furrowed and her eyes were full of concern.

"I'm fine, Mina," I assured her.

"Are you sure, Craig?" she asked. "Because the last time you spaced out like that, you were high."

"I am not high," I said truthfully. "I was only high once… or twice. Anyways, I'm over that. Being high isn't much fun."

Mina seemed to be satisfied with my response because she let the subject drop. "I think you should take me home, Craig," she said as she set her napkin down. "I'm sick of this place."

"Alright," I said, rising out of my chair "I'll pay and then we can go."

As I went to pay for our diner, I tried figuring out why I couldn't read Mina's mind. I had known her for five years and not once had I been able to read her mind. She was the only person that I could never read. It was quite frustrating, to tell the truth. Maybe she somehow knew about my power and knew how to stop me from reaching into her thoughts. It was unlikely, but it was the only explanation that I had that did not involve radioactivity or magic zebras. Trust me, you don’t want to hear my theory about the zebras….

"Are you ready to go?" I asked Mina once I had returned to the table.

She nodded and gave me a smile.

I grabbed her hand and we went out to the parking lot. I couldn't help but notice how nice the stars looked hanging in the sky. I wanted to pluck one out of the sky and give it to Mina. However, since I didn't have the power to do that, I lead Mina to my car and drove her home. The drive from the restaurant to her house was silent and she didn't say a word until I pulled up in front of her house.

"Do you wanna come inside?" she asked as she gave me a smile.

"Sure," I said. I could never say no to Mina.

I turned off the car and followed Mina into her house. She had barely closed the door when I started kissing her fiercely. I tried pulling down her skirt, but she pulled away.

"What did you do that for?" I asked her.

"We can't have sex in my living room," she replied. "We can have it in my bedroom, however."

I gave her a smile, picked her up and took the familiar path to her bedroom.

The next morning I found myself lying naked next to Mina on her bed. The whole room smelled like sex, which I didn't mind at all. I rolled over to see that Mina was still sleeping. She looked like an angel. I kissed her softly on the cheek and slid out of bed so that I could make her some breakfast.

Even though I couldn't get into her mind, I could get into her heart and body. And that was satisfying enough for me.
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This is a repost of a one shot that I had on Quizilla.

Comments? Criticism? Thoughts?