Status: Perfect

Everything We Had

3 Years Later

I can't get away from him and they won't leave me alone. Who am I talking about? Who do you think? William and his band mates. They call me up nonstop and always try to find me so they could see me again, but I never want to see them again. Especially William. Now, don't get me wrong. I miss them from time to time, but I just hate William for breaking my heart. I loved him and he was just too busy to love me back. I mean that night was our three year anniversary and he came home piss ass drunk. That was the last straw and I left, but now he wants me back. Can you really heal a broken heart with meaningless apologies? I think not and I'm not letting him break my heart again.

Today is my twenty-third birthday and I was so excited. All of my friends were here and no worries. Hell, everything was going find and no sign of William, but you shouldn't jinx it by saying that. It's spring and I was wearing a beautiful sun dress that matched my light green cake.

As I fixed my hair in the mirror near the front door, the door beer rang and I told the person to hold on one moment. I was thinking that it was going to be one of my friends who was running late, but when I opened the door I saw William holding a small green box with a white bow on it. Everything was fine until I saw him again. Seeing his face just brought back the old memories especially since he looked the same as when I left him. My happiness had disappeared only to be replaced by anger and sorrow.

"Happy Birthday, Niki." he said as if he knew that I was going to yell at him. Boy did he know me well because that's basically what I did. "What are you doing here?" I asked in disgust.

"I know, I just thought I'd surprise you." he told me while walking in and holding out the gift. "And I got this for you."

"Leave, William. I don't want you in my house." I told him with a stern voice.

"Come on, Niki. Let me stay. I even bought you a gift." he told me.

"I don"t give a shit!" I told him while knocking the present out of his hand and starting to cry, "I want you out of my house now!"

"Stop being such a bitch, Niki. You were never like this until that night we broke up." he told me in a monotone voice, I could tell he was starting to become aggravated.

"I'm only acting like a bitch because you broke my fucking heart that night. It was our three year anniversary, Will. Three-fucking-years gone because you couldn't leave some room for your girlfriend. What if we had a family, William? How the hell could you care for your child when you couldn't even care for me?" I yelled. "How would you be a good father when you couldn't be there for your child's birth or when he said his first word?"

I covered my mouth and started to tear up as I realized I have said too much. It was true. I was pregnant when I left him and I knew it wouldn't make a difference if I did tell him. He was too drunk to care.

"Niki, calm down and tell me what you mean. You're talking to me as if I've been a bad father. You know me well enough to know I'd do all I could to take care of both of you. I would be there for Billy if you would've let me." he told me while holding me. I was truely confused on how he knew he had a son when I ignored him and haven't talked to him in three years.

"How-how did you know?" I stuttered.

"Nina told me that you were pregnant a couple days after you left. I wanted to show you that I can be a good father, if you gave me the chance. Please let me be in his life." he pleaded while looking in my greenish-blue eyes with his dark brown ones.

I swolled hard, trying to calm myself down and all of a sudden heard the sound of little foot steps signifying that our son was coming. Thinking about how horrible it would be to live without a father, I decided to forgive him and give him a chance.

"Fine, I'll give you a chance to prove you can be a good father." I told him.

"Thank you so much, Niki. I promise I'll be the best father ever and I'll be the best boyfriend ever." he told me before giving me a kiss.

"Daddy, you came." little William Eugine Beckett the fourth said excitedly.

"Wouldn't miss your mother's birthday for the world." he said before picking up our son.

If we didn't have something before, we now have everything.
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Sorry if it's really bad. I wrote this one shot a couple years ago and never really posted it until now. I hope you like it. Comments would be appriciated