Meeting Bill


Ooh…hehe…this is fun. I laid on the couch on my stomach, my head resting on the arm rest. My arms were under my chest and I was holding a remote control in my hand, my thumbs pushing the two knob thingy’s toward each other. While on the floor, a toy car went around in small circles. I don’t know why, but this was really fun. It was amusing to watch the small toy car go around in circles like that. I’ve never had so much fun before!

Another ten minutes of this passed when Bob, who was sitting across the hotel room from me at the table, got fed up and shouted, “Stop it Frank! That’s seriously annoying!”

I turned my head to the side and stuck my tongue out, but stopped nonetheless. I sat up from the couch and crossed my legs, the now useless remote control sitting in my hands. Bob can be such a party pooper sometimes. “Geez, thanks a lot Bob! Now I’m really bored,” I complained.

Bob turned to look at me and opened his mouth to say something when Gerard called from the kitchen, “Oh Frank!”

My head turned at the sound of my name and Gerard was standing in the kitchen at the counter, a plastic bag resting behind him on the counter. “I have something for you!”

I was up off the couch and into the kitchen faster than you can say coffee. “Yes Gee?”

He smiled at me and took something out from behind his back. A kings size bag of Skittles. Yes! Life is good again. I screamed, thanked him, and seized the bag. I turned around and raced back to the couch, nearly crashing into Mikey on the way. “Sorry Mikes,” I said hurriedly and jumped onto the couch and tore open the bag.

Mikey straightened and looked at me before turning to his brother. “Seriously dude? Frank already had like eight cups of coffee earlier, now you got him Skittles?”

Gerard looked at Mikey with an ‘oopsie’ look on his face. Mikey sighed and walked over to the TV and turned it on and then turned on the Xbox. “I really hope that band we’re supposed to be touring with gets here soon. Otherwise it’s gonna get really crazy in here,” Ray quipped from the armchair. I looked over to see him reading a magazine. I hopped off the couch and ran over to the armchair, sitting on the floor in front of it.

Ray raised his magazine to look at me from underneath it. He raised his eyebrow at me and the returned to reading. I stared at him, reaching into the Skittles bag slowly and taking one of the small candies before slowly putting it in my mouth, chewing slowly. I didn’t take my eyes off him once. I’m assuming he felt me staring at him because then he lowered the magazine and stared right back at me. “May I help you Frank?”

In response, my eyes went wide and leaned forward. He looked kinda freaked out. We stared at each other in silence for a few seconds, then…

“Hi Ray!” I shouted and he jumped. He put a hand over his heart and I giggled a little. Instead of giving him another heart attack, I jumped up and ran over to the couch, jumping back onto it. Mikey, who was sitting on the other end, bounced a little as I collided with the couch. I had landed on my chest and I scrambled so that I was sitting up right again. I finished off the bag of Skittles in silence. After it was empty, I peered into it as if it was a telescope, my eye roaming around the inside of it. Then I turned it upside down and shook it a little, thinking that Skittles would appear and come pouring out. Nope, no little candies came out. I crumpled up the bag and pouted. Drat.

Instead of sitting there and feeling sorry for myself, I jumped up again and raced into the kitchen. I threw the empty bag away and ran over to the plastic bag where Gerard had left it on the counter. I stood on my tip toes and stuck my head in, hoping Gerard had gotten multiple bags. Nope. Grrr.

I turned away from the bag, now really bored. I looked over at Gerard who was sitting at the small kitchen table, drawing in his sketch book. I figured that I shouldn’t bother him while he’s drawing. He doesn’t like it when someone bothers him while he’s drawing. Then I spotted Mikey on the couch, he had surrendered the Xbox control over to Ray. Hmmm…

I ran over to the couch and jumped on it again, the poor couch. It’s been getting jumped on a lot lately. I laid my feet on his lap and stared at him with a huge goofy grin on my face. He turned his head to me and I opened my mouth to shout something random when there was a knock on the door. Bob hopped up from the chair he was sitting at and went to answer the door. I took my feet off of Mikey’s lap and perched up on the couch, sitting on my knees.

I heard Bob greet the newcomers at the door and then footsteps walking across the hardwood floor and then Bob appeared with four guys behind him. Mikey looked up as well and Ray paused the game and turned his head to look at them as well. Even Gerard got up from the kitchen table with the sketch book under his arm to come see who was here.

There were four tall guys in all. One had blond wavy hair and brown eyes. Another one had shoulder length brown hair and brown eyes. Another had blondish dreads pulled back in a ponytail with brown eyes. And the last had spiky black hair like a lion’s mane and brown eyes. Dreads and Lion Boy looked like twins. What? I don’t know what their names are.

Bob held his hand out towards the new guys but kept his eyes on us. “Guys, this is Bill and Tom Kaulitz who are twins,” Dreads and Lion Boy, “Gustav Schafer,” blond dude, “and Georg Listing.” They all waved at the sound of their name.

Then Bob turned to them and pointed at each of us in turn. “Gerard Way.”

“Hey,” Gee said with a wave.

“Mikey Way,” Bob pointed to Mikes. “Gee and Mikes are brothers.” Mikey gave a small wave.

“Ray Toro.”

“Hey!” Ray called happily.

“And that’s Frank Iero,” Bob said with a glare at me that said ‘don’t go all crazy and torment these poor boys with your hyperness.’ I just ignored him and smiled at them with all my teeth. The other guys smiled at each of us before taking seats around the room.

“So what band are you guys in?” Gerard asked as he sat down at the table next to Georg and Bob.

“We’re in a band called Tokio Hotel,” Tom answered in a thick accent from his spot on the other couch next to Gustav.

“You have a thick accent,” Mikey pointed out. “Where are you guys from?”

“We’re from Germany,” Bill said from between me and Mikes.

“That’s really cool,” Gee said with a smile. “And it sounds as if you don’t have an accent at all on the CD.”

Bill shook his head no, agreeing with Gee. Then we all lapsed into silence. We still had another hour to kill before we had to leave to go to our bus to start the tour. Once again bored, I turned to Bill on the couch. Woah, he had really big hair…

I reached a hand out and poked his hair. Hehe, it feels all stiff. I poked it a few more times until Bill grew curious and turned to me with an eyebrow. We stared at each other for a few minutes until I said, “I like your hair.”

“Thanks,” Bill said with a smile.

“It feels all stiff,” I pointed out.

“Yeah, I have to put lots of gel in it to make it stay like this.”


“Because otherwise it won’t stay like that.”



“Frank!” Bob shouted from the table. Both mine and Bill’s heads turned to look at him. “Leave Bill alone or no more Skittles for a week!”

“Aw but Bobbert!” I shouted and ran over to hop on his lap. “You know you love me!” I then planted a big wet kiss on his bearded cheek.

“Frank! How many times do I have to tell you to not do that!” Bob then tried to grab me but I jumped up and ran away, giggling hysterically the whole time. He chased me around the entire hotel room.

When we ran through the living room, I heard Georg ask Gerard, “Is Frank gonna be all hyper like this on the tour?”

“Nope,” Gerard whispered bag. “He’ll be worse.”

Hehe, this is gonna be a fun tour.
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Comments? Should I make another one?