Status: One Shot - complete

A Girl Called Kill

A Girl Called Kill

I didn’t need the picture, I knew who I was here to meet, but I was still in shock that it was him. Usually I don’t let my work bother me. I just get the job done and spend the money. But this was different. This would be unlike any other job I’d done in my seven years of doing it. This was the first job that had provoked some kind of emotional reaction out of me. This was the first job that my boss had asked if I wanted someone else to take on after my initial reaction. But I assured him that I could still get the job done, for which he was thankful. This was a high paying job and he told me he wanted his best girl on the case, and that girl was me.

So there I was sat in my car in the parking lot behind the bar we knew he’d be drinking in that evening, waiting for him to arrive. I played with my necklace as I watched for him. Don’t mistake this action for nerves. It was something I always did. This was always the boring part; waiting for them to arrive.

I sang quietly along with the song on the radio, stopping abruptly when I saw his black SUV pull into the parking lot. I held my breath as I watched him get out and lock the Escalade. He walked confidently across the car park, sunglasses hiding his eyes. I folded the picture of him and tore it into tiny pieces before putting them into the ashtray and burning them with the end of the cigarette I’d been smoking.

I got out my small compact mirror and checked my makeup and got out of the car, straitening my outfit before walking confidently across to the bar, taking a deep breath as I pulled open the door to walk in. I glanced quickly around the bar and spotted him still at the bar waiting for his drink.

With a sure smile on my face I walked over to the bar and pushed myself onto one of the barstools, purposefully leaving the one next to him open. Both he and the bartender looked up at me as I casually picked up the cocktail menu off the bar and pretending to read it. Out of the corner of my eye I could see him looking at me, so I turned my head and flashed him a sexy smile, which he returned before I went back to choose my cocktail.

“What can I get you miss?” the bartender asked.

I looked up at him, noticing that the man I was here to meet was walking away towards one of the booths.

“Um, I’ll have a Blue Lagoon please.” I said turning back to face the bartender with a smile.

As the bartender prepared my drink I ran over my plan in my head. I’d done stuff like this a thousand times before but this was different, this was someone in the public eye. This would make my job that much harder. I paid the bartender and took a sip of my drink as I contemplated my next move. I looked around the bar, it was virtually empty. There was me, him and the bartender as well as a group of three guys on the other side of the bar playing pool. That was it. I slid slowly off the stool and walked over to a table close to where he was sat. I pretended to read the menus and flyers that were on the table as I slowly sipped my drink. I noticed him glance over at me at least four times; this maybe easier that I first thought.

It was time to make my move, so I opened my purse and took out my pack of Marlboros. I huffed loudly and rolled my eyes as I got up from the table. I purposefully glanced around the bar before making my way over to him. He looked up as I approached and our eyes locked as a smile appeared on his face.

“Um, hi, sorry to bother you, but um, I seam to have forgotten my lighter. Do you have one I could lend?” I asked with a smile and a discreet flutter of the eyelashes. He smiled in return and stood up from his seat, reaching into his pocket as he did.

“Here.” He said simply handing me his Jack Daniels lighter.

“Thanks, I’ll bring it straight back.” I said indicating towards the back door where there was a smoking area.

“Anytime.” He replied flashing me an irresistible smile.

I walked away, making sure I put an extra swing in my hips just in case he was watching. As I smoked I ran over what I was going to say to him in my head. There was one thing I could say for him. At least he was easy on the eyes. There had been more times than I dare count that I’d had to flirt with guys that were unsightly or had the personality of a gnat, at least this one was attractive, that always made the job more pleasurable.

I stubbed out my cigarette and walked calmly back into the bar, walking directly over to him. He looked up, watching me approach, his eyes visibly running over every inch of my body.

“Thanks, um, could I buy you a drink to say thank you?” I asked. A smirk began to cross his lips as he nodded his head.

“Bud?” I asked pointing towards the half empty bottle in his hand.

“Yeah thanks.” He replied.

“I’ll be right back.” I said turning to walk towards the bar, again exaggerating the sway of my hips as I went. I gave the bartender my order and waited patiently.

“I haven’t seen you in here before.” The bartender said as he made my cocktail.

“I’m only in town on business.” I explained with a smile before passing him the money for the drinks.

“Here you go.” I said passing him his bottle of Bud.

“Thanks, um, would you like to join me? Unless you’re meeting someone of course?” he asked. This was what I was hoping for, the chance I needed.

“No, I’m not, thanks.” I said my smile broadening as I slid into the booth opposite him.

“I’m Brian.” he said holding out his hand.

“Most people call me Kill.” I said taking his hand to shake it. He paused, raising his eyebrows with curiosity.

“Just a stupid nickname I’ve had since high school, I can’t even remember how I got it, it just stuck.” I explained with a lie. It wasn’t in high school that I got the name, and if I told him how I got it he would run a mile, and I was getting far too much for this to let that happen.

He shrugged and brought my hand up to his lips and kissed my knuckles.

“Nice to meet you, Kill.” He said, his brown eyes sparkling.

After that the conversation between Brian and I flowed effortlessly and so did the alcohol. By the time Brian was at the bar for his third round of drinks I was pretty confident that I was going to be able to get Brian to come back to my place. His eyes were dark with lust and his hand kept reaching under the table and ‘accidently’ rubbing against my leg.

“Move over.” He said as he returned to the table, placing our drinks on the table and gently nudging me further into the booth.

As I sipped my drink his hand fell on my knee and slowly worked its way up my thigh. I couldn’t help but inhale deeply at his touch. It sent goose bumps over my body. I turned my head to look at him and felt myself gasp as his lips caught mine. His hand came up to the side of my face as his tongue glided into my mouth.

A moan of pleasure escaped my mouth as I pulled away from the kiss.

“Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.” He whispered huskily, looking deeply into my eyes.

“Don’t worry about it, I don’t think I could have held back much longer.” I replied, running my hand up his thigh and tugging gently at the hem of his shirt. He leant across and kissed me again, briefly.

His lips trailed from mine, down to my neck, nipping and sucking gently at the skin. I took a deep breath before talking.

“Um, I don’t usually do this, but do you want to come back to mine?” I asked sounding a little breathless as fingers circled the bare skin on the underside of my tank top. His lips instantly left my neck as he made eye contact.

“Are you sure?” he asked. I nodded, not breaking eye contact.

“Yeah, I want you.” I replied in a whisper.

Without missing a beat, my hand was in his and he was leading me across the bar towards the back door. Halfway across the car lot I stopped him.

“Let’s take my car.” I said pointing over to my car. I watched his eyes widen.

“Nice car.” He stated as he began to walk over to it, my hand still in his.

“Thanks, she’s my baby.” I replied as he examined it, walking around to the passenger door.

The ride to my place was uneventful, filled with chatter about the car as Brian ran his hand up and down the inside of my thigh. If I was honest, just that was enough to get me wet. It was a shame I wasn’t planning on letting him get much further once I had him in my house.

Of course my house wasn’t really my house. It was just a place my boss owned. Somewhere I could go to do my job without having to worry about interfering neighbours. Inside everything was set up as if it was my place. I’d spent the morning making it look like my home.

As I placed my key in the door Brian’s arms wrapped around my waist. I momentarily lost concentration as his hand slipped up my skirt and passed the thin lace material of my underwear, his thumb circling my clit.

I took a deep breath to compose myself enough to let us into the house. No sooner than we were a step inside, Brian had spun my around, slamming the door shut as he pushed us up against it, his hand not once moving from underneath my underwear. He crashed his lips onto mine making me gasp as his fingers slid deeply into me. They curled rapidly inside me as his tongue massaged my own.

An incoherent groan left my lips as I felt myself tighten around him. I pulled away from the kiss, grabbing his face.

“Lets go upstairs.” I whispered breathlessly, his fingers slowing inside me. He nodded silently and slowly pulled his fingers from inside me. Immediately my body seamed to ache to have them back inside me. He took my hand in his again and smirked sexily.

“Show the way.” He said quietly. I pushed myself away from the door and my legs almost gave way. Slowly I led him up the stairs to the bedroom where there was everything I would need.

Once we were in the room I led him over to the bed and sat down on the edge. As he dipped his head to kiss me his eyes glanced to the bed post, or rather to the pair of handcuffs that were hanging on it. The smirk on his face grew as he stretched across to take hold of them.

“Are these for me?” he asked seductively, holding them up with one finger. I smirked back.

“If you’ll let me.” I replied, pulling him by the scruff of his shirt so that his lips were next to mine. I felt him smirk against my lips as our tongues entwined. I fell back on the bed, pulling Brian on top of me. We both frantically pulled each other’s clothes off and once we were both in only our underwear I slowly pushed him away from me.

“Lay down, arms above your head.” I ordered. He was quick to comply and I took the handcuffs from him. I straddled him and lent over to the bedside table to retrieve the key. We maintained eye contact as I secured his arms above his head, attached to the metal bed frame. Under me I could feel his hard, large penis poking my through our underwear. He bucked his hips up at me, the feeling of him, hard; rubbing up against my sensitive, moist opening excited me. That’s when I decided to do something that I never did. I wanted to fuck him. I grabbed the material of his boxers and pulled them roughly over his erection, causing a loud moan to escape. I then grabbed the thin material of my lace underwear and pulled as hard as I could, watching Brian’s eyes widen and darken with lust. I reached back and unclasped my bra, throwing it towards Brian’s face before taking hold of his penis in my hands and slowly guiding it into me, enjoying every inch of it.

I rolled my hips slowly into his, feeling the warm pressure build immediately. I quickened my pace, watching him the entire time. I rocked back and forth on him quicker, feeling myself about to burst. I could see that he was eager to have his hands on me, possibly to rub my clit, possibly to help with my pace.

“Oh Fuck, Kill, I’m close.” He muttered as I felt myself about to hit my peak.

“Me…too” I gasped with a moan as I tightened solidly around Brian, my juices soaking him as I shuddered with immense pleasure.

“Fuck Kill!” he bellowed as I felt him shudder beneath me, spilling up inside me.

As I tried to regain even breaths I lowered myself so that I could kiss him, my hand slipping under the pillow, feeling for the metal that i knew was under there. I felt it cold on my sweaty hand and slowly pulled it out, pointing the barrel at Brian’s forehead, my hand squeezing the trigger. I think it took him a moment to realise what was happening, before his eyes widened in horror.

“I’m sorry.” I muttered truthfully as I applied pressure to the trigger, wincing for the first time on a job as the shot sounded throughout the house and blood splattered across the room, a few spots landing on me.

I closed my eyes and counted to ten. Then, with him still inside me I again leant forward to grab my phone.

“Job’s done, come and clean up.” I said monotonously into the receiver.

“Oh and Karl, this was my last, I want out. I want my money and a new identity by the morning.” I added before hanging up before Karl could argue.

I dropped my phone and the gun on the bed and got up. The guys arrived to clean everything up while I was in the shower. I’d never felt like this after a hit. Why was this different? Was it because that this time my target had been Synyster Gates? I’ll never know.

That wasn’t my last job though. Before I started my new, honest life, I killed the bitch who’d ordered the hit. Killing Michelle Dibenedetto was the single most pleasurable killing of my former career.
♠ ♠ ♠
*Runs and hides*
Sorry guys.....
Tell me what you think, but please don't hate me too much!! :)
