‹ Prequel: The Dead Town

My Sunshine

I'm Just Insane.

'You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are gray. You'll never know, dear, how much I love you. You can't take my sunshine away...'

I never thought I'd be sitting in this car, driving down this road. Never had the thought crossed my mind that what we had been doing wasn't exactly legal. I didn't know RJ would be thrown in jail for basically kidnapping us. I never thought that people would actually take Zacky away from me.

Zack was gone. He'd been adopted only days after we had been put into a home. I had sat there and basically rotted away before some family decided to adopt me.

I didn't want to be adopted, there was no need.

I just couldn't believe they had taken away the only good I had left in my life. They took my best friend, the friend I'd finally gotten back. They took my little brother, the only family I had left. They took away my vampiric teddy bear, my safe haven, the person I could go to with almost anything. And they took away Aidan. There were no words to explain what Aidan meant to me. When Zack stood as first place in my heart Aidan was only inches behind.

Tears ran down my face and I wiped them away before my foster parents could see. I looked down at the wet spots the tears had already made on my plain, old jeans with shame. I shouldn't be crying. It's been nearly a year.

I had cut my long hair, it now hung in many choppy layers to my chin. I had never liked short hair much, but I figured I might as well become a new person.

I hated how empty I felt without Zack and Aidan and Bree... or RJ. I missed them all so much. Sometimes I could sit there for hours and just think about them, hope they had it better than me. Hope that RJ didn't have it too bad. Hope that Zacky's new family was treating him better than I ever could've. Hope that Aidan was as free as he'd always strived to be, he had to be old enough to be on his own by now. Hope that Bree wasn't too sad without her brother. Most of all I hoped that none of them were as empty as I was now.

Thunder rolled and I jumped as the car stopped in front of a gigantic house. You could call it a mansion.

"Rose...? Are you okay?" It was a soft voice that sounded like it could easily comfort me. I shook my head from he thought instantly though. I didn't need comfort, in a way it was my fault. At least in my mind it was.

The councilors had told me over and over that I couldn't have stopped my parents deaths. That it wasn't my fault that horrible man (I wasn't sure if he meant RJ or not) kidnapped all of us. I think they were all stupid, because no matter now many times I told him that I had gone with Aidan by choice he would always say that I had Stockholm Syndrome or that I had been drugged or something insane like that. They'd never understand, and I accepted it eventually.

My door opened as the voice sounded once again, "Rose, honey, we're home now." I only nodded before stepping out in the rain, refusing the umbrella they were trying to hand me. I sighed before pulling my backpack onto my shoulder and trudging up the sidewalk into the house before me.

As Bridget showed me my room and left me to unpack my things I opted to just sit in the window seat and watch the rain. A figure ran through the rain, too quickly for it to be a human and I gasped as the figure looked strait up at me. I backed away from the window as the familiar face showed right before my eyes.

I knew it was impossible for him to be here. I had to be delusional.

Vampire's can't come back from the dead. Could they?

That's what I kept telling myself as I got ready for bed. As I got ready to dream of what used to be. To reminisce in the moments where Aidan and I had been close, where I had laughed with Zack, where I had poked fun at Bree... where I had comforted RJ. Lightening lit my room eerily and I told myself I just imagined the silhouette of a man I had tried to forget months ago.

I was going insane without...them and there was no denying it.
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If there are any mistakes please please tell me! I just wrote it one here because I'm too lazy to pull up word. >.<