Let's Not Ask Why It's Not Right


The moment was forced. Well, at least it seemed to be forced. It was like when the momma bird pushes the baby bird out of the nest into the big, wide world for the first time. The momma bird being Tim, baby bird being Tyson thus leaving me to be the big, wide world. And I didn’t want to be the big, wide world. If I was going to be anything, then I would be the papa bird yelling ‘what the hell did you do that for!’

We’d reached the dance floor when I snapped back into reality. I guess those glasses of champagne had messed with my mind setting a bit.

Tyson gave a small cough and placed his right hand on my shoulder blade while I slid one of my hands around his side. There was only one thing left to do. Our eyes connected for a brief moment before they went down to our spare hands.

He must have been nervous. His hand was clammy to touch and he looked around the room awkwardly. Thankfully, our fingers didn’t intertwine. Now that would have been awkward. I mean, new step-brother and step-sister holding hands like that while dancing?

Even though there were people talking loudly and music blaring, there was a silence between us. I looked down at the gap between us, noticing that a whole other person could easily fit in there. Oh wait. Strike that. I’m pretty sure the Great Wall of China would fit.

“Lame music, huh?” Tyson said.

His voice kind of scared me. No. It wasn’t scary in the sense of being scared in the middle of the night, but I guess it was just because we hadn’t had a full conversation before.

“Huh? Oh yeah, tell me about it,” I scoffed.

The music was pretty lame. Most of the music I’d never even heard before, probably back from the dark ages knowing my mother.

Tyson gave a chuckle and a soft smile, revealing his perfectly white teeth, “So Kaitlin…”

“Yeah, this is really awkward. Isn’t it?” I said without thinking.

“Just a bit,” he replied with that same smile, “Do you-”

“Mitchy!” A voice called.

I looked away from Tyson and there was my cousin. Brad. Also known as the most awesome cousin in the whole entire world. His blonde hair sitting perfectly upon his head with no doubt the smell of expensive aftershave coming from his body.

I gave a small wave and turned my attention back to Tyson.

“Sorry about him. He’s just a lunatic. What were you saying?” I asked.

“Forget it. It doesn’t matter. Go have fun with him. We’ll talk later,” Tyson muttered.

“Okay. Later. I’ll hold you to that,” I nodded, disconnecting my hand from his.

We both went our separate ways, Tyson back to the table and I over to Brad. He gave me a massive hug and started picking on me just like when we were little kids.

“So, finally found one boy that is repulsed by Kaitlin Mitchell?” Brad asked, taking a sip from his glass.

“You idiot. That’s my new step-brother,” I informed him, hitting his head.

We didn’t end up talking ‘later’. Tyson seemed to keep his distance, almost as if I had the plague. Although we both didn’t talk much, I could tell it wasn’t needed. I think he was cool with me and I knew for a fact I was cool with him. For now at least.
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